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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Voracity (PASSIVE)
Katarina Passive Ability
Pre 6 (laning phase)
So, as stated above this is a brief guide. I can't play the game for you guys so you will have to be the ones to test and hopefully succeed with this. Basically the reason there isn't many AP items in this build is because of the scaling on Kat's abilities. Every single one of them excluding her ult basically doesn't scale with AP very much. Her ult scales so high that you don't actually need that much AP for it to be effective. For this very reason MP is the best route to go. And what good is a Kat if all she can do is get half an ult off and die? That is the reason the tanky items work so well with her. You are actually durable enough to finish that ult, do a couple combos, and ult again. (if there are any enemies left, but considering you probably just got a penta that won't happen. Anyways the items are explained above and they are pretty much universal. By that I mean the build itself shouldn't need to be altered, it works against everything (except for those extremely fed Yi's, but no one plays him as an ADC so you are golden) I've had pretty much nothing but success with this build so have fun! Feel free to leave any questions or comments and I might read them.
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