I permaban this champ below diamond. Hard to play against in solo queue with no coordination. However, you are more of a threat early so push the advantage. Save your E's third attack for after his meditation.
I permaban this champ above diamond. Very hard to 1v1 after he backs. Before his back, you can maybe duel him at first scuttle but it is a good idea to have a teammate with you. A nightmare after level 6, if he gets fed game is very hard. Just play safe and ward your jungle. Outscale.
Rammus isn’t that hard to play against right now, unless the game goes super late or he gets fed. He is weak to early invades. Kraken Slayer is recommended.
Kind of an even matchup but more Graves favored. He farms faster than you but you are slightly better early. Keep in mind that he can stack armor with his E passive in extended fights. Hard if he gets ahead but it's winnable. If he goes ignite, duels will be super hard to win and you should probably avoid it. Graves players like to invade so keep that in mind.
Lee Sin
If the Lee is good, you're in trouble. A lot of them suck though so I wouldn't be too scared unless you're at a pretty high rank. He can kick you out of your ult and can usually out duel you early. Just respect Lee, he is a strong early game jungler. You outscale and can easily fight if you have a lead.
Invade him a lot and buy QSS if you're being targeted. You should win all duels.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo jungle is lackluster right now, I can’t offer many tips since I haven’t played against it much. Doesn’t seem particularly ulary good against Kindred though.
Rhaast (buy grevious wounds) you can just kite and pre-form Kayn is so easy to fight. Free win if you can snowball off his weaknesses. Shadow Kayn is more dangerous if he gets fed, but you can peel his damage with your ult.
You outscale her hard but if the Elise player is good she's a force to be reckoned with early. Tons of burst and hard to 1v1. It's possible to win a 1v1 if you flash or Q her cocoon but proceed with caution.
Very easy to invades, you need to do that to abuse his weak early game. Be careful late game as his ult is very strong and has a fear, ult timing will be important for you. QSS recommended.
Not hard at all, just annoying. He can instantly smite your marks after making a grove on it, fight him before he can and scare him away. You win all 1v1s. At the start of the game, ward the buff you are not starting at or tell one of your laners to watch it, he will probably go to it.
What is this? Just invade him all the time early, he will be low health clearing. He usually starts at red buff (top or bot), try to coordinate a full-team invade on it if you have champs with CC. Warn your laners of his level 2 gank cheese.
He gets tanky but is not a threat to you personally. Be careful about ulting, you can save his blobs unintentionally. Invade him, you can dodge all of his abilities with your dash as well.
Stop his ultimate with yours, you can save yourself and your team. Early game powerfarmer in the jungle, you can invade him for an easy kill.
Jarvan IV
He will probably gank a lot early but falls off hard. Nothing to worry about for the most part. You can 1v1 him easy unless he gets ahead.
You can kill her fast but she can do the same to you, use your dash to dodge her spear (if she misses it you should win the 1v1). Respect the Nidalee if they are good, very strong early game champ.
Hard to duel. You can outscale him, Q away when his fear ability is casting.
Not a problem unless she gets super fed. Invade her early, if she gets behind she is close to useless for a while. Abuse her pre 6 hard!
Annoying, has a lot of CC. Should be easy to invade and duel as long as she is not super ahead and tanky.
Annoying and can kill you pretty easily before 6 because he brings ignite. Survive early game and you outscale hard. Use your E to mark him before he uses his ultimate clone. You can tell which one is real by doing that, it will only stay on the real Shaco.
Strange matchup, AD Shyvana is harder to fight than AP. AP is super squishy and you can burst her down no problem. AD bruiser/tank/something is good against you, just try to avoid 1v1s then. Can invade her on her first clear.
Strong duelist, but you can kite him. Can ult you before you are able to ult, so try to time it right if he is targeting you. Late game you outscale hard, he can't do much if you are grouped up. His Q/bite can follow your dash so try to time it right.
Decent jungler, make sure to ult before he can knock you up. You can get him low in your ult to kill him and kite him out after he uses clone.
Nunu & Willump
More worried for my team when I see him get picked than myself. He ganks so much and has super good objective control so keep it in mind. You can invade him early and he can't do much, his weak spot is duels. Ward rivers for your laners. Out scale.
Dodge her Q punch with your dash and you can most likely kite her for an easy duel. If she gets fed, she has a lot of burst so try and avoid fighting her then.
Easy to duel if he isn't fed and you can usually fight him 1v1 anyway. Vulnerable to invades as he usually doesn't take flash anyways. Ward rivers for your laners, he has super strong ganks. A good idea to ult before he can ult you to fear you.
He is fairly squishy in his assassin build meta, just stay away from him if he gets close to you he kills you but if he is behind/in late game he is worthless.
