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Kassadin Build Guide by Halfjackal

Middle Kassadin - Snowball Harder, Faster.

Middle Kassadin - Snowball Harder, Faster.

Updated on January 8, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Halfjackal Build Guide By Halfjackal 2,318 Views 0 Comments
2,318 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Halfjackal Kassadin Build Guide By Halfjackal Updated on January 8, 2014
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  • LoL Champion: Kassadin
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  • LoL Champion: Kassadin
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Welcome to my Ranked Kassadin Mid Guide. Kassadin is a mobile, hard nuking champion, with a notoriously bad start and an incredibly high damage late. His key strengths lie in his ability to assassinate a target and escape unscathed, blasting his opponents to the void.

Now you might be thinking "But Jackal! Everyone always tells me to get a tear on kassadin and I need the mana. Omg u scrub." Well, they're wrong. Kassadin's main weakness isn't his mana dependancy, you should always have blue buff, and you have a passive on W that gives you mana back. Mixed with your Catalyst and TP for returning to base, if you play it right, you shouldn't have mana troubles.

Kassadin's number 1 problem is his pure lack of early damage and item dependancy. Which we supplement by rushing harder hitting items quicker, enabling Kassadin to snowball into the demon that he is.
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Pros / Cons

Pros / Cons


+ Can silence enemy champions
+ Can roam to other lanes
+ Extremely mobile
+ Massive AOE damage
+ 15% Reduced Magic damage taken

- Worst early laning phase in LoL.
- Has no damage until mid game.
- Melee range
- Passive doesn't count against AD Champions
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Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells

There are only 2 summoner spells I find viable to go with Kassadin, it is almost as though they are built for him.

A perfect choice for a mobility assassin. Not only does Teleport enable you to return to lane if you are behind or struggling due to your weak early, you can also supplement this by TeleGanking top or bot to secure kills and give yourself a hefty lead.
space space
Nothing new here. Every champion needs it and should always take it. With Riftwalk you sometimes feel that this is unnecessary, well, until you run out of mana. Always take it, my builds include very little mana regen and you'll need this more than you would think.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Halfjackal
Halfjackal Kassadin Guide
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Kassadin - Snowball Harder, Faster.

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