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Nasus Build Guide by The_Nameless_Bard

Jungle Jungling with the Jackal: How to jungle Nasus

Jungle Jungling with the Jackal: How to jungle Nasus

Updated on January 19, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The_Nameless_Bard Build Guide By The_Nameless_Bard 58 17 1,455,390 Views 73 Comments
58 17 1,455,390 Views 73 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The_Nameless_Bard Nasus Build Guide By The_Nameless_Bard Updated on January 19, 2018
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Metotome | January 4, 2015 3:05am
I know it's a bit late, but i still want to say: Good guide man!
It's overall funny, insightful, and not bad. Though, i have some remarks to make about my personal opinion:

Maxing E first might seem to give better clear because of the AOE, but Q applies lifesteal and you need the CDR you get from leveling Q first to actually get stacks for lategame.

The movement speed quints may also seem to be very useful, but with wither and an iceborn gauntlet, which i'd recommend, you don't need it and you can instead take lifesteal quints for better sustain in jungle.

These are my current remarks. I have made my own toplane Nasus guide, from which it couldn't hurt checking the build for you. Maybe you'll find some new buildpaths or playstyles you'd like to apply to your jungle Nasus! ^^

Thanks for reading my comment and have a nice day!
The_Nameless_Bard (635) | November 30, 2014 11:57am
I don't really play top lane Nasus anymore, so probably never.
Bobobobobobo | November 30, 2014 11:54am
This is cool, but will you be making a top nasus build anytime soon?
The_Nameless_Bard (635) | August 25, 2014 1:58pm
turingexp wrote:

i like these kinds of builds, that take a champ known for a very specific role (top lane Q farm tank) and showing another side to them. There's a bruiser yi build that does the same, and while it doesn't seem intuitive at first, the build actually makes sense if you take the time to read it, and viable if you take the time to play it.

jungle Nasus was popular (and quite good) for a while in season three. At this point, due to certain item changes, it's somewhat playable at best. This guide is really only up for nostalgia reasons, though the cheat sheet is up to date in case someone actually wants to use it.
turingexp (1) | August 23, 2014 8:19am
i like these kinds of builds, that take a champ known for a very specific role (top lane Q farm tank) and showing another side to them. There's a bruiser yi build that does the same, and while it doesn't seem intuitive at first, the build actually makes sense if you take the time to read it, and viable if you take the time to play it.
The_Nameless_Bard (635) | August 16, 2014 9:08am
andybanan wrote:

while i can get skilling up nasus AOE i do NOT however recomend starting with it, and here is why. towards endgame your Q will be 60-70% of your dmg, and since it does more dmg the more you last hit with it the earlier you should begin doing so, by Picking E before Q you will loose 12 bonus DMG on your Q. and considering you will have allies helping you through the first camp anyway, starting E before Q would be a bad move for nasus, as can any good nasus player confirm.

the difference between good nasus players and exelent nasus players lies in how much farm they can land with their Q. i've played mirror agains nasus players who end up late game with 200 bonus dmg on their Q, while at the same time i had close to 500 bonus dmg on my Q simply because i used my Q to farm with, wich brings me to my second part of why leveling E before Q is bad.

while nasus might be able to clear jungle faster early game thanks to skilling up your E he does loose farm with his Q for two reasons,

1. it will deal less dmg making it harder to last hit with,
2. the CD on level 1 is 8 seconds while on level 5 its 4 seconds, meaning you will end up "saving" your Q for last hits instead of being able to cast it 2-3 times on big monsters.

also, skilling E will make you to reliant on your team to deal damage as the only thing you really bring to the table is the aoe from your E and a slow, while your Q wich is nasus bread and butter has been neglected and will probably deal very low dmg.

nasus has the tools to be a very dangerous opponent thanks to his abilities, his Q enables him to go full tank build and still deal tons of dmg, don't waste this

Jungle Nasus' role is entirely different from top lane Nasus. His job is not to deal damage, but to be a brick wall. Yes, getting last hits with Siphoning Strike is something you should do when you're capable. No, you shouldn't focus on it, because you're jungling and clearing on time is more important early game.

