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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
So, here I am, talking about myself in a guide on Mobafire... I've been playing League of Legends since summer 2011 and ever since I have felt the love towards
Jarvan IV. I'm not a high ranked player of any kind, and some of you may have noticed some of my annoying or silly comments already here on Mobafire. I'm glad.
I like to play
Jarvan IV how I think he excels best, as a tanky monster:
Pantheon, he is a very welcome addition to any team providing a knockup, a slow, a buff for the team, a lockdown, and Demacian balls of steel.
I would like to add that a downvote only because of
items or
masteries would sadden me, if you haven't tried it out yet. I know, I may put a few (seemingly) unexpected item and mastery choices. However, this is the way I play
Jarvan IV and how he brings me success. I will explain them further on in this guide.
Still didn't find out why this guide is called like this? Click the spoiler!
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I like to play

- tanky: because of its items.
- monster: the way I, and hopefully you later too, play him.

I would like to add that a downvote only because of

Still didn't find out why this guide is called like this? Click the spoiler!

A tanky monster, you say? In order to become a tanky monster, one must hit like a beast and absorb loads-a damage.
I have chosen for a mixture of offensive and defensive masteries, with a utility-touch. It serves my role best as beasty and monstruous

The offensive masteries help you the same way the Greater Mark of Armor Penetration help you: making sure those attacks of yours penetrate and hurt your foes! The extra attack speed bonus from

The defensive masteries help you with:
- Health regen
- Armor
- Health
- Reduced slow-effectiveness
- Damage reduction
- Reduced slow effectiveness
- Tenacity (= AWESOME)



Greater Mark of Armor Penetration |
Greater Mark of Armor Penetration Making sure your attacks, as well as ![]() |
![]() |
![]() The standard Seal when laning against an AD-bruiser like ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
![]() We want to be a tanky beast. Armor alone doesn't make you a tanky beast, you'll also need magic resist. Therefore I take these babies. The scaling ones are better for lategame purposes. |
![]() |
![]() I like these Quintessences because it gives you a huge movement speed bonus, combined with your ![]() |
Other options
As stated before, this is how I play
Jarvan IV. There are plenty of other viable options and sometimes it depends on your opponent as well.
As stated before, this is how I play

When I'm toplaning with dear Prince Slayvitam, I always take
Teleport and
Other Summoner Spells:

![]() |
My personal need for ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
In my opinion, this summoner spell is just very, very valuable. It increases your initiation even more and it improves the likeliness of not getting ganked/getting away. Superuseful. |
Other Summoner Spells:
Barrier - Could be good, but we already have a shield! Therefore, the other options are more viable.
Clairvoyance - Leave this for your support. You already have
Demacian Standard for scouting as well.
Clarity - I'm not even gonna explain. Don't take it.
Cleanse - Even if I'm up against a heavy CC team, I'd still take
Teleport and
Flash. People might disagree, but
Cleanse doesn't satisfy my Summoner Spell needs.
Exhaust - Not my favorite on
Jarvan IV.
Flash has more uses, and with your knockup, ulti and slow you can already shut down an enemy AD Carry more often than this spell can.
Ghost - More useful for a champion like
Olaf. It's not as useless as
Clarity, but it doesn't provide good synergy with
Jarvan IV in my opinion.
Heal - I wouldn't recommend this. If you're getting low on health, play more defensive and regen or go to base.
Ignite - Many people take this, rather than
Teleport. Although at least one
Ignite is much needed in a 5-player team, the mid champion or ADC can get this.
Revive - Kinda useless in my opinion, due to its insane cooldown.
Smite -
Jarvan IV in the jungle takes this. Toplane
Jarvan IV doesn't.
Mousing over the icon of the skill reveals the official skill description. In orange is its short description in my words. In white is an extended description.

Martial Cadence - Passive
You deal a percentage (6%, 8%, 10%) of the target's health as physical damage with your first basic attack.
The first attack you land on an enemy deals an additional %-health damage. This is a BRUTAL passive, adding a lot of damage to 1 hit pokes. (Indeed, it looks like

Dragon Strike - Q
A damage dealing and armor reducing skillshot.
This ability is fairly straightforward. You aim, click and

Also, if the lance hits his

Golden Aegis - W
An instant personal shield + slow around

Hit W and you get a temporary shield which absorbs every sort of damage. The amount it absorbs increases by the number of enemy champions surrouding you. (Use this in teamfights for maximum effectiveness!) Added to this, it also slows surrounding enemies for 2 seconds.

