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Master Yi Build Guide by Mei-O Joker

Jungle [Jungle 8.11] Send them to the Shadow Realm

Jungle [Jungle 8.11] Send them to the Shadow Realm

Updated on June 8, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mei-O Joker Build Guide By Mei-O Joker 22 5 164,071 Views 6 Comments
22 5 164,071 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mei-O Joker Master Yi Build Guide By Mei-O Joker Updated on June 8, 2018
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Hey Guys,
Ive played Master Yi since i started playing League of Legends and I have made my own builds trying new things. Last Season i had a Build that got me 40+ kills in game with double penta's in each game. However This season is quite different, there are a few changes to Yi that we can use to completely Melt the Enemy Team. Some may say Master Yi is a Busted champion but little to they know, 1 Stun and Master Yi is Annihilated haha. Never waste your time buying Tank on Master Yi because Assassins Assassinate they don't sit in Battle until they are dead.
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Pros / Cons

+ Strong 1 v 1
+ Easy Multi Kills (Quadra, Penta)
+ Incredible Farmer
+ Amazing Chaser
+ Alpha Striker CDR from Auto Attacks
+ Quick Clear's (Dragon, Baron ETC.)

- Stun = Insta Death
- Squishy Early
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Skirmisher's Sabre - Bloodrazor: Thanks to the 50% Attack Speed aswell as the unique passive of dealing 4% of enemies max health you are able to deal lots of damage to top lane tanks and bot lane tanky supports. With Master Yi's Wuju Style (E) you can deal tons of bonus true damage.

Ninja Tabi: Armor boot so you dont get one shot and can survive much longer in fights. If the team has heavily fed AP users yu can buy merc treds instead.

Guinsoo's Rageblade: Game Changing item. This item allows you to spike very hard. 1v1's aswell as battles against tanks become much easier. The unique passive of Gunisoo's allows you to get more AD, AP, AS also once the guinsoo stacks reach 6, you are able to proc your double strike after every auto as well as apply double onhit effects, which means the Unique passive of Skirmisher's Sabre - Bloodrazor that allows you to deal 4% of enemy max health can be applied twice for 8% of max enemy health as bonus onhit damage.

Blade of the Ruined King / Stormrazor: The next item is dependent on your situation in game. When I am up against tanks I buy BOTRK which synergies along with Guinsoo's and Bloodrazor to deal 24% max enemy hp to enemy as bonus damage ((4% from bloodrazor + 8% from BOTRK) x2 from Guinsoo's). However if there are more squishes on the team that deal a lot of damage such as adcs or zoe, you can get Stormrazor which allows you to crit if you dont attack for a few seconds which scales of attack speed. So the way to deal max damage is auto alpha auto, because you can proc Stormrazor with your first auto then alpha to wait out the time for stormrazor to regen, and then auto again, however by then the enemy should be dead allowing you to get resets on your alpha and increasing the duration of your Highlander.

Essence Reaver: The new ER is very good on Yi. You can get it 3rd item after Bloodrazor and Guinsoo but I prefer to get it after stormrazor or bork. The new ER gives you Extra CDR on non ultimate abilities allowed master yi's Alpha Strike to come up much faster allowing more kills thus increasing the duration of your Highlander.

Guardian Angel: This item is just if you bought only one of the either Stormrazor or BOTRK, you can buy GA to give you that extra life and intimidation to the enemy to push more with the team. GA allows you to fight without worrying about dieing because you get another like to destroy the enemy.
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Double Strike: Benefit from your critical strikes and applies all on hit effect. Thanks to new update the second strike will automatically search for enemies if first strike kills a unit.

Alpha Strike: Can Critically Strike. CD lowers with each Auto Attack. It also scales up very well with your AD (+100%).

Meditate: Scales With AP. Stores double strike stacks. Can be used to Reset Auto attack and to block sn incoming Skill (including Towers).

Wuju Style: Scales up very well with AD. Always activate when in battle or when Farming.

Highlander: Can be used every minute or so. Also time in Highlander increases as you get kills and assists while Highlander is active
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Fervor of Battle : Hitting champions with basic attacks generates a Fervor stack (2 for melee attacks). Stacks of Fervor last 6 seconds (max 8 stacks) and increase your AD by 1-8 for each stack.

Dangerous Game : is also very useful your keep you alive longer while you are in team fights by restoring 5% of your missing health.

Wanderer : Increases your movement speed by 3%.
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Creeping / Jungling

The rotation I do is:
Start Blue, then grump but save smite, then go straight to Scuttle. If enemy jungler is fighting scuttle try to contest and smite scuttle and head to your red. After red check the 2nd scuttle crab, if its taken look for a gank. If ganks are open then go raptors, krugs and then from there its all about ganks and clearing your jungle when your able to.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mei-O Joker
Mei-O Joker Master Yi Guide
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[Jungle 8.11] Send them to the Shadow Realm

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