Permaban this Champ if you are diamond+. They are beyond broken rn and riot refuses to do anything.
Master Yi
This champ is completely broken rn maybe worth asking for ban in lower elo's where his pickrate is higher. Dodge in higher elo's
High pickrate rn really strong almost worth asking for ban.
Really broken champ hard matchup if you are not running dark harvest.
This champ can run you down early with invades. If you can survive for the first 5 minutes of the game this champ is not that dangerous. Would consider dodging if doesn't look won from select in higher elo's.
One of our worst matchups but is still winnable. Have to avoid him early and pick up objectives. Counterganks are winning a majority of the time.
Will 1 tap your entire team then rewind back to full hp. Need to end games fast when playing vs ekko as not even nunu can outsmite him later in the game.
New items made them one of the strongest jungler in the game. This champ is similar to kindred as whoever gets a lead will 1v9 the game.
Xin Zhao
They are really strong rn can run you down in jg and cancels your ult really easily. Consider taking bone plating over conditioning when playing vs xin. Thornmail rush is good into him.
Lee Sin
He is really good into Nunu and has a really high pickrate. Watch out for early invades from him. Can look to bait him under tower when low with his q then snowball to stop his q2.
Clear from blue buff down when facing rengar. They will look to invade you on your blue side if you start red a majority of your games. Your goal is to avoid him solo pre lvl 6. Dodging is also a good option if you see rengar locked in.
Can be really annoying with invades. Don't let him farm free form pts off you and try to create a lead while he is still in base form. Blue form is really strong rn because of the new assassin items.
Champ is turbo broken. Really high pickrate in higher elo's. 50/50 if you can win.
Champ is really annoying to play vs when behind they will normally look to invade your blue side after a 3 camp clear of their red side.
Even though I consider this a good matchup for us this champ is completely overtuned. In fights where you are not engaging hug your team and wait for him to e in. You can interrupt his e with your w to peel your team. Go Liandry's instead of Riftmaker into Zac.
Consider dodging if it doesn't look like a won game from champ select. Even if you win the game you will not have fun.
Ignore your top laner if they are against fiora unless you are already in the area and you see her just use her w.
The higher elo you are in the more dangerous this champ is for you. Her early clear sucks now so try to punish her early. If she gets ahead this matchup is really hard to come back from.
If he gets an early lead the game can become hard but if you go even with him the game becomes mostly free.
Can run you down in mid game if you are not careful but mostly an easy matchup if they are not super ahead.
Jarvan IV
Can be difficult if you fall behind. Not worth banning in current state.
Doesn't get played very much but completely negates damage from your w.
Can be annoying with his stun canceling your ult but this matchup is pretty easy if you go even.
Can be annoying with her black shield and infinite cc q. This champ can be annoying in support role but if they are jungle it is an easy win for you.
swap to blue ward later when playing against fiddle. Can shotgun him with your w to cancel his heal. If you lose to fiddle it's support gap.
Can be hard to deal with early game. Later in the game give her a hug while your team deals with her so she doesn't devour your entire team. Make sure to eat her ult if it will hit your team and run away to not fear them then run back in.
More of a threat on EUW than NA because of pickrate. There is some nice tec with this matchup where you can roll your snowball at him then let go of w and use your e to proc his spell shield knocking him up.
This champ is useless after 15 minutes. Don't get run down early by him and always make sure to face him when fighting.
Can be dangerous early but this is one of our best matchups.
This is one our best matchup. Can 1v1 her at most points in the game.
Twisted Fate
Can roam easily with you post 6 to create plays on the map with his ult
Nunu has a nice aoe knockup to play with yasuo's ult.
1 million ms. Will occasionally give you a level but nobody plays this champ.
Good support to have when playing nunu as they can black shield you when going in to always be able to land snowball.
His ult will speed up our snowball very fun engages.
Twisted Fate
Can roam easily with you post 6 to create plays on the map with his ult
Nunu has a nice aoe knockup to play with yasuo's ult.
1 million ms. Will occasionally give you a level but nobody plays this champ.
Good support to have when playing nunu as they can black shield you when going in to always be able to land snowball.
His ult will speed up our snowball very fun engages.
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