I mean, you cant really do much against her ur e barely outranges her q just try to farm and play safe she has 3 ways she can take out ur ultimate so watch out for that. In sidelane after 11 it s kind of hard but u can manage to do it if u play it perfectly, Level 16 you hard beat her so play for that
Hard matchup, just play safe under tower farm and try to do the most u can , u can solokill at 11 if u play really well and sidelane u can win. He is not that strong so u GOT THIS
Really annoying and hard matchup at the same time just play safe under tower and farm u can try to contest her for some cs but it rarely works out and if it doesnt u can get easily punished for it. After level 11 u hard beat her R her R and try to be as efficient and dont lose any cs in lane because u need every single one of them. Buy boots to dodge
I would say dodge this since if u make a single mistake in lane the lane is just over and it is not fun for u. After 11 you can beat but watch out for her high burst at level 6
I hate to play against this. Watch out for her e cooldown and if the bubble doesnt hit u and she r s onto u u just q basic e and win the trade ( unless she has first item) on sidelane u beat her. Buy boots do dodge
Hard matchup, nothing much u can do, just play safe and look to beat him on sidelane , boots back to dodge his e.,
Twisted Fate
Ping his roams, you can not match them so try to push wave and get tower plates when u see the opportunity for it . He is really annoying but unless u played bad he cant really kill you, BE AWARE OF HIS GOLD CARD AT GANKS ( CAN BE DEADLY )
If the zed is good he will almost always beat u even at 16 he can outplay u and kill you Avoid his dagger rush blasting wand so u can trade with him tier 1 boots as well and then upgrade to tier 2 before u finish nashor
He is kind of annoying to play against but after level 11 on sidelane u just beat him so match him on sidelane, you can maybe try to look to kill him at level 1 with d blade . Other than that u will win later so hold
Go blasting wand first base a tip for this matchup is to use w when he engages on u so he does not have range to knock u back, try to space him as much as possible
Eh matchup if u were to ask me some may say otherwise try to dodge her charm and Q RUSH BOOTS AGAINST this and farm under tower
He is kind of annoying to play against u can try to go kraken to match his dps but if u want to play for full scailing go nashor. WHOEVER ULTS FIRST LOSES so be aware of that when u trade with him, i recommend blasitng wand first recall so that u can q e to win some trades.
HARD HARD HARD his healing is just crazy and he cant beat u at 11 if u play well but he can take ur r with his e damage. In laning phase try to q e him when he goes for e on u and u can ult before his ult if he didnt e before so u win the trade. Watch out for his long airbone duration combo (3rd q and ult )
She has a high burst of damage at level 3 so be aware of that. Level 1 and 2 u are way stronger than her so be aware of that push wave with ur passive stacked up and try to poke her on sidelane u hard beat her with ur level advantage
Really hard matchup and can be unplayble if enemey Akshan is really good and zones you off every minion that you try to take. However if you manage to survive till Blasting Wand and level 6 thats when you want to start taking small trades. Be aware of his roams and ping them as much as possible he is way stronger in skirmishes so be aware of that please dont take bad fights and u will outscale him
Hard matchup but can be easy if the ryze is not that good of a player. There are not that many good ryze players so u are safe and most of the times the ones that actually are are in really high elo . You need blasting wand in order to win trades with him with q he can zone u of xp at level 1 with w and auto attack Ping his roams u cant really roam with him when he does a roam try to punish by taking tower plates pushing the wave and getting a recall timer. After level 11 the matchup is easy and u can solo kill if he messes up. He outranges u with q so try to dodge it as much as possible for possible poke. GLHF
Rare matchup she is barely played but this is a hard one. Her big auto attack range outranges everything from ur kit so be aware of that. Her burst at level 6 and her high cc duration is just crazy so keep that in mind aswel, buy blasting wand so u can win trades. You can start dorans ring here for the q poke.
A matchup where u really want to go kraken and pta because of his passive makes u deal 0 dmg with nashors vs him, dont rush boots reather finish kraken because u need the dps to kill him, You beat him after 11 and 16 u are way stronger.
This matchup is only really hard because of her r when there is a gank because u are dead. If you dodge her q i dont think there is any way she can win a trade against u and after u buy blasting wand the trade is always won. Sidelane u always beat her
Can go either way ,try to take lethal thempo and fist him level 1 to kill then take lead and win. A BIG tip here is to go bow first recall so u can farm better and u can also trade with him a bit more since both of u are auto attackers with melee ranged ( until u turn 6)
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