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Ability Order
Void Stone (PASSIVE)
Kassadin Passive Ability
I think kassadin is totally useless high elo , cos no farm , and if he isnt feed he cant do so much.
Sorry for my bad english im argentinian but im doing this guide in english so most of the people can understand it.
Well i go for flash and ignite cos of this.
Flash good for get in range for cast spells before lvl 6
Scape before lvl 6.
Its better than heal to tower dive after lvl 6.
Perfect scape , double flash (flash + ultimate)
Ignite , perfect for get First blood .
Flash , Q , E , Ignite , when the other champ has 300 hp and its a sure kill at lvl 4.
Flash good for get in range for cast spells before lvl 6
Scape before lvl 6.
Its better than heal to tower dive after lvl 6.
Perfect scape , double flash (flash + ultimate)
Ignite , perfect for get First blood .
Flash , Q , E , Ignite , when the other champ has 300 hp and its a sure kill at lvl 4.
U have no range , so farm will be difficult in mid . If the enemy is a caster harras him with ur "Q" and then farm. too u have to start with boots and 3 pots cos of move speed , good for dodge when u farm and u can stay in lane cos of pots. If the enemy has 300 hp or less .
Flash+ Q + E + Ignite , there u got the kill .
Ask ur jungler to get blue and gank as soon as u get lvl 6 , ur silence and slow are enough to get a kill at bot.
Flash+ Q + E + Ignite , there u got the kill .
Ask ur jungler to get blue and gank as soon as u get lvl 6 , ur silence and slow are enough to get a kill at bot.
Focus ap carry , silence + slow will finish him, then scape with ultimate and if u get cd with flash . if the ad carry is raping ur team go for him over ap carry , if the enemy has banshee jump with ultimate onto him so u destroy banshee and then use ur combo.
Dont stay NEVER in team fights , they will focus u and kill u in 2 seconds , just use Q , E on carrys and then go back , then enter Q , E and repeat this.
Dont stay NEVER in team fights , they will focus u and kill u in 2 seconds , just use Q , E on carrys and then go back , then enter Q , E and repeat this.
First how for boots and 3 pots , perfect for lane .
Then go for "Tear of goddness" u will need it , but ask ur jungler for blue.
Go stacks , u have to gank allways u can , priority on bot u will stack easily.
now go RoA the focus on u will be epic and more if u are stacking good so u need some hp.
If u think u need boots go for Sorceres Shoes.
Now Rabaddon , Ur power will be unnstopabble , u can easily kill carrys.
Sheen , perfect to finish the kill if u didnt kill him with Q , E .
Then go for Archangell staff , and finish with ur lich bane.
Then go for "Tear of goddness" u will need it , but ask ur jungler for blue.
Go stacks , u have to gank allways u can , priority on bot u will stack easily.
now go RoA the focus on u will be epic and more if u are stacking good so u need some hp.
If u think u need boots go for Sorceres Shoes.
Now Rabaddon , Ur power will be unnstopabble , u can easily kill carrys.
Sheen , perfect to finish the kill if u didnt kill him with Q , E .
Then go for Archangell staff , and finish with ur lich bane.
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