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Runes: Go to Runpage
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Skill Path
Mark of the Storm (PASSIVE)
Kennen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Morgana is very dangerous for Kennen, due to her root and black shield. She can deny whole engages from him and also blocks his stuns, which he needs to kill the ADC early on.
Tristana insanely mobile ADC, who can keep up with Kennen's Speed after (e.g. E; Hextech-Protobelt; Flash).
Tristana insanely mobile ADC, who can keep up with Kennen's Speed after (e.g. E; Hextech-Protobelt; Flash).
Champion Build Guide
The whole early game is about pokin with Q and W+W Passive.
Try to dodge dangerous spells as Lux Q etc. with your E.
You can also use your flash early on for dodging lethal situations, because you just need it post Lvl 6 and having a Hex-Flash.
In the Mid game, you want to look for easy double kills with an easy Flash/Hex-Flash R engage on the bot lane. I would recommend you to start engages just after you bought an Hextech Alternator or a blasting wand. Before your dmg is still decent but not that explosive. Importan is to focus somebody while ulting. For example: You engage a Caitlyn and a Lux, than u just start ulting, immediately after u W them, ignite and q her to.
In the late game, you should not be anxious about engaging. You can easily engage a full enemy team by yourself, due to your lethal oneshot dmg and also safeness by your ult MR+Armor(R lvl3 gives u 60MR and 60 Armor)n' also Zhonya. But you should always stay with atleast a dmg carrier, who can finish up your almost killed enemies.
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