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This guide is not one of those guides. I play katarina as a mid. I use boots of mobility and take promote or heal. Kat is a very successful champion when played as a saved you champ. She can effectively harras multiple champions trying to cap a piont with bouncing blade and her ult. The only bushes I hide in tend to be the ones behind a cap point. She is an extremely strong defensive champion as she can maintain distance while stopping multiple enemy champs trying to cap.
When you try to take over an an enemy tower guarded by 1 opponent with a typical Katarina on your side you can be sure that she will not help you until the opponent is below half his life.
Further, a typical Katarina player considers defending towers as time ticking without doing kills, thus as something not to ever do.
Two posts above someone picked 3 losses stating that he was the "best" player in order to show how good he is. The next one did not mention his assists. Thats the typical attitude!
But I believe the writer of this guid is a good teamplayer. E.g. he advices to take mobility boots to directly run to the top. A typical Katarina player would not have been able to sacrifice these some points of capturing the first tower.
I am aware that my post is unlikely to have a positive response. Report me for reminding you it´s still a teamgame.
Here are a few games with her (please ignore the Defeats, i've had a string of AFK/Game leavers lately).
and i don't think you've actually tried your own build. You can't have elixirs, while you state them in your guide.