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Ability Order
Mark of the Storm (PASSIVE)
Kennen Passive Ability
Kennen, The Heart of the Tempest
Kennen was born in Bandle City and it was said that in his first living moments he bolted first from the womb and second from the midwife who delivered him. His parents had thought that he would outgrow his boundless energy, but as he matured his energy found no limits and was matched only by his unnerving speed. Despite his astonishing gifts, he remained unnoticed (or at least uncaught, as he was quite the prankster) until, on a dare, he ran straight up the great outer wall of the Placidium. When word of this feat reached Kinkou ears, Kennen was quickly and quietly brought in for an audience. He found that the role of the Heart of the Tempest suited him, frenetically delivering both the word and the punishments of the Kinkou across the realm. He now works with his fellows Akali and Shen to enforce the balance of Valoran. This hallowed pursuit has unsurprisingly led the triumvirate to the Fields of Justice.
The Heart of the Tempest beats eternal... and those beaten remember eternally.
Mark of the Storm
"Kennen's abilities add Marks of the Storm to opponents. Upon receiving 3 Marks of Storm, an opponent is stunned for 1 second and Kennen receives 25 energy. Mark of the Storm has a diminished stun effect if applied more than once within seven seconds."
This is the essence of Kennen right here. Mark of the Storm (MOTS) is what enables Kennen to effectively stun anywhere from 1 to every opponent at once.
How it works:
Each time you use any of your skills on an opponent, he will gain 1 MOTS. This is shown with a debuff that tells you how many marks the opponent has, as well as 3 floating orbs/balls that swirl around your opponent. The debuff lasts 8 seconds.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you add 1 MOTS to your opponent, 3 swirly orbs will appear. On closer examination, 1 of these orbs will be cracking with lightning and lit up, while the other 2 are just a plain clear blue. This is showing that they have 1 mark.
"Kennen throws a fast moving shuriken towards a location, causing damage and adding a Mark of the Storm to any opponent that it hits.
Throws a shuriken that damages the first enemy it hits for 75/115/155/195/235 (+0.75) magic damage and adds a Mark of the Storm."
Cost: 65/60/55/50/45 Energy
Cooldown: 7/6/5/4/3
Damage: 75/115/155/195/235
Ability Power Ratio: +.75
Kennen's skillshot. This move is your first and main move for harassing. You will be using this skill A LOT. With its very low cooldown and high damage, this move is a great skillshot for Kennen. Also great for checking bushes because it makes a distinct crackling noise when it hits something.
Electrical Surge
"Kennen passively deals extra damage and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target every few attacks, and he can activate this ability to damage and add another Mark of the Storm to targets who are already marked."
Passive: Every 5 attacks, Kennen deals magic damage equal to 40/50/60/70/80% of his attack damage and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target.
Active: Surges electricity through all nearby targets afflicted by Mark of the Storm, dealing 65/95/125/155/185 (+0.55) magic damage and adding another mark."
Cost: 45/45/45/45/45 Energy
Cooldown: 14/12/10/8/6
Active Damage: 65/95/125/155/185
Active Ability Power Ratio: +.55
Lightning Rush
"Kennen morphs into a lightning form, enabling him to pass through units. Any enemy unit he runs through takes damage and gets a Mark of the Storm.
Kennen moves very fast and gains the ability to pass through units, dealing 85/125/165/205/245 (+0.6) magic damage and adding a Mark of the Storm to any hostile unit he passes through."
Kennen is refunded 40 energy if he passes through an enemy while using this spell, but can only gain this effect once. Lightning Rush deals half damage to minions.
Lightning Rush provides 10/20/30/40/50 magic resistance and armor for 4 seconds"
Cost: 100/95/90/85/80 Energy
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6
Damage: 85/125/165/205/245
Ability Power Ratio: +.6
Speed Increase Duration: Approximately 3 seconds at all ranks
Movement speed:
No boots : 310 to 540
Boots of Speed : 360 to 590
Berserker's Greaves, Sorcerer's Shoes, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Mercury's Treads, Boots of Mobility (in combat) : 380 to 610
Boots of Swiftness : 400 to 630
Boots of Mobility (out of combat) : 435 to 670
As you can see Lightning Rush adds 230 movement speed. However for some reason when you have Boots of Mobility it adds 235. Weird...
Slicing Maelstrom
"Kennen summons a storm that strikes at random nearby enemy champions for magical damage.
Summons a magical storm that deals 80/145/210 (+0.4) magic damage to a random enemy champion near Kennen every 0.5 seconds. This storm attacks up to 6/10/15 times and cannot hit the same target more than 3 times."
Cost: 40/40/40 Energy
Cooldown: 120/120/120
Damage: 80/145/210 per bolt
Ability Power Ratio: +.4
Number of Bolts: 6/10/15
This move rocks team fights. Seriously. Slicing Maelstrom creates a large thundery ring around yourself and anyone inside that ring will start getting hit with thunderbolts. Since this move has a 2 minute cooldown, I recommend that you save it for large ganks/teamfights. DO NOT USE THIS ON A SINGLE OPPONENT. It is a huge waste to use this to fight 1 guy.
IMPORTANT NOTES: The thunderbolts strike AT RANDOM every .5 seconds. You have to pay attention to your foes during this move if you want to see how many MOTS they have and how many MOTS they are getting.
