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Skill matchup. Dodge all of his Qs and W and you win. Rush morello for the anti heal as his healing is stupid.
Runes: Conq/Dom
Starting Item: Doran's blade or Sheild
Depends on the level of the Ahri. If she is good, you will never get a chance to kill her, if they are bad you will be able to run over them throughout the entire game. Dodge charm and you should be fine. VERY annoying and try to kill before she hits 6 as she can just ult away.
Runes: Electrocute/Precision
Starting Item: Dark Seal or Doran's Shield
All about experience and skill. Your ult is able to hit her when she is in her shroud(W). Dodge Q and if you get hit by E, go under the turret or place a W and punish her if she wastes her E. You are either good against her or terrible against her.
Runes: Electrocute-Precision
Starting Item: D. Sheild
If you 1v1, you will always win as long as you dodge Q. Don't walk or stay in Anivia ult. If you get ahead, she is like an ant to you, but if she gets fed you are just worthless trash to her. Get your jungle to gank if possible as her egg(passive) is annoying.
Runes: Conq.-Dom
Starting Items: D. Sheild
You will never be able to play the game post-6 if you do not have a kill over her. Pre-6, you have a decent kill chance over her. If you are not confident you can go hexdrinker.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items: D. Sheild
Aurelion Sol
If he is good, he will just Q as soon as you shunpo in and then just run away while damaging you. Take TP and try to tp to whatever lane he roams to.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items: D. Shield
Pretty hard matchup. He will just poke you until you reach Heaven. You should not try to 1v1 him. If the Azir is good, you will never beat him unless he messes up. If he is bad, he will always mess up and you should punish him when he wastes his abilities.
Runes: Electrocute-Prec.
Starting Items: D. Shield
If you dodge stun, you win. If you don't dodge stun say goodbye to 2/3 your hp and just back and wait for your jungle to come.
Runes: Elec.-Prec.
Starting Items: D. Shield
If you dodge E and trade with her when her passive is down you win. Her passive has a short cd so be careful. Her W gives ms and 2nd Q does true damage. DON'T ult if her E is up. Overall, it's not that bad.
Runes: Conq-Resolve/Dom.
Starting Items: D. Blade or Shield.
If you do not get grounded, you will always win the 1v1. If you are stuck in her W, you will most likely lose 2/3 of your health or all of it. Dodge her ult by E'ing behind her or when you ult, cancel your ult by looking behind you as they will always ult you when you ult as you are not moving.
Runes: Conq-Dom. or Elec.-Dom.
Starting Items: D. Shield
He will beat you later into the game when he gets items. If he is Ap Cho, you beat him early, but if he is going tank you just have to roam with your jungler.
Runes: Conq-Dom.
Starting Items: D. Blade
Terrible early game. Easier as the game goes on. Dodge Q and shunpo when he E, W, or R.
Runes: Conq.-Dom. or Elec.-Dom.
Starting Items: D. Shield
Skill matchup. Buy hexdrinker if you are not confident.
Runes: Conq.-Dom.
Starting Items: D Blade or Shield
Skill matchup. Don't let him get proc his passive and don't get hit by W. Do not get baited by his ult.
Runes: Conq or Elec.
Starting Items: D. Blade
If you beat him early, he will just come back and beat you into the ground. Dodge his E and stay under the turret so that you can shunpo under the turret if he Q's you. Hexdrinker or Zhonya rush, if unconfident.
Runes: Elec. - Resolve.
Starting Items: D. Shield
If he goes Aftershock, you will have to bait it out because he is unkillable with that rune. If it is down or does not use aftershock, you can just run him over.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items: D. Blade or Dark Seal
His silence(Q) is the death of you. Trades will either be even or extremely one-sided from either of you. Get jungle to help.
Runes: Conq-Resolve
Starting Items:D. Blade
50/50 matchup. There will be times when he beats you and times when you will beat him.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items: D. Blade/Shield or Dark Seal
T e r r i b l e.
Runes: Conqueror-Domination or Electrocute-Precision
Starting Items: Doran's Blade or Doran's Shield
Dodge E and you will have a decent time. Will most likely ult you when you ult, just shunpo behind her when you see her wind up her ult.
Runes: Conq-Dom/Resolve
Starting Items: D. Blade/Shield
His damage is basically God's might. Dodge his poke and just farm.
Runes: Elec. Resolve
Starting Items: D. Shield
I have not seen a Kalista mid. Though some Katarinas in high elo say it is impossible to play against.
Runes: Elec. - Resolve
Starting Items: D. Shield
She has a shield, slow, healing, and does insane damage. Just cancer.
Runes: Conq.-Dom. or Elec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D. Shield or Blade
Super easy. Karthus isn't even a mid lanner anymore because every matchup **** on him.
