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Ability Order
Death Defied (PASSIVE)
Karthus Passive Ability
-Be wary that the site does not add the Ability Power gained from Archangel Staff (3% of your total mana), making the AP levels shown greatly misleading.
As is normal with Karthus, Defile is a quick and rather easy way to farm creeps for money. What is not usually known is that, when given Spell Vamp, this ability can allow Karthus to solo the Dragon at as low a level as 12. While keeping the ability active, use Lay Waste to do massive damage while regaining the life lost by the Dragon's attacks. When Karthus' mana begins to run low, use Clarity and continue fighting. This will aid not only the player using Karthus, but the entire team.
The skills were chosen the way they were early game for the simple fact that Lay Waste is powerful enough to remove large chunks of the enemy life bars, while Wall of Pain simply slows enemies down. For a build relying more heavily on large numbers of early creep kills, consider swapping the Lay Waste and Defile build times, though this will make extended fights harder in the early parts of the game.
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