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Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability

- Hard to gank because of her

- Extremely good farmer mid-late game with

- Good sustain when you use her shield effectively with her great poke, and build her with some health.
When playing
Janna you should put down a
Howling Gale and let it get fully charged, earlier on, you will have to auto attack the creeps to finish them off, but she is still one of the strongest and fastest farmers. Later on, when you get level 4 or 5
Howling Gale, farming will be ridiculously easy, and you shouldn't miss too many last hits, if any. Take advantage of your farm capabilities and get as much CS as you can, because Janna isn't a very strong damage champion if she doesn't get a lot of AP and Cooldown Reduction early on.

- A lot of fun to play!
- Great farmer
- Good lane sustain
- Hard to chase
- One of the best poke / harass abilities in the game
Eye of the Storm scales with AP so you have survivability
- Very good when ganking because of
Howling Gale and
- Her
Monsoon can completely change the way a team fight is going
- Somewhat difficult to play well
- Squishy
- Inconsistent damage
- Not very much burst
- All of the skins suck :<
- A lot of fun to play!
- Great farmer
- Good lane sustain
- Hard to chase
- One of the best poke / harass abilities in the game

- Very good when ganking because of

- Her

- Somewhat difficult to play well
- Squishy
- Inconsistent damage
- Not very much burst
- All of the skins suck :<
For summoner spells, the reason I go with
Teleport is pretty obvious, she is solo mid and it's really important to get back to lane as fast as possible and not let your opponent out farm you.
I go with
Flash as well, I shouldn't really have to explain this one, it's almost an essential spell for anyone because of how versatile it is, it can be used to dodge skill shots when you are low, juke people out when they try to gank, and it has many offensive uses as well, like chasing or initiating fights. Other viable summoner spells for AP Janna are ignite because of her low damage output, or
Ghost which works well with her passives for chasing/running away.
I don't recommend
Clarity, if you are having early game mana problems, buy boots instead of ring, and get mana pots.

I go with

I don't recommend

I go with the typical Utility and offense masteries, usually used by mages for the XP gain and the mana/hp regen along with summoner spell cooldown reduction. You could also go with Offensive masteries but I don't recommend them because the damage gain is not worth losing the bonuses from Utility. For Runes I go with:
Greater Mark of Scaling Ability Powerx9
Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reductionx9
Greater Seal of Healthx9
Greater Quintessence of Scaling Ability Powerx3
AP per level because you want to max out your damage late game when you have level 5
Howling Gale and level 5
Zephyr. In addition to that, I use cooldown reduction blues for more farm/poke capability, and hp yellows for survivability, overall these runes work fine, but feel free to use whatever you want, because I have not done all the math and I'm fairly sure there are better rune combinations for AP
Janna, but I use what I already own.




AP per level because you want to max out your damage late game when you have level 5

Thank-you for following my AP
Janna guide for soloing mid.
Just remember when laning to farm as much as you possibly can, and don't try to dive them because you don't do tons of damage like other AP carries. For team fights, it's pretty self explanatory - just shield teammates that are low(YOU should be top priority for
Eye of the Storm), and use your
Howling Gale at the right time to help your team win the fight. Remember that your ult is amazing and can really change the outcome of a team fight if you are losing, so use it wisely! Most importantly, have fun with AP
Also: Remember to take advantage of her
Zephyr passive, when running from ganks or enemy champions, try to stay in the middle of the lane and go through as many creeps as you can, because your opponent will collide with them and it will buy you more time to get away.

Just remember when laning to farm as much as you possibly can, and don't try to dive them because you don't do tons of damage like other AP carries. For team fights, it's pretty self explanatory - just shield teammates that are low(YOU should be top priority for

Also: Remember to take advantage of her

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