Demacian Standard - E
Passive: grants


This one got nerfed with the 3.04 patch, granting less benefits to the team. Its uses come from the attack speed passive and the scouting possibilities. The passive is a pain for heavy AD's like

Note: friendly champions can

Cataclysm - R

(Oh, he also shouts DEMACIAAAAA!!!!!!!!!)
There's a special chapter devoted to using

The first skill I take is always

- It's a great scouting tool for invading/countering invaders;
- The first level gives you an armor and attack speed boost, giving you a small advantage from level 1 over your top-lane opponent;
- If you decide to invade, it helps your team securing kills with the attack speed buff;
- Putting it next to your jungler when he starts with his first buff helps him/her with attack speed for 8 seconds.
Then at level 2 I take

At level 3 I take

Then I level up

In the last games I played

I normally go back when I have gathered ~600 gold. I get the

These purchases can vary according to several game changes, like:
- You are bullying your opponent so fast that you are pushing your lane. You see him recalling. Now it would be wise to push your lane, let their turret kill your minions and recall fast to get a
Doran's Blade and run back, saving your
- You get an effective early game gank. Maybe you feel strong and don't need
Teleport to go back to your own lane after you recall. At this time it could be useful to
Teleport to bot lane for a surprise party with your jungler: an early game 4vs2 is not fun for the enemy team.
Note: make sure to communicate with bot lane, let opponents push and such, otherwise you might not get 2 kills which would be a pity and waste ofTeleport
- You get ganked. This should never happen. Hitting level 2 brings you your powerful
Demacian Standard+
Dragon Strike-combination and you still have your
Once you have obtained

These 3 items are always my next choices. Normally, after obtaining boots,

In case you did not know yet: the combination of

Trinity Force brings you tons of damage, it has so many uses and we benefit from all of them.
Randuin's Omen gives us the tankiness and health pool we need to (off-)tank during the game. The active slow is useful for chases and the passive is super if you get focused by their AD Carry.
In some matches, you have to build according to the enemy team's setup:
AGAINST AD-HEAVY TEAMSIf we're laning against an AD opponent, we want to build some armor. Just to make sure you can take some hits and to make sure exchanges with your ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
AGAINST AP-HEAVY TEAMSIn some cases, you are up against a ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The remaining 2 items of your build are situational. Take a look at both teams: does your team have a tank? Does the enemy team have insane damage? It all comes down to the following question:
Do you need extra tankiness or extra damage?
EXTRA TANKINESSSo we want some extra tankiness because your team is lacking a tank, or the opposing team has huge amounts of damage. My advice is to take either one of the above: ![]() ![]() |
EXTRA DAMAGESo our team already has a tank, or we are tanky enough as it is: we want extra damage! Even though both of the above items are core AD Carry items, they work well on ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |

