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Karthus Build Guide by kikkeman

Middle karthus is awsome

Middle karthus is awsome

Updated on October 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kikkeman Build Guide By kikkeman 1,749 Views 0 Comments
1,749 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kikkeman Karthus Build Guide By kikkeman Updated on October 21, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Karthus
  • LoL Champion: Karthus


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



this a guide for making karthus unstoppable.
you will learn how to build karthus. to set they mastery tree.
2.which skills to learn after each other.
3.which rune´s you need to buy.
4.which items in game you need to buy.
5.which spells are needed which karthus. to use karthus and other information.
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you should use they guide for it.
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lay waste : is important to kill minions with karthus in control and later on for karthus in lane farming.
wall of pain : you need to use it early game to escape with karthus in lane farming ´why´ if you use it for that you can rush in on the minions and make easy kills on the minions.
if you use it with karthus in control you should use it when an enemy champion is standing on a difficult place so he could barely escape if you place they wall of pain behind him.
defile : is very important for karthus in lane farming ´why´ you have large amount of mana early game so you can kill they minions easy and this uses up lots of mana but deals lots of damage.
if you use karthus in control you should wait with defile because you don´t have much mana early game and you could build it up.
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pro karthus player - you know how to start don´t need to explain.
semi-pro guide - start with health potions en they normal boot and then buy sorcerer´s boots then do they rest.
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Skill Sequence

it is necessary to follow they guide.
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Summoner Spells

karthus in control : use ignite - flash or ´heal - flash´ ´not recommended´.

karthus in lane farming : use smite - flash or ´heal - flash´ ´recommended if you lose lots of health early game´.
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karthus is a terrific champion he is perfect one on one late game ´why´ because then he has got good AP lots of mana and you can scare people with him same goes for team fight is perfect after level 6.
if you want to use him good but online it is going wrong read my page of karthus or look on youtube for a video how they play it but you still need to use my build up because it works perfectly.
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Ranked Play

karthus in lane farming
you should play in mid lane safe and in control.
don´t rush too fast in the enemy champion in mid lane.
you have to wait until the enemy minions have low health and then finish them of so you will be stronger later on.

karthus in control
you have to push the mid lane with karthus.
minions same way.
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Pros / Cons

pros : easy farming - can hold control at they mid lane early and late game - perfect team fights after level 6 - is good one on one late game but early game a little bit to - can stop enemy champions with wall of pain - can control they entire battle - useful for escaping with wall of pain.

cons : weak early game AP - pretty low health early game - you have to use him right - need level 6 before getting strong.
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Creeping / Jungling

creeping is not necessary but you can do it and you still have to push then.

with karthus in lane farming you should jungle after you are level 6 so you can get the blue buff easy and you can easy combo with your team they dragon down.
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Team Work

early game if they other team doesn´t rush with five champions it is not necessary to work as a team if you play mid lane alone of course.
late game is team work always important if your team is strong then rush in to they enemy if your team is weaker then there team play it on defense.
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Unique Skills

defile is a unique skill because you can kill five low health enemy at once with it to get they pentakill.
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with karthus in lane farming you should focus on farming almost they entire time why because you could build up lots of money.
with karthus in control you have to farm in lane and control they enemy champion in lane.
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have fun

you should have fun with karthus because it is a terrific champion.
I hope you kill lots of enemy champions and write good stuff about me.
I hope you guys have fun and enjoy your time playing league of legends.
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