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TRUST ME with deathfire touch. Warlords is good too, its mostly personal preference. Let me explain why DFT is so good. When you have 750 ad you're going to be doing around 450 damage over time. Very underrated, ive already got someone low with Curtain Call and then DFT finishes them off. This is one of the only champs you can actually see the DFT work. Also, you're damage charts after the game will be amazing (It always is for me, at least)
Ghostblade can be used, it's very very very underated and if you pop it before you ult OR pop it before u use ur final crit, you will do massive damage, also good arm pen and move speed helps his weak mobility. IE for more dmg and shiv can be replaced with pd or rapid (which just got nerfed, so meh). Essence for more ults and w's and lw, bt, ms, maw are all good last item options :)
Max q for damage in lane, can be surprising damage if you kill a creep with each bounce :)
Max w second for the root time, and btw DFT is very good with this ability :).
Max e third, just strong for slow and a bit of vision, but if u land a w on someone who lands on this its going to be a strong trade for you, especially with DFT ( I know i love Dft)
Max w second for the root time, and btw DFT is very good with this ability :).
Max e third, just strong for slow and a bit of vision, but if u land a w on someone who lands on this its going to be a strong trade for you, especially with DFT ( I know i love Dft)
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