The Q+E combination is one of the strongest combinations of two skills in the entire League, provided that it's being executed well. This combination makes you very hard to gank. It has, just like
Cataclysm (see next chapter), many awesome uses. These uses will be explained below.
(Note, if I mention the DS&DS-combination, it (obviously...) means I'm talking about the
Demacian Standard+
Dragon Strike-combination.)
The first epic use for the DS&DS-combination is that it's a great getaway tool. You can use it to get over ANY bush and you can cover a huge amount of terrain. If you find yourself in trouble, lure the opponents to surround you and get out over a bush or wall. You will be incredibly hard to catch. If they happen to catch you anyway, you still have chances of escaping thanks to your slow (
Golden Aegis), lockdown (
Cataclysm) and/or
Flash. Plus: you might survive the beating you get thanks to your tankiness and be able to perform another DS&DS-combination.
Evading a gank is fairly easy, depending on which champion is ganking you. Normal 'gank-evasive'-rules apply (such as dodging skillshots, like
Bandage Toss) but added to that you can be near your turret fast enough to prevent the ganker and your lane opponent from killing you. Keep in mind that you often have an option: do I use DS&DS-combination to get back to my turret asap? Or do I use it to knock-up the jungler and get away via river or jungle so I can unite with my jungler. Don't forget your
Golden Aegis works countering ganks as well!
You're a slippery bastard if you remain calm enough to pull out these getaways. You will bring a smile on the faces of your teammates and you let your enemy team cry and go mental on each other for not being able to grab you.
I have explained the poking above in the Abilities Sequence-chapter:
In some cases, you are the only tanky bastard in your team. Don't be afraid, because
Jarvan IV can take a beating. However, in these cases, your team needs to pay attention closely to your moves: you're still not a true tank. You might want to poke, rather than initiate, and you use your DS&DS-combination to do so: try to avoid this. Let the other (preferably) ranged champions in your team poke the enemy team, don't burn your cooldowns on the DS&DS-combination in order for you to initiate a fight.
Another great use of the DS&DS-combination is the gap closing potential it offers; especially combining it with
Flash and
Cataclysm. Use this to pick out squishies on the enemy team who are stupid enough not to go back to base while they're low on health.
So, what happens if you land the DS&DS-combination on an enemy? That's right: it knocks them in the air. If you are up against an enemy team with a
Katarina, wait for her to pop
Death Lotus and just deny her from dealing insane amounts of damage. This also works for other ultimates, like
Idol of Durand. It doesn't help against
Ravenous Flock or
When a teamfight breaks out, in some cases it can be useful to use your super DS&DS-combination to cause intense chaos. If you can use it to knock-up 4 or 5 enemy champions, in many cases they forget about dealing damage and start retreating.
Jarvan IV is good at creating chaos with this combination, together with
Cataclysm. Just make sure you don't scare your own team...

(Note, if I mention the DS&DS-combination, it (obviously...) means I'm talking about the

Getting away / evading ganks / being a slippery bastard
The first epic use for the DS&DS-combination is that it's a great getaway tool. You can use it to get over ANY bush and you can cover a huge amount of terrain. If you find yourself in trouble, lure the opponents to surround you and get out over a bush or wall. You will be incredibly hard to catch. If they happen to catch you anyway, you still have chances of escaping thanks to your slow (

Evading a gank is fairly easy, depending on which champion is ganking you. Normal 'gank-evasive'-rules apply (such as dodging skillshots, like

You're a slippery bastard if you remain calm enough to pull out these getaways. You will bring a smile on the faces of your teammates and you let your enemy team cry and go mental on each other for not being able to grab you.
Poking / initiating / gap closing
I have explained the poking above in the Abilities Sequence-chapter:
"Hit your opponent with
Demacian Standard, aim your
Dragon Strike towards the opponent (and if you do this fast enough, also the
Demacian Standard), knock your opponent in the air, land an auto-attack (in order to proc your passive
Martial Cadence) and walk away."

In some cases, you are the only tanky bastard in your team. Don't be afraid, because

Another great use of the DS&DS-combination is the gap closing potential it offers; especially combining it with

Interrupting abilities and ultimates / creating chaos in the enemy team
So, what happens if you land the DS&DS-combination on an enemy? That's right: it knocks them in the air. If you are up against an enemy team with a

When a teamfight breaks out, in some cases it can be useful to use your super DS&DS-combination to cause intense chaos. If you can use it to knock-up 4 or 5 enemy champions, in many cases they forget about dealing damage and start retreating.

This is the biggest reason why

Cataclysm RULE
There are many ways to use

You can REMOVE the Arena you created by pressing the R-button again after casting it.
It can happen in any game at any time that you, somehow, executed a fail-

So, what else do we need to know before using

I have made a list of champions and their ability which makes the arena of

(Note 1: if it says enemy target below, it means it's an enemy target for the described champion and a friendly target for you!)
(Note 2: even if a champion can get out, in some cases it could still be useful to