Runes: Elec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D. Sheild or Dark Seal
Snowball quickly and end as he is a ticking time bomb. Kassadin is a nuke, the nuke drops once he hits 16, unless your team has enough cc to bring his spiritual body to the high heavens.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items:D, Blade
Skill Matchup. Easier as you get more items.
Runes: Elec.-Prec.
Starting Items: D. Sheild or Dark Seal
You will most likely get camped because of her gank setup potential. There are little to no chances of killing her 1v1 if she is smart.
Runes: Conq.-Dom.
Starting Items:D. Shield
If he dashes forward, instantly EWR combo him.
Runes: Conq-Dom. or resolve
Starting Items: D. SHield
No Mercy.
Runes: Conq. - Dom. or Elec.- Prec.
Starting Items: D. Shield
Easier when you get more items. Dodge E and Q and you will be fine. if you get hit by Q you will possibly lose 2/3 hp.
Runes: Elec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D. Shield or Dark Seal
His outplay button(R) will screw you over. Abuse him early.
Runes: Conq. - Dom. or Elec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D. Blade or Dark Seal
Infuriating. Dodge her Q and don't get poked down by her W. You will win if you can dodge her Q and kill her before her R stuns you.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items: D Shield
Better as you get items. Make sure to dodge her ball.
Runes: Elec- Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield
He can kill you from full health for some odd reason. Don't bother until you get Riftmnaker, Nashor's, and Sorc. shoes.
Runes: Conq- Dom
Starting Item: D Blade
Ban. You will never win.
Runes: Conq-Resolve
Starting Items: D Shield
I don't see how you would lose. Dodge E and Q. Can Zhonya's ult. Can burst him easily after you dodge his E and Q.
Runes: Elec-Resolve or Prec.
Starting Items: Long Sword or D. Shield/Sword or Dark Seal
It's fine. Dodge her Q, shunpo behind her or to minions when she ults.
Runes: Conq-Resolve or Elec.-Resolve
Starting Items: D Blade or Dark Seal
Hard to solo kill. Try to farm with him until your jungle ganks. He is scary late game with the new season 11 items.
Runes: Conq-Dom or ELec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield
Hard counter to kat. If you play the matchup right, you will be able to solo kill him
Runes: Conq-Resolve
Starting Items: D Blade
Skill Matchup. Dodge her Q and W. When she ults, her W, Q, and auto range are extended so run when she ults.
Runes: Conq- Resolve
Starting Items: D Blade
Same as the Ryze matchup. Hard to solo kill, just farm with him, get jungler to come.
Runes: Conq-Dom or Elec. Prec.
Starting Items: Dark Seal or D Shield
Dodge her Q and E. You should be able to kill her easily pre-6. Post - 6, it is a bit tricky, but you should be fine.
Runes: Elec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield or Dark Seal
Avoid him. He will win no matter what. Just farm near the turret and wait for jungle.
Creammon, "Not associating with him will be good for your mental health :)"
Runes: Conq- Resolve
Starting Items: D Blade
Dodge E and then run him over.
Runes: Conq-Dom or Elec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield or Dark Seal
Easier with experience. Dodge his 2nd E and you can just EWR without being stopped. Dodge his Q and get morello for his W healing.
Runes: Conq-Dom
Starting Items: D blade or Dark Seal
Dodge her E. Easier as you get more items.
Runes: Elec. - Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield or Dark Seal
Dodge W. You win. Don't get poked by her Q. Tp to follow her when she roams.
Runes: Elec- Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield or Dark Seal
His three-hit passive will just melt you. Watch out for his Q. Dodge his W. You can get hit by the first W, but not the second. If you have two stacks on you, just walk away until it goes away.
Runes: Conq-Resolve or Elec - Resolve
Starting Items: D Shield, D Blade, Dark Seal
She will just W away or ult you away when you try to all in. She outranges and out damages you. Rush Zhonyas. Just look for roams.
Runes: Elec. - Resolve
Starting Items: D Shield
He will just turret dive you when he hits six. You have some kill pressure pre 6. If he dives you, just run around turret and shunpo to minions. Easier with more items. Get jungler to help. Rush armguard.
Runes: Elec-prec. or Conq-Dom/Resolve
Starting Items: D Shield or Dark Seal
Twisted Fate
Kill pre -6. Post 6, just ping your team that he has ult.
"Ping mid danger or missing six times and it's not your fault if they die to a roam" - Faker
Runes: Conq-Dom or Elec -Prec.
Starting Items: D Blade, D Shield, Dark Seal
You can shunpo out of his cage and just run him over. If you are in his cage with your shunpo on cd, dodge his W and Q. He can kill you engage him with half hp.
Runes:Elec - Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield or Dark Seal
Dodge his **** and you win. Watch out for his ult which does true damage because of his passive.
Runes: Elec- Prec.
Starting Items:D Shield
Season 11 items made him insanely good. He does insane damage and his new rework lets him use gold on other things besides upgrading his laser thing. Dodge everything and you should be fine.