In the current jungle, maxing Siphoning Strike already clears way slower (due to a lack of AoE), which is a problem. If you want to wait around to get all the last hits with Siphoning Strike just play top lane Nasus and stay out of the jungle, because you will entirely gut your clear time. It also doesn't make him any more capable of dueling enemy junglers either (his main problem currently); so you've gutted your clear time and not helped yourself in any way.

Should also be noted that you already get twice as much for the larger jungle creeps, so you can forgo last hitting quite a few things and still build up some Q stacks.

Jungle Nasus is not as focused on getting last hits with Siphoning Strike because his role on the team is not to deal damage. If you want a damage dealing jungler, play someone like Jarvan IV, Wukong, or Nocturne.

gonna drop this here as an example (teambuilder OP):
andybanan (1) | August 16, 2014 1:52am
while i can get skilling up nasus AOE i do NOT however recomend starting with it, and here is why. towards endgame your Q will be 60-70% of your dmg, and since it does more dmg the more you last hit with it the earlier you should begin doing so, by Picking E before Q you will loose 12 bonus DMG on your Q. and considering you will have allies helping you through the first camp anyway, starting E before Q would be a bad move for nasus, as can any good nasus player confirm.

the difference between good nasus players and exelent nasus players lies in how much farm they can land with their Q. i've played mirror agains nasus players who end up late game with 200 bonus dmg on their Q, while at the same time i had close to 500 bonus dmg on my Q simply because i used my Q to farm with, wich brings me to my second part of why leveling E before Q is bad.

while nasus might be able to clear jungle faster early game thanks to skilling up your E he does loose farm with his Q for two reasons,

1. it will deal less dmg making it harder to last hit with,
2. the CD on level 1 is 8 seconds while on level 5 its 4 seconds, meaning you will end up "saving" your Q for last hits instead of being able to cast it 2-3 times on big monsters.

also, skilling E will make you to reliant on your team to deal damage as the only thing you really bring to the table is the aoe from your E and a slow, while your Q wich is nasus bread and butter has been neglected and will probably deal very low dmg.

nasus has the tools to be a very dangerous opponent thanks to his abilities, his Q enables him to go full tank build and still deal tons of dmg, don't waste this
The_Nameless_Bard (635) | June 23, 2014 8:20pm
Pheyniex wrote:

I haz questions:
why AS marks and not others? (like jhoi's Armorpen marks or maybe the "for-a-while" popular AD marks?)

why jungle Nasus? I ask this because i really dislike the concept.

AS marks because Spirit Fire jungle. You need the AS to clear at a proper speed. If you want to do Siphoning Strike jungle instead, AD/armor pen is a better choice. However Siphoning Strike jungle has little to no counterjungling potential and is more susceptible to being counterjungled than Spirit Fire jungle Nasus.

As for the other question, this guide has been up for two years. When I published it, jungle Nasus wasn't particularly popular, since then it was quite popular for a while, and now it's fallen out of favor again. However, it is definitely still doable in some team comps, hence I have continued to update it as the season has progressed. If you mean why to jungle Nasus at all, the answer is that he's still viable as a tanky utility jungler who can be a definite threat late game.
Pheyniex (71) | June 23, 2014 4:02pm
I haz questions:
why AS marks and not others? (like jhoi's Armorpen marks or maybe the "for-a-while" popular AD marks?)

why jungle Nasus? I ask this because i really dislike the concept.
OTGBionicArm (415) | May 24, 2014 9:59pm
Nasus ****s up feral flare junglers though. dat Wither. ;p
The_Nameless_Bard (635) | May 24, 2014 9:49pm
That's true. However in the comps where it's strong, it's VERY strong.
spicykorean | May 24, 2014 8:28pm
The problem that I run into is that Jungle Nasus is very, so very reliant on teammates to make ganks successful. You can't pick Jungle Nasus in every game like the current carry junglers.
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