Ahri: she can get out with her ultimate,
Spirit Rush. No target needed.
Akali: she can get out with her ultimate,
Shadow Dance. Enemy target needed.
Alistar: he can get out with
Headbutt. Enemy target needed.
Amumu: he can get out with
Bandage Toss. Enemy target needed.
Caitlyn: she can get out with
90 Caliber Net. No target needed.
Corki: he can get out with
Valkyrie. No target needed.
Diana: she can get out with her ultimate,
Lunar Rush. Enemy target needed.
Elise: she can get out with
Cocoon / Rappel when she's in spider form. Enemy target needed. (she can just wait for 2 seconds as well. Cataclysm lasts 3,5 seconds. Still could be worth it!)
Ezreal: he can get out with
Arcane Shift. No target needed.
Fiddlesticks: he can get out with his ultimate,
Crowstorm. No target needed.
Fiora: she can get out with
Lunge, as well as her ultimate,
Blade Waltz. In both cases: Enemy target needed.
Fizz: he can get out with
Urchin Strike. Enemy target needed. AND with
Playful / Trickster. No target needed.
Graves: he can get out with
Quickdraw. No target needed.
Hecarim: he can get out with his ultimate,
Onslaught of Shadows. No target needed.
Irelia: she can get out with
Bladesurge. Enemy target needed.
Jarvan IV: he can get out with the knock-up combination. No target needed. AND with his ultimate,
Cataclysm. Enemy target needed.
Jax: he can get out with
Leap Strike. Enemy target needed. OR Friendly target needed.
Jayce: he can get out with
To The Skies! / Shock Blast. Enemy target needed.
Kassadin: he can get out with his ultimate,
Riftwalk. No target needed.
He's probably the most stupid target for yourCataclysm if he's beyond level 6.
Katarina: she can get out with
Shunpo. Enemy target needed. OR Friendly target needed.
Kha'Zix: he can get out with
Leap. No target needed.
LeBlanc: she can get out with
Distortion. No target needed.
Lee Sin: he can get out with
Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike. Enemy target needed. OR with
Safeguard / Iron Will. Friendly target needed.
Leona: she can get out with
Zenith Blade. Enemy target needed.
Malphite: he can get out with his ultimate,
Unstoppable Force. No target needed.
Maokai: he can get out with
Twisted Advance. Enemy target needed.
Master Yi: he can get out with
Alpha Strike. Enemy target needed.
Nidalee: she can get out with
Bushwhack / Pounce. No target needed.
Nocturne: he can get out with his ultimate,
Paranoia. Enemy target needed.
Pantheon: he can get out with his ultimate,
Grand Skyfall. No target needed.
Renekton: he can get out with
Slice and Dice. No target needed.
Rengar: he can get out with
Unseen Predator. Enemy target needed.
Please note that this is only possible if you trapped him in the bushes.Riven: she can get out with
Broken Wings. No target needed.
Sejuani: she can get out with
Arctic Assault. No target needed.
Shaco: he can get out with
Deceive. No target needed.
Shen: he can get out with
Shadow Dash. No target needed. AND with his ultimate,
Stand United. Friendly target needed.
Please note that his ultimate works on the etire map, so if 1 of his friendly units is alive, he can already get out with this. It's not likely he will use his ultimate for this though.Shyvana: she can get out with her ultimate,
Dragon's Descent. No target needed.
Talon: he can get out with Cutthroat. Enemy target needed.
Thresh: he is a PAIN for your
Cataclysm, if he puts his
Dark Passage in there for his teammates. Other than that, he can get out with
Death Sentence (he has to activate it twice). Enemy target needed.
Tristana: she can get out with
Rocket Jump. No target needed.
Tryndamere: he can get out with
Spinning Slash. No target needed.
Twisted Fate: he can get out with his ultimate,
Destiny. No target needed.
Urgot: he can get out with his ultimate,
Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser. Enemy target needed.
Vi: she can get out with
Vault Breaker. No target needed. AND with her ultimate,
Cease and Desist. Enemy target needed.
Warwick: he can get out with his ultimate,
Infinite Duress. Enemy target needed.
Wukong: he can get out with
Nimbus Strike. Enemy target needed.
Xin Zhao: he can get out with
Audacious Charge. Enemy target needed.
Zed: he can get out with
Living Shadow. No target needed. AND with his ultimate,
Death Mark. Enemy target needed.
Ziggs: he can get out with
Satchel Charge. No target needed.
So what exactly do we know now?
Many champions only get hurt because of

Random situation #491572
You and your junglerteammate
Xin Zhao are chasing a
Sona. With your
Dragon Strike &
Demacian Standard combination you get in range to trap her with
Cataclysm. Here comes
Xin Zhao, dashing into your arena with his
Audacious Charge, and together you slice
Sona to pieces.

