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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Relentless Assault (PASSIVE)
Jax Passive Ability
The Main Idea
You are supposed to be a tanky hybrid bruiser right? So then go for tanky runes and AD (it gets easier to clear the jungle camps early if you got AD runes, instead of AP). The masteries are kinda switchable. You could go for the 9-21-0 instead of 21-9-0 but I prefer to do some more damage. If you would go with the 9-21-0 you are the team's FULL tank. Not hybrid bruiser. The "Top" lane is supposed to be AD bruiser so you don't want to go full tank cause then your team don't do any damage at all.
Well you can exchange the items ALOT. You must though stay to the "Hextech Gunblade" and the "Trinity Force" as your only damage. Its more than enough, trust me. You can exchange the tanky items for almost what ever tanky items you need. But I prefer this build every game. And the wards are your "Flash" so that's why you are not supposed to get "Flash". Get "Exhaust" instead so your ganks make the enemy team rage quit :3
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