With good reaction time you can negate his burst with your ultimate and get him low in yours to finish him off. A good idea to peel your team's squishies and yourself with your ult if he is fed. Most likely easy to kill if he's not near a bush. If he is near one, avoid fighting him at all costs unless you are super ahead.
Can ult you out of your ult with his, but luckily the champ is pretty weak in jungle right now. He can have surprisingly strong burst if fed so be careful if he gets kills.
Fast and tanky. His ult is the biggest problem for you, but he is useless outside of it. QQS is a good buy to stop his ultimate.
Invade her, she can do nothing against you early. Free kills.
As long as you never get close to him, you win. Even if he does get ahead early you still out scale him hard.
Annoying in the jungle, can stop your dashes with an ability and super tanky. Avoid walls when fighting her.
She has a ton of burst early, you have a chance to win a duel but only if you avoid/flash her unburrow. Wait for her to fall off to fight her safely. Tell your laners to ward over walls for her ganks.
Jungle Sylas is terrible after nerfs, free win just invade him. Only thing to worry about is him taking your ultimate but he will probably not know how to use it as well as you.
You counter Ekko jungle hard. Invade him and it's hard for him to do a lot.
If Talon gets fed he will probably be in your jungle A LOT so try to prevent that. Just a pain in the *** if the Talon player knows what they're doing. Impossible to invade or chase, but at least he falls off. You can prevent his burst with your ultimate though, like against any assassin.
She is a threat if you don’t have R up and she has hers. Her ult cool down is a lot shorter than yours. Otherwise, you win 1v1s anyway. Her pre-6 is pretty weak.
She is not the strongest jungles right now but she is still strong against Kindred because of her W (can’t auto attack her). Just try to outplay her by having more map presence and getting yourself fed.
Get a lead and you are able to 1v1 him. His ult/drains AD but it’s for tank killing so you shouldn’t be that worried.
Viego is almost a minor threat as to how easy it is to 1v1 him by Q’ing his W stun. The problem is that your team dies to him and gives him resets. Peel your team with your R when he R’s them.
Zed jungle is just a weaker Talon jungle. Your R counters his. Buy Randuin’s if he gets super fed to counter him.
Xin Zhao
Super strong early game jungle that will be hard to fight the whole game if he gets a lead. Just try your best to avoid him and target his team instead of him as his R blocks all your attacks.
If he stuns you he can and will maul you to death. Try your best to kite him and outscale.
If the Azir player is good, he can ult enemies out of your ult. Very handy.
Good CC for ganks and good roams to help you.
Strong laner that can use priority to help you. Sadly, no CC to help your ganks though.
Roaming supports are great for you.
Good CC for ganks. You can save her in egg form with your ultimate!
Easy for your teammate to play, amazing CC for ganks and can speed you up and shield you with her new ability.
Good CC, easy to gank for. Can scout enemy jungle/your marks with her E!
One of the best roaming supports, can help you with ganks and getting marks.
Great passive for you to use, 4 autos and they are stunned.
90% of the time a free kill on her laner for you when she has ult up.
Great objective control and CC for ganks, let him eat dragons and barons if you can work it out together as it does more true damage than your smite.
Free ganks when she has ultimate up. Just make sure to not cancel her ultimate with your own and deny the huge damage from it.
Another AP mid with good roams.
Amazing mid with tons of CC for your ganks. Comboing ultimates can be a fight winner! Great roamer as well.
Another AP mid with good roams. Not much CC but if he lands his ult its probably a free kill.
Can knock enemies out of your ult with his ult. Not much use to you besides that.
Will for the most part always have priority in his lane for you to invade and get marks.
Amazing roams, AD boosting shields, and can knock enemies out of your ultimate with hers.
Easy to gank with his easy to land CC. Strong by himself but that's the only special thing for you.
He can root enemies for you and is a good champion but doesn't offer much use to you otherwise.
Karthus can ult enemies for an instant kill after your ult, but it's easy to screw that up without proper communication.
He scales hard but don't expect to have priority mid unless he snowballs somehow.
More invincibility is always good, but she probably won't have priority for a while in her lane so kind of hard to get marks. Scales hard though.
Good ult, easy to gank for, especially after he is 6.
Has great CC for ganks and strong roamer.
Super easy to gank and can roam with you.
Another easy to gank mid laner.
(Solo Lane) Lucian is a strong solo laner that will have priority, but you are both AD and there are probably 3 ADCs on the team now. Hopefully you have AP.
Easy to gank for and will probably have lane priority to get marks. Try to not ult when he is using his.
Shields, attack and movement speed boosts. What is there not to love?
Good CC and easy to gank for. Has a shield too.
Hahahahah gank his lane after he is 6 for a free kill.