Slicing Maelstrom cannot strike 1 opponent more than 3 times.
In addition, it is important to remember that this move NOW adds 1 MOTS per bolts. That means this spell can put a maximum of 3 marks on 5 targets.
"Kennen's abilities add Marks of the Storm to opponents. Upon receiving 3 Marks of Storm, an opponent is stunned for 1 second and Kennen receives 25 energy. Mark of the Storm has a diminished stun effect if applied more than once within seven seconds."
This is the essence of Kennen right here. Mark of the Storm (MOTS) is what enables Kennen to effectively stun anywhere from 1 to every opponent at once.
How it works:
Each time you use any of your skills on an opponent, he will gain 1 MOTS. This is shown with a debuff that tells you how many marks the opponent has, as well as 3 floating orbs/balls that swirl around your opponent. The debuff lasts 8 seconds.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you add 1 MOTS to your opponent, 3 swirly orbs will appear. On closer examination, 1 of these orbs will be cracking with lightning and lit up, while the other 2 are just a plain clear blue. This is showing that they have 1 mark.
"Kennen throws a fast moving shuriken towards a location, causing damage and adding a Mark of the Storm to any opponent that it hits.
Throws a shuriken that damages the first enemy it hits for 75/115/155/195/235 (+0.75) magic damage and adds a Mark of the Storm."
Cost: 65/60/55/50/45 Energy
Cooldown: 7/6/5/4/3
Damage: 75/115/155/195/235
Ability Power Ratio: +.75
Kennen's skillshot. This move is your first and main move for harassing. You will be using this skill A LOT. With its very low cooldown and high damage, this move is a great skillshot for Kennen. Also great for checking bushes because it makes a distinct crackling noise when it hits something.
Electrical Surge
"Kennen passively deals extra damage and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target every few attacks, and he can activate this ability to damage and add another Mark of the Storm to targets who are already marked."
Passive: Every 5 attacks, Kennen deals magic damage equal to 40/50/60/70/80% of his attack damage and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target.
Active: Surges electricity through all nearby targets afflicted by Mark of the Storm, dealing 65/95/125/155/185 (+0.55) magic damage and adding another mark."
Cost: 45/45/45/45/45 Energy
Cooldown: 14/12/10/8/6
Active Damage: 65/95/125/155/185
Active Ability Power Ratio: +.55
Lightning Rush
"Kennen morphs into a lightning form, enabling him to pass through units. Any enemy unit he runs through takes damage and gets a Mark of the Storm.
Kennen moves very fast and gains the ability to pass through units, dealing 85/125/165/205/245 (+0.6) magic damage and adding a Mark of the Storm to any hostile unit he passes through."
Kennen is refunded 40 energy if he passes through an enemy while using this spell, but can only gain this effect once. Lightning Rush deals half damage to minions.
Lightning Rush provides 10/20/30/40/50 magic resistance and armor for 4 seconds"
Cost: 100/95/90/85/80 Energy
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6
Damage: 85/125/165/205/245
Ability Power Ratio: +.6
Speed Increase Duration: Approximately 3 seconds at all ranks
Movement speed:
No boots : 310 to 540
Boots of Speed : 360 to 590
Berserker's Greaves, Sorcerer's Shoes, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Mercury's Treads, Boots of Mobility (in combat) : 380 to 610
Boots of Swiftness : 400 to 630
Boots of Mobility (out of combat) : 435 to 670
As you can see Lightning Rush adds 230 movement speed. However for some reason when you have Boots of Mobility it adds 235. Weird...
Slicing Maelstrom
"Kennen summons a storm that strikes at random nearby enemy champions for magical damage.
Summons a magical storm that deals 80/145/210 (+0.4) magic damage to a random enemy champion near Kennen every 0.5 seconds. This storm attacks up to 6/10/15 times and cannot hit the same target more than 3 times."
Cost: 40/40/40 Energy
Cooldown: 120/120/120
Damage: 80/145/210 per bolt
Ability Power Ratio: +.4
Number of Bolts: 6/10/15
This move rocks team fights. Seriously. Slicing Maelstrom creates a large thundery ring around yourself and anyone inside that ring will start getting hit with thunderbolts. Since this move has a 2 minute cooldown, I recommend that you save it for large ganks/teamfights. DO NOT USE THIS ON A SINGLE OPPONENT. It is a huge waste to use this to fight 1 guy.
IMPORTANT NOTES: The thunderbolts strike AT RANDOM every .5 seconds. You have to pay attention to your foes during this move if you want to see how many MOTS they have and how many MOTS they are getting.
Slicing Maelstrom cannot strike 1 opponent more than 3 times.
In addition, it is important to remember that this move NOW adds 1 MOTS per bolts. That means this spell can put a maximum of 3 marks on 5 targets.
And now to kennen's masteries, It's just Standard AD carry Masteries.
I choose: "21/9/0"
To get the Attack damage per level and the Armor penetration we need.
And then i want the extra Health from defense So i max the "Hardiness" to get the armor, just cause we're playing him Ad carry style sp we're probably going to meet another ad carry on bottom lane.
I choose: "21/9/0"
To get the Attack damage per level and the Armor penetration we need.
And then i want the extra Health from defense So i max the "Hardiness" to get the armor, just cause we're playing him Ad carry style sp we're probably going to meet another ad carry on bottom lane.
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