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Ability Order
Void Stone (PASSIVE)
Kassadin Passive Ability
U might think that having 3300 mana its too exesive, well, it isnt, kassa its a mana consumer, with riftwalk ur mana goes to 0 after a fight and u'll have to recall. but, this build its made to avoid that, u can do 2 riftwalks and jump the fight, doing lot of damage and keep in the fight, and if u have to, chase ur oponent too. having archangel and rabbadon, ur ap from mana its almost 130, so u have mana and ap balanced
The items might confuse u... i start with a gem of mana because that helps me to stay in the land, till i get 600 gold and recall for tear of godnes.
i buy some basic boots dont left the speed behind and start with the catalyst, with this oe u can start with life or mana, as u wish. and then i go straight to finish rod of ages, because i want the mana and life maxed as soon as posible
i start rabaddon hat after that because if not it gets too expensive, then i go for archangel staff or the sorcery boots.
at this instance u have 300 or 350 ap, and u cannot scape from doing phisicals attacks, so i go for liinch bane and my ap finish in 400
i get void staf to complete the magic pen and my ap finishes at 460, a nice amount to strike from far and very good to coplement with the phisical atacks
i buy some basic boots dont left the speed behind and start with the catalyst, with this oe u can start with life or mana, as u wish. and then i go straight to finish rod of ages, because i want the mana and life maxed as soon as posible
i start rabaddon hat after that because if not it gets too expensive, then i go for archangel staff or the sorcery boots.
at this instance u have 300 or 350 ap, and u cannot scape from doing phisicals attacks, so i go for liinch bane and my ap finish in 400
i get void staf to complete the magic pen and my ap finishes at 460, a nice amount to strike from far and very good to coplement with the phisical atacks
The skills sequence its very simple, i start with Q to atack my enemies from away, and at lvl 2 i go for W to recover mana, some others would say to start with this later in the game, but i cant stay in a land without mana, even with kass... at lvl 3 i get E to slow down my anemies, after that i max Q first, then E, going for R and W in the end, lvl up R as soon as u can, it will let u kill enemies and get away from them too
When u complete the tear of godnes, press W EVERY TIME U CAN because its passive gives u 4 max mana every time u cast a spell (3 secs cd) so, W cost 25 mana and goes to cd every 12 sec, u are having 40 max mana every 2 minutes, just with W, its the beggining of getting away from mana problems.
Kass have a really nice teleport,u can go through every wall, so, use that to scape and for a chase, try to chose when to do a riftwalk, make shure that ur enemy will take a lot to reach the place where u are toleporting to.
Riftwalks can be used as a way to scape and as an attack too, with ur mana u have no problems about the staks, so, if u are hidded u can make 2 or 3 rifs and then teleport to an enemy dealing 300 (min) at the beggining of the fight.
Kass have a really nice teleport,u can go through every wall, so, use that to scape and for a chase, try to chose when to do a riftwalk, make shure that ur enemy will take a lot to reach the place where u are toleporting to.
Riftwalks can be used as a way to scape and as an attack too, with ur mana u have no problems about the staks, so, if u are hidded u can make 2 or 3 rifs and then teleport to an enemy dealing 300 (min) at the beggining of the fight.
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