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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Easy Lane wanting to all in
Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Trist laning isn't as bad as people think and playing in low elo you can abuse trist huge level 2 power spike, because most players low elo don't have any idea how much damage trists level 2 does.
In the worst match ups try to to get shoved under tower to hard, try to shove as much as the enemy bot lane is trying to, to keep the wave out of tower, last hitting under tower as trist is a pain.
Also lookg to base with 1300 gold as stormrazor build path sucks if not then kircheis shard refil control ward.
In the worst match ups try to to get shoved under tower to hard, try to shove as much as the enemy bot lane is trying to, to keep the wave out of tower, last hitting under tower as trist is a pain.
Also lookg to base with 1300 gold as stormrazor build path sucks if not then kircheis shard refil control ward.
Mid Game
Make sure you are always looking at map and where the enemy jungler is and could possibly be if you haven't seen them in awhile.
After getting tower should transition into top or mid, top better if you are playing for rift but if drag is up mid is much better option.
try to always catch waves and keep up last hitting minion try to at least get over 7 cspm. Can also look for picks on trist with W as can catch people with bad position or rotating between lanes really easily.
Stormrazor IE has a massive power spike and can 1v1 most ADCS in mid game utilizing trists kit well.
After getting tower should transition into top or mid, top better if you are playing for rift but if drag is up mid is much better option.
try to always catch waves and keep up last hitting minion try to at least get over 7 cspm. Can also look for picks on trist with W as can catch people with bad position or rotating between lanes really easily.
Stormrazor IE has a massive power spike and can 1v1 most ADCS in mid game utilizing trists kit well.
Late Game
As Trist passive you can range per level so late in the game you have insane range and always use rapidfire cannons passive to poke enemy unless clearing waves.
With Q you can shred most champs and should be able to reposition easily if you get caught out or out of position.
Look to pick off squishys and not jump straight in to enemy with W.
With Q you can shred most champs and should be able to reposition easily if you get caught out or out of position.
Look to pick off squishys and not jump straight in to enemy with W.
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