Runes: Conq- Dom or Elec. Prec
Starting Items: D Shield
Time bomb. Snowball as quickly as you can because he does stupid damage late game.
Runes: Conq- Dom or Elec- Prec
Starting Items: D Blade or Dark Seal
I haven't seen him mid, but he seems stupid with his ult as he can use it twice now.
Runes: Conq - Resolve
Starting Items: D Blade
Major only because he does long-range poke and late game you will never be able to get to him. Dodge everything and you will win.
Runes: Elec - Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield
Skill and Experience matchup. Don't tilt. You can win early. He will beat you later into the game because his windwall is stupidly broken as he can stop your Q, W, and R. If you fight him, make sure his passive is down.
Runes: Conq- Resolve or Elec. - Resolve
Starting Items: D Blade
he will win trades because he just presses W. Even if you win early, he will just kill you later on when he gets immortal shieldbow. Get an
Seeker's armguard if you are losing.
Runes: Conq- Resolve
Starting Items: D Sheild or Blade
Skill matchup. Do not get his by his WEQ. If he misses WEQ, all in him as he has no chance to escape. If he does not have W, you can all in him.
Runes: Electrocute-Resolve
Starting Items: D Shield
Annoying if the Zigg has a brain. Easy to kill though if he does not know how to play the game. If he does know how to play, just let him push up and EW onto him. Let him waste his get-away blast cone thing and then QER.
Runes: Elec- Prec.
Starting Items: D Shield or Dark Seal
Easy in the lane. Pain in the *** late game. Dodge his Q's. Hard to all in due to his Slow,speed up, and his ult.
Runes: Electrocute-Precision
Starting Items: D Shield or Dark Seal
I am a gold Katrina OTP. I have 200k mastery points on Katarina. The tips that I have put into this guide are from Korean Challenger Katarina players that are under-rated(Creammon, Ikkyu, and Emilia tan). I have put this guide through their videos and looking at their opggs. This is also my first guide, if you want me to add something please let me know. I will add more when I have more time as I am still in school.
Summoner Spells
Summoner Spells
Ingite and Teleport
Ignite is a must on Katarina and should be taken into every matchup. It is the bread and butter of Katarina. It provides you with that extra damage that will allow you to get a kill so that you get a reset and gives you that extra kill pressure in the lane.
-=-=-=-Teleport-=-=-=- Teleport is something that not a lot of Katarina players know about and that's because only Korean Katarinas have been abusing it. Teleport is amazing for Katarina as it allows her to roam to other lanes and get those cheeky kills that the top and bot will not expect. You also do not need flash as you will have an Hextech Rocketbelt that will allow you to have a short dash and gain some movement speed. Teleport cooldown also lowers as the game progresses which will allow Katrina to split and be able to TP to teamfights that are across the map. Katarina split pushing will force someone to come top which will put the enemy team at a disadvantage as Katarina will be able to join his/her team for an objective.
Electrocute and Conqueror are the most used rune on Katarina at the moment. Both runes are good and can be used almost every game, but there are some games where Electrocute will outshine Conqueror and vice versa.
You might be wondering when you should pick Electrocute over Conqueror. This is a very reasonable question and something you should keep in mind is that both runes are top tier and can be used anytime, it's just that there are tons of Katarina playstyles and you have to see what fits you.
Electrocute is a rune that should be taken into squishy team compositions. Electrocute's main playstyle is to assassinate targets quickly. Electrocute is helpful for when ADCs are fed and are being peeled, but with Katarina you are able to go in, quickly burst the ADC, or whoever is fed on the enemy team that is burstable, and then quickly using Zhonya's Hourglass. This allows your team to quickly come in and finish off the fed person that is low from being busted or clean the rest of the team because the fed person was burst by Electrocute.
Conqueror should be picked into enemy team compositions that have two or more tanks. It can also be taken into teams with tons of cc. This is because Conqueror is only good for when you are able to fully stack it as it will give you more damage and gain some healing. This is why some people prefer Conqueror over Electrocute. Conqueror is a rune that allows you to consistently deal damage compared to Electrocute, but the downfall is that you will not be able to burst for a couple of seconds.
Eyeball Collection should also be chosen over ghost poor and Zombie Ward because Katarina is able to stack if quickly by getting kills.
Ravenous Hunter and Relentless Hunter can both be used but recently Korean Katarinas have been using Ravenous Hunter. I personally use ravenous and the healing you get from this item really comes in clutch as it keeps you alive enough to get the Triumph healing.
The secondary runes are also flexible. Triumph should always be taken as it gives you extra gold and gives you health when you get a kill.
After this, you have to see the enemy team comp. If they have lots of crowd control, you should go Legend: Tenacity. If they do not have much cc, go [[Coup De Grace] as the extra damage on low
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