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Kindred Build Guide by Aretezz

Midred, the mid lane .. lamb .. wolf .. whatever.

Midred, the mid lane .. lamb .. wolf .. whatever.

Updated on November 13, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aretezz Build Guide By Aretezz 4,863 Views 0 Comments
4,863 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Aretezz Kindred Build Guide By Aretezz Updated on November 13, 2015
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Hey everyone!

Hey guys this is my second ever guide! Last time was on Zed, and this time i'll be covering Kindred! So pretty much as a mid lane main, i play champs like Diana ( yes i play her mid ) i play Yasuo, maybe some Orianna but now i play a ton of kindred mid. I've been playing league of legends since around 2011, so i sorta know what im talking about. Sure for now Kindred will be banned but i dont really play much ranked now anyways. I thought, hey! I love mid lane, and i love Vayne, but she's an ADC. Then i found Kindred, who in my opinion is much like Vayne, and i can play her mid! ITS GREAT! :D Anyways that's enough about me let's get to the build!
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* Very Mobile with Dance of Arrows and Wolf's Frenzy
* Insane Damage all throughout the game!
* Infinite Scaling from Mark of the Kindred
* Lamb's Respite can save your whole team, and help pull off amazing 1v2's.

* Squishy
* No hard crowd control
* Not a very strong engage
* Mark of the Kindred is visible to allies and enemies.
* Lamb's Respite can kill all your allies if used incorrectly.
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Kindred is a very fun champion, and although she is easy to pick up she has a lot of advanced tactics that i have yet to master!

Early game: In the early game, laning isn't that hard, although is quite the variation from the jungle. Just try to CS at your best ability, some practice is required. The enemy laner will try to poke you but if they do just auto attack them even once and gain your health back, utilizing the passive of Lamb's Frenzy. Make sure you mark your enemy laner so when you get a kill you earn a passive stack. As soon as scuttle crab spawns, you will either get a mark on the scuttle or on their raptors. If it is on scuttle, get your jungler to help you take it quickly then head back to lane. If it is on raptor's however, odds are if you go for it, you'll die.

Mid game: In the stages of mid game, you will want to just go around killing and taking objectives like any other champion. Not much else i can say.

Late game: if you have started doing team fights or you are starting them now, you will be able to instantly burst their squishies, and if used properly Lamb's Respite can save your whole team and win the fight. Also, stealing baron and dragon by jumping in with Dance of Arrows and Lamb's Frenzy to get back out. If it comes down to it, prepare to use Lamb's Respite.
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Thank you guys so much for reading my guide. I hope it helped some of you out, especially with all these new changes! Please leave a comment if you have any feedback! Once again thanks guys, hope you learned a thing or two about Midred!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aretezz
Aretezz Kindred Guide
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Midred, the mid lane .. lamb .. wolf .. whatever.

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