Point and click CC after 6 for ganks.
Point and click CC for ganks and a rooting ultimate for even more CC!
The spell shield is great for you and she is easy to gank because of her root and stun. Both mid and support Morgana are great synergies.
CC, gives movement speed and buffs your attacks. Great for you, like all the other ardent supports.
Aurelion Sol
Good roaming AP mid laner with CC, but is slightly weaker than the others right now.
Stacks + more stacks = nice synergy. Point and click slow for your ganks and great map pressure. Probably will not have much lane priority before having a few stacks though.
Easy to gank for, having a hook and knock up.
Nunu & Willump
What jungle doesn't like to have a Nunu mid? He practically does your job for you, roaming and all. Great objective control too, you can let him smite for you with his true damage (does more than your smite).
Ornn items are great for Kindred. Amazing to scale with and easy to gank.
Strong ultimate, a shield, and will usually have priority for you to get marks.
Point and click CC for ganks, but he falls off hard late.
He can ult after your ult ends for a free kill, but he will probably ult during yours and screw up his execute.
Strong roaming mid.
Can roam fast after 6, will probably have priority in lane.
Amazing roams, CC, shields, and a heal even though it is small.
Tons of CC, easy to gank for.
Strong laner early with priority and easy to gank for, though he falls off.
Point and click CC for ganks and a strong AP scaler. Can roam with his ultimate too.
Has a root and heals, but not too good early compared to others. Needs time to scale.
Strong teamfighter late and great CC.
Decent CC to set up ganks.
My favorite top laner to play with. Strong laner that can have priority early for your marks and can ult to help you. So easy to gank for, a taunt on a flashless target is probably a free kill.
Can flip people out of your ult and has some CC for ganks.
Good tank to play with, has CC for ganks.
Speed, heals, and damage. Strong ultimate too. Needs time to scale but is a beast after she does.
Heals heals heals! Amazing late game. If she ults after you ult, your team gets a huge heal. Needs communication though, if she ults and your team is below the threshhold in your ult, they will not get healed.
Great CC for ganks, teamfighting monster.
Has some CC for ganks but is kind of weak early.
Strong roaming mid laner, your damage late can make up for him falling off.
Shields, heals, stuns, and... INVINCIBILITY! Amazing late game in fights. Your team will literally never die if you two play this correctly.
Amazing to gank for, can roam well, and save you with lantern. A good Thresh is an ideal synergy for sure.
Can use her ultimate to knock enemies out of yours but not much use otherwise.
Twisted Fate
Great early, can set up ganks for you with his yellow card as a point and click stun. Almost a 2nd jungler if he is good when he has his ultimate up. Can coordinate plays and help at marks.
Can use her condemn to knock enemies out of your ultimate but not much use otherwise.
Strong AP champion, wherever he is played. Has a cage to keep the enemy from escaping a gank unless they have flash up or some kind of dash.
He has two knockups on his ultimate for your ganks!
CC for your ganks but not the best roamer.
Can trap enemies in his circle, easy ganks.
Who doesn't love Yuumi? She gives everything you would want as an ADC-ish champion. Speed, heals, shields, and a pretty useful ultimate!
Has a strong presence mid and can roam, but no CC for you to use.
You have an ultimate for invincibility, maybe have a GA, and have this guy's speed and revive? The enemy team will be super annoyed if he peels you.
Nice root and strong in teamfights.
If the Azir player is good, he can ult enemies out of your ult. Very handy.
Good CC for ganks and good roams to help you.
Strong laner that can use priority to help you. Sadly, no CC to help your ganks though.
Roaming supports are great for you.
Good CC for ganks. You can save her in egg form with your ultimate!
Easy for your teammate to play, amazing CC for ganks and can speed you up and shield you with her new ability.
Good CC, easy to gank for. Can scout enemy jungle/your marks with her E!
One of the best roaming supports, can help you with ganks and getting marks.
Great passive for you to use, 4 autos and they are stunned.
90% of the time a free kill on her laner for you when she has ult up.
Great objective control and CC for ganks, let him eat dragons and barons if you can work it out together as it does more true damage than your smite.
Free ganks when she has ultimate up. Just make sure to not cancel her ultimate with your own and deny the huge damage from it.
Another AP mid with good roams.
Amazing mid with tons of CC for your ganks. Comboing ultimates can be a fight winner! Great roamer as well.
Another AP mid with good roams. Not much CC but if he lands his ult its probably a free kill.
Can knock enemies out of your ult with his ult. Not much use to you besides that.
Will for the most part always have priority in his lane for you to invade and get marks.
Amazing roams, AD boosting shields, and can knock enemies out of your ultimate with hers.
Easy to gank with his easy to land CC. Strong by himself but that's the only special thing for you.
