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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Scorchclaw Smite
Ability Order Path for every game
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Good Amumu will keep you stunned for a century and then burn you to death with his W. Ignore him and try your best to dodge his Q.
All melee support are great, much better than mages
All melee support are great, much better than mages
Champion Build Guide
1. One-Shot potential.
2. Assasin and Bruiser build options for different drafts.
3. Easy to learn, hard to master.
4. Easy to gank with R and W.
5. Can easyly execute low HP targets in teamfights with Q/
1. Very bad scaling.
2. Cant kill tanks and beefy Bruisers if not fed.
3. One-way assasin - its easy for you to engage, but hard to retreat. Think twice before using your W.
4. Really reliant on hitting Qs - at the moment your enemy dodges your melee Q, you are dead in 80% of situations.
On Blue side, always take Red Buff and camps, and then look for gank on botlane (if your support has early CC) or midlane.
Early ganks is not alwats viable, but I recommend to do it in most of your games. After getting your R at 6 level, you can do a little trick - gank lane and then use your ult to go for and object on opposite side of the map. This is a fairly obvious trick, but a lot of junglers, even at a high elo, fall for it. For example, you can gank toplane and then use your ult to land on a dragon.
If you dont have a reliant tank or bruiser in your team, I higly recommend you to build bruiser build, but you'll still be really squishy and can be easily oneshotted with one CC chain. Look for a teamfight where your support or midlaner alredy CCed someone, so you prolong with your W, kill and then retreat.
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