Similar situations like the one sketched above happen very often. In above situation, it would have been very different if your junglerfriend was a

In these battles, decisions are made within a split second, so you have to keep track of enemies who can dash, who still have their ulti, whose skills are on cooldown, whose

Turret Trapping © with
The next part of this chapter will be on Turret Trapping ©. The idea of this, is to trap the enemy under your turret with

- The enemy champion uses his dash ability (if they have one) to get close to you and (will try to) finish you.
- The enemy champion uses minions as cover and use their dash ability (if they have one) to get out of turret range.
- The enemy tries to pull you out underneath your turret.
Number 1
In this situation, ALWAYS trap the enemy champion with

Some people, like
Lee Sin, are insane at turret diving. (or
Ahri, or
Zed, etc.) They use
Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike on you to get in, kill you, and get out with
Safeguard / Iron Will without taking more than 2 turret hits. In these cases, you didn't go back to base early enough. And/or, you failed to dodge
Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike.

Number 2
In these situations you have to make a decision: do I have enough health to survive before the turret lands some attacks on the enemy champion? You'll have to make this decision, because the turret will attack the minions, not the enemy champion. If there are only 3 caster minions, it might be wise to kill them fast with your

If enemies save their dashing abilities to get out, normally I still trap them hoping they start to panic. If not, bad luck and you'll have your

Number 3
This could be the case with an enemy

Other champions synergizing with
Check out your team composition, some champions and their ultimates synergize extremely well with

Anivia with her ultimate,
Glacial Storm
Fiddlesticks with his ultimate,
Gangplank with his ultimate,
Cannon Barrage
Nunu & Willump with his ultimate,
Absolute Zero
Katarina with her ultimate,
Death Lotus
Obviously there are more synergies with

There are also friendly champions whose abilities/ultimates are horrible when you just landed a

Blitzcrank with
Rocket Grab
Gragas with his ultimate,
Explosive Cask
Jayce with
Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate
Lee Sin with his ultimate,
Dragon's Rage
I would advise, if you play with certain champions, always tell them to respect the Arena of our mighty

Team Trapping with
In some situations, you will find a friendly player chased by the other team. It is of utmost importance that if you decide to team-trap them, you do not trap your teammate! If you happen to do trap him or her, the #1

- So, I have trapped the enemy team in my Arena. Will they not kill me now?
Fear not, for you are
Jarvan IV, Prince of Demacia! I would not suggest waiting a second or two with getting out of your own
Cataclysm, but you are tanky so you can take a few hits. You can use your
Demacian Standard+
Dragon Strike-combination to get out of your own
Cataclysms. If one of these abilities happens to be on cooldown, you can still
Flash out. Preferably get out of the Arena over a wall, so both of you vanish in the fog of war.

Please be aware of the fact that this can help yourself too: if you're fighting an enemy and you need to get away, maybe a

Another sweet use of

Goes out to jhoijhoi for that epic guide on how-to-guide.
Goes out to you for reading this.
I will try to add some pictures for the
Cataclysm and
Demacian Standard+
Dragon Strike-combination chapters. This will happen once I have internet at home again. I moved last weekend, 3rd of Feb, and requesting new internet takes a couple of weeks :( The only time I get online now is at work.
If you happen to find any flaws or mistakes: comment and I will adjust accordingly.
Goes out to you for reading this.
I will try to add some pictures for the

If you happen to find any flaws or mistakes: comment and I will adjust accordingly.
07-02-2013 - Guide published
07-02-2013 - Small adjustment to
Golden Aegis-description
11-02-2013 - Adjustment to
Elise-part in
12-02-2013 - Adjusted lay-out of Runes-chapter
19-03-2013 - Adjustments made because of patch 3.04: Updated chapters: Items, Runes, Masteries
25-03-2013 - Adjustments made to items section
25-03-2013 - Adjustments made to title and introduction
11-04-2013 - Few changes to introduction and item notes
07-05-2013 - Updated
Elise-part in
07-02-2013 - Small adjustment to

11-02-2013 - Adjustment to

12-02-2013 - Adjusted lay-out of Runes-chapter
19-03-2013 - Adjustments made because of patch 3.04: Updated chapters: Items, Runes, Masteries
25-03-2013 - Adjustments made to items section
25-03-2013 - Adjustments made to title and introduction
11-04-2013 - Few changes to introduction and item notes
07-05-2013 - Updated

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