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Katarina Build Guide by StralekS

Middle Katarina Middle [All builds and matchups] [S13]

Middle Katarina Middle [All builds and matchups] [S13]

Updated on January 5, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author StralekS Build Guide By StralekS 12 0 23,652 Views 0 Comments
12 0 23,652 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author StralekS Katarina Build Guide By StralekS Updated on January 5, 2023
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Runes: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Assassins

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Always take this
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Katarina Middle [All builds and matchups] [S13]

By StralekS
1) In a Threats & Synergies section everything written is for LANE MATCHUP ONLY.

2) Every Katarina game and builds are situational, for example:
- If they are ALL SQUSHIES you are in any case going either Electrocute or First Strike.
- If there is ONE OR MORE TANKS you are going conqueror based on your matchup.
- If you want to go full AP in any situation and don't give a damn if there is tanks or not DONT GO CONQUEROR.

3) You are going CONQUEROR RUNE PAGE if you decide to go TANK HYBRID or HYBRID.

Saying again EVERYTHING depends of enemy team comp. When there is Electrocute said and then after Sunderer dont do it, it means in situations when u go CONQUEROR then go SUNDERER.
🗡️ About Me 🗡️
Hi, Straleks here. I've been a League player for about a year now. I was playing TFT and saw Katarina for the first time and immediately liked her. My friend told me that she is hard to play and it's really challenging, I said that she is for me and that I will become her main. Before that, I was playing Yasuo (My first ever champion). Today I still really like Yasuo and I think he is a great champion to play and a lot of fun, but my favorite champion as I wrote above is Katarina. I decided to write this guide so that people will get to know this champion that is compatible with every item in game and every rune page, that have everything situational and with no CORE ITEMS. I hope this guide will be much of a help for you.
🗡️ Why Katarina? 🗡️
Katarina is a Hypercarry/Bruiser/Assassin/Tank/Mage AP/AD that can be played on Mid/Top/ADC/Support and even Jungle. It has a fairly complex kit that is based on AP/AD damage.

She can adapt to any possible situation - she can be a tank, bruiser, assassin, mage and full AP or AD hypercarry. It all depends on what we need most at the moment.

She excels at splitpushing, and is very strong on the sidelane in early and mid game, so she can defeat characters who want to threaten her and interrupt her job.

However, in addition to splitpushing, Katarina has POWERFUL teamfights where she can easily knock out an opposing ADC when fed. To be useful in teamfights you need to wait pationatly and find just right moment to hop in and do a lot of damage. You should never go first in teamfight when you play hypercarry, if you go TANK HYBRID you can get out with it.

Anyways in my opinion Katarina is worst champion in game that is useless when not fully fed and extremely hard to play. You are the one who must make decisions on your EXPERIENCE, FEELING, LOGIC and sometimes LUCK in every single situation. You must have full concentration and ability to spam and react fast.
🗡️ Katarina Pros and Cons 🗡️
+ One of the best snowball champs
+ Capable of 1v9
+ Satisfying to play
+ Insanely good roams

- Weak early
- Hard early
- Difficult late
- High learning curve
- Burst takes longer than other assassins
- Super Jumpy
- Too HARD
- Almost no winning matchups
- Hard countered by CC
- A lot of practice
- If you want to learn you cant play 3-5 games randomly
- You must main her to know her
- She has no CC
- All she has in lane is her Q, which is weak when not popped. She can also use her E and W together to harass but it is your only escape move so it's not a safe and reliable option. Because of this, you wanna just farm as best as you can, using your E to dodge skills rather then using it for poking/trading.
- Katarina is reliant on her team. She needs her team to dish out damage so that they get low enough for Katarina to go off. Your team plays your games.
- Katarina falls off late game really hard. The enemy team will build a lot of magic resist for you so it gets really hard to kill anything. And their backline will be hard to get to with a really tanky frontline.
- Brings nothing to the team aside from damage
- Melee attack range

I can tell more Cons but i think this is enough.
🗡️ Katarina Combos? 🗡️
Wherever you see E just know that it's perfect if you can E on enemy and immediately fall on dagger.
S = Spins

🗡️ Easy Combos 🗡️
Q + E + AA + S
Q + E + S + W + S

🗡️ Hard Combos 🗡️
Q + E + AA + S + W + AA + S
Q + E(on enemy) + W + S + R
E(on enemy) + W + S + R + Q(after leaving or ult cancels) + E

🗡️ Extreme Combos 🗡️
Q + AA + E + AA + S + AA + E + AA + W + AA + S + AA
Q + AA + E + AA + S + AA + E(on enemy) + W + R + S + E + AA
E(on enemy) + W + AA + S + AA + Q + E + R + E + AA
🗡️ Build and tactic recommendations 🗡️
Veigar: Can dodge E, Q and W and kill him easily.

