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LoL Best Kindred Build Guides 2024

Build guides for Kindred on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Kindred builds. Create your own champion guide!

Season 6 Guides
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

Midred, the mid lane .. lamb .. wolf .. whatever.

Guide by Aretezz updated November 13, 2015
Season 6 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

Kyndred's Guide To Kindred | New Build | [6.22]

Build by Kyndred updated November 10, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

"This Will Hurt, LOTS!"

Build by coloxan updated November 2, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

Kindred/ enemy team health bar not found

Build by AceMcSpade02 updated November 1, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide


Build by DaanMeng updated September 27, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

You Cant Run from Fate [6.19]

Build by TGC_Red updated September 30, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

Tanky Kindred Jungle

Build by GuntDaKinte updated September 18, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

Nightblue3 Kindred Builds

Build by SwankyPants76 updated September 18, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

Kindred build 6.17

Build by ByDiavolos updated September 4, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

A dance of arrows and wolves

Build by Silverpyro updated September 2, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

Chaotic41's Kindred Guide

Build by Chaotic41 updated August 17, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

[6.13] Kindred Build Jungle

Build by Pool Party Manga updated August 11, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

6.14 Kindred Support- "Every life ends with us."

Build by Sheep Muffles updated August 9, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

6.16 Kindred ADC- "Not here, not now."

Build by Sheep Muffles updated August 9, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

[6.15] Kinder Egg Jungle

Build by SnowWan updated August 3, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

Kindred BR. Guia simplificado para iniciantes.

Build by temtitans10 updated July 20, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide


Build by TheRenatasLTu updated July 19, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

[6.14] Kindred: Frenzy Dances

Build by fence.sleeper updated July 16, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

[6.14] Kindred ADC Build

Build by SnowWan updated July 21, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide
LoL Champion Kindred Build Guide

[6.14] Kindred - The Eternal Hunt Goes On

Build by MinzkaMinz updated July 21, 2016

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