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Katarina Build Guide by KataTocDo

Middle Katarina Guide - Based on Korean Katarina Challengers

Middle Katarina Guide - Based on Korean Katarina Challengers

Updated on February 28, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KataTocDo Build Guide By KataTocDo 9,622 Views 0 Comments
9,622 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KataTocDo Katarina Build Guide By KataTocDo Updated on February 28, 2021
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Runes: Electrocute/Precision

1 2 3 4
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Best Rune Set on Katarina
LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Katarina Guide - Based on Korean Katarina Challengers

By KataTocDo
About me
I am a gold Katrina OTP. I have 200k mastery points on Katarina. The tips that I have put into this guide are from Korean Challenger Katarina players that are under-rated(Creammon, Ikkyu, and Emilia tan). I have put this guide through their videos and looking at their opggs. This is also my first guide, if you want me to add something please let me know. I will add more when I have more time as I am still in school.
Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells

Ingite and Teleport

Ignite is a must on Katarina and should be taken into every matchup. It is the bread and butter of Katarina. It provides you with that extra damage that will allow you to get a kill so that you get a reset and gives you that extra kill pressure in the lane.

Teleport is something that not a lot of Katarina players know about and that's because only Korean Katarinas have been abusing it. Teleport is amazing for Katarina as it allows her to roam to other lanes and get those cheeky kills that the top and bot will not expect. You also do not need flash as you will have an Hextech Rocketbelt that will allow you to have a short dash and gain some movement speed. Teleport cooldown also lowers as the game progresses which will allow Katrina to split and be able to TP to teamfights that are across the map. Katarina split pushing will force someone to come top which will put the enemy team at a disadvantage as Katarina will be able to join his/her team for an objective.
Electrocute and Conqueror are the most used rune on Katarina at the moment. Both runes are good and can be used almost every game, but there are some games where Electrocute will outshine Conqueror and vice versa.

You might be wondering when you should pick Electrocute over Conqueror. This is a very reasonable question and something you should keep in mind is that both runes are top tier and can be used anytime, it's just that there are tons of Katarina playstyles and you have to see what fits you.

Electrocute is a rune that should be taken into squishy team compositions. Electrocute's main playstyle is to assassinate targets quickly. Electrocute is helpful for when ADCs are fed and are being peeled, but with Katarina you are able to go in, quickly burst the ADC, or whoever is fed on the enemy team that is burstable, and then quickly using Zhonya's Hourglass. This allows your team to quickly come in and finish off the fed person that is low from being busted or clean the rest of the team because the fed person was burst by Electrocute.

Conqueror should be picked into enemy team compositions that have two or more tanks. It can also be taken into teams with tons of cc. This is because Conqueror is only good for when you are able to fully stack it as it will give you more damage and gain some healing. This is why some people prefer Conqueror over Electrocute. Conqueror is a rune that allows you to consistently deal damage compared to Electrocute, but the downfall is that you will not be able to burst for a couple of seconds.

Electrocute Rune Pages
Sudden Impact should be chosen over Taste of Blood and Cheap Shot because Katarina can benefit the most as it gives her lethality and magic penetration.

Eyeball Collection should also be chosen over ghost poor and Zombie Ward because Katarina is able to stack if quickly by getting kills.

Ravenous Hunter and Relentless Hunter can both be used but recently Korean Katarinas have been using Ravenous Hunter. I personally use ravenous and the healing you get from this item really comes in clutch as it keeps you alive enough to get the Triumph healing.

The secondary runes are also flexible.
Triumph should always be taken as it gives you extra gold and gives you health when you get a kill.

After this, you have to see the enemy team comp. If they have lots of crowd control, you should go Legend: Tenacity. If they do not have much cc, go [[Coup De Grace] as the extra damage on low
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KataTocDo
KataTocDo Katarina Guide
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Katarina Guide - Based on Korean Katarina Challengers

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