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Recommended Items
Ability Order
The Darkin Scythe (PASSIVE)
Kayn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Dont try, she will outscale you, her shield save her from a lot damage and when you used your R she just wait till you came out to use her R too, then she will kill you even before you reached the ground. Your only chance for this matchup is going for darkin instead of shadow.
Now I will start with the Build:
A few days since the release of

So i decided to make a guide for

This build is still in progress, so dont be mad with me when it is a bit boring. At the moment i just want to fill this build and guide with informations.

I also testet Scaling AD, flat AD and precision Runes. I also testet some combination of these. The most Dmg you will gain with AD Quinessence and precision Marks, but when your passiv is on Cooldown your damage will drop, also will these runes dont help you farming.

Both can be very useful for

As said your early is pretty weak and you will also drop on mana, so

I make the dacision to

This was easy for me, here i take

Since your passiv deal also magic damage you can get use of the potencial of

in the early it can be pretty hard to proc


Since you deal the most of your dmg with your abilities

These both were pretty equal,

I always prefe here

This is completly to your decision, here you pick what you like the most, i take most the time

Lets start with the items you choose on start:
Here i prefer to take

As soon as possible (at first back when you can pick an early kill) you go for

After you finished the Items above and you reachend from this point around 1500 Gold you should be able to choose your form. head back now get

From here i will just write one sentence per item

Max order is R>Q>W>E
Why maxing the R first should be clear
You maxing your Q next cause it has the most damage from your kit, also allows it you to get close to enemies
Your W ist most used for the slow and in the beginnig to gain the needed points for your passiv
You will maxing your E last cause the heal isnt that enourmous, even in late, you only use it to roam, so you can travel between mid and bot in less than 6 seconds, then you pick up a kill on bot, and when its cooldown is over you will be back in mid.

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