He can root enemies for you and is a good champion but doesn't offer much use to you otherwise.
Karthus can ult enemies for an instant kill after your ult, but it's easy to screw that up without proper communication.
He scales hard but don't expect to have priority mid unless he snowballs somehow.
More invincibility is always good, but she probably won't have priority for a while in her lane so kind of hard to get marks. Scales hard though.
Good ult, easy to gank for, especially after he is 6.
Has great CC for ganks and strong roamer.
Super easy to gank and can roam with you.
Another easy to gank mid laner.
(Solo Lane) Lucian is a strong solo laner that will have priority, but you are both AD and there are probably 3 ADCs on the team now. Hopefully you have AP.
Easy to gank for and will probably have lane priority to get marks. Try to not ult when he is using his.
Shields, attack and movement speed boosts. What is there not to love?
Good CC and easy to gank for. Has a shield too.
Hahahahah gank his lane after he is 6 for a free kill.
Point and click CC after 6 for ganks.
Point and click CC for ganks and a rooting ultimate for even more CC!
The spell shield is great for you and she is easy to gank because of her root and stun. Both mid and support Morgana are great synergies.
CC, gives movement speed and buffs your attacks. Great for you, like all the other ardent supports.
Aurelion Sol
Good roaming AP mid laner with CC, but is slightly weaker than the others right now.
Stacks + more stacks = nice synergy. Point and click slow for your ganks and great map pressure. Probably will not have much lane priority before having a few stacks though.
Easy to gank for, having a hook and knock up.
Nunu & Willump
What jungle doesn't like to have a Nunu mid? He practically does your job for you, roaming and all. Great objective control too, you can let him smite for you with his true damage (does more than your smite).
Ornn items are great for Kindred. Amazing to scale with and easy to gank.
Strong ultimate, a shield, and will usually have priority for you to get marks.
Point and click CC for ganks, but he falls off hard late.
He can ult after your ult ends for a free kill, but he will probably ult during yours and screw up his execute.
Strong roaming mid.
Can roam fast after 6, will probably have priority in lane.
Amazing roams, CC, shields, and a heal even though it is small.
Tons of CC, easy to gank for.
Strong laner early with priority and easy to gank for, though he falls off.
Point and click CC for ganks and a strong AP scaler. Can roam with his ultimate too.
Has a root and heals, but not too good early compared to others. Needs time to scale.
Strong teamfighter late and great CC.
Decent CC to set up ganks.
My favorite top laner to play with. Strong laner that can have priority early for your marks and can ult to help you. So easy to gank for, a taunt on a flashless target is probably a free kill.
Can flip people out of your ult and has some CC for ganks.
Good tank to play with, has CC for ganks.
Speed, heals, and damage. Strong ultimate too. Needs time to scale but is a beast after she does.
Heals heals heals! Amazing late game. If she ults after you ult, your team gets a huge heal. Needs communication though, if she ults and your team is below the threshhold in your ult, they will not get healed.
Great CC for ganks, teamfighting monster.
Has some CC for ganks but is kind of weak early.
Strong roaming mid laner, your damage late can make up for him falling off.
Shields, heals, stuns, and... INVINCIBILITY! Amazing late game in fights. Your team will literally never die if you two play this correctly.
Amazing to gank for, can roam well, and save you with lantern. A good Thresh is an ideal synergy for sure.
Can use her ultimate to knock enemies out of yours but not much use otherwise.
Twisted Fate
Great early, can set up ganks for you with his yellow card as a point and click stun. Almost a 2nd jungler if he is good when he has his ultimate up. Can coordinate plays and help at marks.
Can use her condemn to knock enemies out of your ultimate but not much use otherwise.
Strong AP champion, wherever he is played. Has a cage to keep the enemy from escaping a gank unless they have flash up or some kind of dash.
He has two knockups on his ultimate for your ganks!
CC for your ganks but not the best roamer.
Can trap enemies in his circle, easy ganks.
Who doesn't love Yuumi? She gives everything you would want as an ADC-ish champion. Speed, heals, shields, and a pretty useful ultimate!
Has a strong presence mid and can roam, but no CC for you to use.
You have an ultimate for invincibility, maybe have a GA, and have this guy's speed and revive? The enemy team will be super annoyed if he peels you.
If you have any more questions feel free to add my NA League at Kindredgarten or add my discord ✟EMMA✟#6666. I also do coaching sessions and give OPGG reviews.
Mark Info
Quick Tips
You can null enemy executes and abilities with a well timed ultimate, such as Garen, Darius, Urgot, Pyke ults, etc.
When stealing an objective, you can use your ultimate to stop the enemy's smite and then smite after your ultimate ends. They will usually smite during your ult and you get a free dragon/baron.
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