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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Death Defied (PASSIVE)
Karthus Passive Ability
There are a lot of ways you can build Karthus, but he doesnt have much health, so items like Rod of Ages are very useful
Early game
you can go with Boots with Health Potionx3 or i like to go for that little extra mana is Sapphire Crystal and a Health Potion
Mid game
You are going to want to get Tear of the Goddess as soon as you can to get all the charges. after that you will want Sorcerer's Shoes then you will start building into Catalyst the Protector you will need to get these before 15 minutes in. dont get behind with karthus
Late Game
This is the time that you will need to start buying the expensive stuff like Rod of Ages then get Needlessly Large Rod then into Rabadon's Deathcap The other two items depend on your situation, if you are getting squishy (you will be) you need to get Rylai's Crystal Scepter or Liandry's Torment. then if you arent doing enough damage or just not getting through there magic resistance you need to get Abyssal Mask or Void Staff. Abyssal Mask will be better for giving you some magic resistance but if you need it go with it or get Void Staff
Early game
you can go with Boots with Health Potionx3 or i like to go for that little extra mana is Sapphire Crystal and a Health Potion
Mid game
You are going to want to get Tear of the Goddess as soon as you can to get all the charges. after that you will want Sorcerer's Shoes then you will start building into Catalyst the Protector you will need to get these before 15 minutes in. dont get behind with karthus
Late Game
This is the time that you will need to start buying the expensive stuff like Rod of Ages then get Needlessly Large Rod then into Rabadon's Deathcap The other two items depend on your situation, if you are getting squishy (you will be) you need to get Rylai's Crystal Scepter or Liandry's Torment. then if you arent doing enough damage or just not getting through there magic resistance you need to get Abyssal Mask or Void Staff. Abyssal Mask will be better for giving you some magic resistance but if you need it go with it or get Void Staff
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