Velkoz: Dodge and strike back.

Xerath: Dodge and strike back. Can dodge a lot.

Taliyah: Dodge and strike back. Can dodge a lot.

Swain: Dodge and strike back. Try not to get hooked under turret.

Twisted Fate: Try not to attack when his CC is up.

Aurelion Sol: Dodge and strike back. Can dodge a lot.

Karthus: Dodge and strike back. Can dodge a lot.

Kassadin: Just try to dodge as much as possible and try to get pickaxe on first back. Other cases... u r screwed.

Galio: Try to dodge as much as possible and try to get pickaxe on first back.

Malzahar: You can pretty much always win before level 6 if you dont get hit by him. After level 6 you already need to have QSS, becausse thats first thing you need to get and after that rush Nashor or Sunderer and finish QSS. YOu take Ingenious Hunter to lower cooldown on QSS item. Malzahar is no more a problem.

Akali: Try to dodge as much as possible, she is always superior and stronger than you so just go in 1v1 against her when you are sure she doesnt have R or E.

AAtrox: Can dodge Q and W, everything else is not big of a problem.

Ahri: Can dodge everything and strige back as soon as you have chance.

Annie: Try not to all in on start and post level 6 when she have R.

Brand: Just dodge and strike back.

Corki: Dodge and strike back.

Ekko: Try not to all in on start and post level 6 when he have R.

Lissandra: Dodge and strike back.

Orianna: Can dodge and go all in.

Qiyana: Pretty easy to dodge and counter everything after that she is useless.

Sylas: Againt him i will always recommend First Strike to get lead in money and have first item before him, try to dodge as much as possible and dont go all in early.

Syndra: Dodge and strike back.

Karma: Dodge and all in.

Azir: Try poking as much as possible while still having at least 7 CS per min, dont go all in because its never worthy.

Anivia: Try to dodge as much as possible and don't go always all in and don't dive when passive is up.

Fizz: Try to dodge as much as possible wait for E waste and then go all in.

Heimerdinger: Don't ever go close to him without jungler or when you clear all mini turrets, farm patiently.

Diana: Try to dodge as much as possible and dont go all in without jungler.

Kayle: Try to kill her as much as possible before level 6 and don't always go all in.

Lux: If you dodge Q and E you are pretty much good to go all in.

Morgana: If you dodge Q and E you are pretty much good to go all in.

Ornn: Try to dodge as much as possible, try to bait him under turret and wait for junglers help.

Ryze: Wait until he drops everything and then go all in, if you dont win early game you are pretty much screwed.

Seraphine: Try to dodge everything and you are pretty much good to go all in.

Viktor: Farm patiently, dodge abilites and wait for junglers help.

Ziggs: Try to dodge everything and you are pretty much good to go all in.

Zilean: Try to dodge everything and you are pretty much good to go all in.

Lucian: Try to dodge everything and you are pretty much good to go all in.

Akshan, Cassio, Irelia, Jayce, LeBlanc, Nocturne, Nunu, Pantheon, Talon, Vex, Viego, Zoe, Riven: Against them you can pretty much do nothing except waiting for jungler and farming under turret. Nashor into Jak'Sho tactics works mosts of the time.

Lulu: Try to dodge everything and you are pretty much good to go all in.

Neeko: Try to dodge everything and try to all in.

Zed: Try to dodge Q and waste his shadow for chance to kill him, When he ults you try to drop your W and R next to his shadow so he can't run away from you.

Yone/ Yasuo: Try to dodge Q3 and poke while still having good farm, be aware that Yasuo's W blocks your Q and R.

Cho'Gath, Garen, Gragas, Illaoi, Kled, Renekton, Rumble, Sett, Sion, Singed, Trynda, Vladimir, Udyr, Urgot, Volibear, Vi, Warwick, Wukong, Camile, Darius, Mundo, Gangplank, Fiora, Gnar, Graves, Hecarim, Jax, Malphite, Nasus, Morde, K'Sante: Try to enjoy farming under turret... IF YOU CAN. Nashor and Jak'sho works if you get early jungle help.

Ivern, Kennen, Lee Sin, Soraka, Tristana, Teemo, Fiddle, Gwen, Kindred: Farm as much as possible and poke, do half all ins and when you get oportunity or jungler on your side all in and kill.
🗡️ Useful things to learn 🗡️
Only usefull trick is Wall Hop really...
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