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that suxs, atma impaler without health?
President Rufus pretty much proved my point, but at any rate... only new players ahem, 1400 elo and under players tend to be restricted to the fact that atmas is only good with warmogs. Atmas gives armor while giving AD. even with 1800 hp, you get 36 ad.
that suxs, atma impaler without health?
You are dumb as hell. Tforce is about 2.3k hp -> Math:
46 AD = 2300 hp
60 AD = 3000 hp
Now lets do a benefit to cost + logic:
Ground Rules
Mf is not a tank. she isnt supposed to run in and initiate fights like how amumu would.
If you plan to do this, then sure, you can build warmogs and atmas, but lets see how realistic this is.
A jungler does not earn much gold.
So, Wriggles+Warmogs+Merc Treads+Atmas = 1600+3000+1200+2355 = 8155 Mf is not a natural bruiser, she cannot do dmg without items. So, as you are building warmogs, you are completely useless. Now what CC do you provide for your team now? None. Make it rain limits to mainly just early - mid game.
Now, Wriggles+merc treads+tforce+atmas= 1600+1200+4070+2355= 9275 Now benefits: Zeal = movement speed for ganks, phage for ganks and initiating by ghost and autoattacking out of position players/CC, Sheen - she procs a lot more sheen procs then you would think. Hurts. So not only is it more realistic as you can carry a game without being useless as you have sheen and phage in the making, but you also get more for just a little bit more gold. You can throw in warmogs after tforce and atmas if you want, but i highly suggset buying wits end for the magic resist. But warmogs does the job just as well, as magic dmg can be cancelled with hp stacking. But Mf with wits end does a lot of dmg.
After some tests, i have actually found that going DPS mf rather than tanky dps to be even MORE effective!
Tanky dps has its role, but wriggles/berserker grieves/2 dorans/pd or bf sword seems to have been doing great for me! You can actually carry games if your bot lane fails as the new ad carry.
I can jungle Brand and get a clear time of 3:45, yet that's troll. I can jungle Ezreal, jungle Caitlyn, and jungle Orianna. They all work, have great clear speeds, have decent ganks, and transition well. They're still considered troll.
Just fyi please don't use Dyrus as an example. Dyrus has jungled Kassadin, jungled Talon, jungled MF, jungled Rumble, and jungles pretty much everything.
Also, nice name and dp :)
Build is purty viable tho. You might want the Wit's earlier too.
Definitely going to try this PvP. Never thought MF would be my first jungler, lmao.
Holy ****, even i never snowballed that hard.
Definitely going to try this PvP. Never thought MF would be my first jungler, lmao.