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Ability Order
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
im here to introduce you to jungle boy teemo
place mushrooms all corners even their jung

wait bush and be ward for your team(you must use your pasif you are teemo)

[*] you are teemo(cutest champ ever)
[*] your teammates loves you(mushrooms everywere)
[*] after a few level quick jungling
[*] blind dart can change tf
[*] if teammates say you can easily push their lane
[*] you can destroy every hero quickly(if you are not die quicker then they)
[*] you have so many foe(they want to see you dead)
[*] you die secs
[*] oracle is your deadly enemy
[*] you are teemo(cutest champ ever)
[*] your teammates loves you(mushrooms everywere)
[*] after a few level quick jungling
[*] blind dart can change tf
[*] if teammates say you can easily push their lane
[*] you can destroy every hero quickly(if you are not die quicker then they)
[*] you have so many foe(they want to see you dead)
[*] you die secs
[*] oracle is your deadly enemy
-sorry for not explain with screenshot's-
firstly use your pasif and wait for monsters appear
call someone for help(without your team first lvls are so hard)
ask somebody take damage (you don't have so mush hp)
use toxic shot one by one and focus the big one(lizard elder,Ancient Golem)
you can start red for easy jungling but it reduce your gangs effect
1:55 first appearance with it's about 15 sec to take buff it means second red buff is ready 7:10 it might be so late to gang
even you can give first blue to your team but it will be hard to start game
but the most important thing is enemy team allways ready to harass you and your jung be awake
remember to place mushrooms all the bushs and corners
firstly use your pasif and wait for monsters appear
call someone for help(without your team first lvls are so hard)
ask somebody take damage (you don't have so mush hp)
use toxic shot one by one and focus the big one(lizard elder,Ancient Golem)
you can start red for easy jungling but it reduce your gangs effect
1:55 first appearance with it's about 15 sec to take buff it means second red buff is ready 7:10 it might be so late to gang
even you can give first blue to your team but it will be hard to start game
but the most important thing is enemy team allways ready to harass you and your jung be awake
remember to place mushrooms all the bushs and corners
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