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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes:
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Abilities:
Unseen Threat (PASSIVE)
Kha'Zix Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Master Yi
Easily kills you mid-late game.
Only chance to beat him is in the early game, otherwise try not to run into him.
Q can pull fleeing enemies back for you to burst. If you burst the enemy but fail to kill them, pyke can execute them. You'll most likely get gold too. Bonus!
Q can pull fleeing enemies back for you to burst. If you burst the enemy but fail to kill them, pyke can execute them. You'll most likely get gold too. Bonus!
Champion Build Guide







When Fighting

After first back you should be level 4 and have

Do not try to solo

When soloing

When Ganking:
1. When you are about to go into the tall grass to hide so you can gank. Use the

2. When Ganking, if you can, try to get them from behind, they will have to waste time trying to get around you if they want to escape, giving you more time to kill them.
3. Never Gank Bot Lane by yourself, you will die as its 1v2, if you team up with your Bot and Support in the Bot Lane it will become 3v2. It will be even better if the enemy Bot and Support are already low so you can just block the enemy's way to the turret and kill them easily.
4. Do not be overly aggressive, Kha'Zix is squishy so you can't take big risks and expect to come out alive.
5. When Ganking, only use leap after the enemy uses their

6. You can use your Ultimate to approach enemies and ambush them, takes some skill. Easier if you use your Ultimate in the tall grass then approach the enemy.
7. Do not try to gank solo when the enemies health is full, there is a very little chance of you winning due to your passive being blocked due to cs (minion) presence. Unless you have a decent strength advantage over them, I wouldn't try it.
8. Kha'Zix is in his element in the jungle, fights are easier, escaping is easier, etc. So don't be afraid to ambush someone who leaves their lane and goes into the jungle alone, that's basically a free kill. Unless of course they are fed, in which case you will probably die fighting them.
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