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Janna Build Guide by TheRaggedCapXoX

Support Janna Guide to success (Goddess of ****Blocking)

Support Janna Guide to success (Goddess of ****Blocking)

Updated on June 15, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheRaggedCapXoX Build Guide By TheRaggedCapXoX 3,939 Views 0 Comments
3,939 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheRaggedCapXoX Janna Build Guide By TheRaggedCapXoX Updated on June 15, 2016
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Aight boys.I'm actually a Janna main. So ,I guess i know a bit on this chastity belt of a champion that riot created for us ,fun scrapper.
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Items and Skills

As far as items go it's pretty standard support items you know you can't really be that creative.... BUT ! OUR QUEEN comes with the best survival kit any boyscout could ever wish for: A tornado anoying enough to make yasuo say **** the wind, a w which gives her enough speed to outrun all the people chasing your virgin ***, a shield which is so stupidly big it makes you wonder if she's trying to compensate for the very little amount of clothing she is wearing and finaly the ultimate, this thing is literally the equivalent of getting punched in the nutsack while you're about to blow your load. WHICH MEANS !!! GET MEJAI'S ITS GREAT (unless you are actually a feeder then just don't)
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Team Work (hehe xd)

So by now you should know what you have to do, in case you don't lemme break it down for you. You've got to behave like a ten years old who gets to sit on santa's lap and don't want to share the experience... Aight I know this may sound confusing, it isn't tho. Your adc is santa, you are a 10 years old, the ennemy team wants a turn to sit on bigboy's lap. BUT YOU AIN'T BOU THAT ****. So you flip them the **** over with your q , you push them the **** off with your ult, you use your e to gain more time with santa(this is your milk and cookie get the fat man to stick with you) and you must use your w to slow down these hungry 13 years olds.
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Remember to cancel people's dashes...
jarvan's swagflag'n'drag, the blind man disco/tango combo, the bug taking flight and such.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheRaggedCapXoX
TheRaggedCapXoX Janna Guide
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Janna Guide to success (Goddess of ****Blocking)

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