I havent played K'sante long enough to have every matchup here, so not all information might be correct, and if a matchup is not here i have not played it yet
I've played this matchup once and it went terrible, but i think i was too aggresive early. Try to play safe early and dodge q. You outscale. I think this might be even matchup if i try it again.
Impossible matchup. A possible ban. When she gets sheen your lane is over. She ignores all of your Armor, and once she gets divine, you cant R her anymore bcs she will oneshot you with q
People think this is a hard matchup because he can execute you when you R, but if you save ur R until you are 50% hp, and try to kite him so he cant e you, its a pretty free lane. Lategame he is trouble though.
Another possible ban. At no stages of the game will you be able to 1v1 him unless he plays horrendous and your spacing is godlike. You can still get through lane relatively safe, but he will probably win in CS. Be careful of his R, when u R as it may oneshot you.
Another possible ban. Her max hp true dmg is impossible to deal with, and both your Q and W is easy for her to parry. Lane is impossible and she hard outscale
One of my bans. His basekit isn't that hard to play against, but what makes him hard is that you cannot use R if he is anywhere close to you as he will almost insta oneshot you with his own R.
Both of you are sort of disengage champions so in lane you pretty much just sit there. Try to dodge his Q poke, and dont use R on him as you will never kill him due to E knockback and Q slow
Her E is easy to dodge with your own e. Wait for her to use R then, use your own R to get her away from her tentacles.
Played this matchup once but the irelia was lowkey dog****. Use E or W to dodge her E. If she Q you just Q3 her behind you and W into turret. If you do that once she will get scared to Q you again. Be careful of her BORK powerspike.
Divine and BORK are big powerspikes of his that both are dangerous for you. Try to W his E, and use your R when his E is on CD, because if he uses E while you are in all out you lose a ton of dmg due to being unable to proc passive on him
This really depens on the skill level of the Jayce player. use e to dodge his QE combo, and save W to when he tries to all in you with hammer form to decrease his damage, and just kill him back when he has no dmg left.
Stop playing blind pick
One of my personal bans due to me hating how she reaches 6 and now you just die.
My old main. If he is dismounted dont try to all in and ESPECIALLY dont dive him as he will AA u 4 times then Q and he is mounted again. Dont trade while he has W up. His mounted Q is a pretty small skillshot so it is easy to dodge. You generally dont have enough burst to kill him before he remounts
Easy, just zone him from CS or XP range and poke with Q. Be careful of minion aggro as they deal a lot of dmg. When he reaches 6 you need to be careful of when you R as he might oneshot you gave him enough stacks (speaking from experience)
Pretty hardcore lanebully, but should never be able to kill you unless you misplay or his jgl comes. Use your W to block his W, and try not to let him Q both you and your minions. If he has R while you R him, you need to play carefully as he might 1v1 you.
Can and will 1v1 you at all stages of the game. If you R him and dodge everything and have perfect spacing he will still just AA you to death. So far i have not found a way to survive him.
Easy matchup. Your max hp dmg from passive kills him quickly. You can W his Q or R stun. When using R on him be careful of his sunfire dmg if you dont have force of nature as it is unexpectadly high.
He just poke poke poke. If you get a good recall and buy a negatron cloak you should be good. Try to get a good setup on him to R him away from the turret and you can pretty much oneshot him.
Try not to trade early. Buy either wardens mail or steelcaps and he stops dealing dmg to you.
Same as tryndamere, but use your W to block his E, and be careful of his R when you use R
Impossible lane. Not many people play her so not that smart of a ban. Dodge instead. If you somehow can react to her E use W, and try to hit a Q3 into R, but realistically she just wins and outscale.
Another impossible lane. Hardcounter you. Deals mixed dmg so if you go armor his W will oneshot you and if you go MR he AA you to death. If you go HP his max HP dmg oneshots you. Dodge this matchup.
Meh matchup. Dont get caged, use E to dodge his E and ur safe. If you want to solokill him just make sure to get him far away from his Maiden. Look at your map lategame or else your base dies.
Spellshield harcounter you, try to get your magic dmg teammates to kill the shield
Has high dmg lvl 1-3, use R when he goes to a wall to heal. When he gets Red form you can never 1v1 him
You dash a lot and she kills people that dash a lot
His W counters pretty much everyone that has a burst combo including you. Rest of him is not that dangerous though
She R them into wall, you R them through wall.
Can W them into a wall
Can R them towards a wall, but this might be a waste to such a powerfull R
Throws them into wall
i guess she can R you into them and then u W R them into your team
Can R you while you are in All out to get rid of the risks but its better used on herself
She can R to stay alive, and you can easily throw them out of it to kill them
Lee Sin
Very long line of Insec
Miss Fortune
You can easily keep them inside her R to make her oneshot their entire team
I guess he can R them into a wall but then it would jsut be better to R them into the rest of your team.
Her R makes you way more durable during All out
When she has E up you can both W and Q3 them around to stun them and deal a lot of dmg
You can push them into his wall
She R them into wall, you R them through wall.
Can W them into a wall
Can R them towards a wall, but this might be a waste to such a powerfull R
Throws them into wall
i guess she can R you into them and then u W R them into your team
Can R you while you are in All out to get rid of the risks but its better used on herself
She can R to stay alive, and you can easily throw them out of it to kill them
Lee Sin
Very long line of Insec
Miss Fortune
You can easily keep them inside her R to make her oneshot their entire team
I guess he can R them into a wall but then it would jsut be better to R them into the rest of your team.
Her R makes you way more durable during All out
When she has E up you can both W and Q3 them around to stun them and deal a lot of dmg
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