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Don't let him E you, try to dodge as much Q's as he throws out and oh boy if you get hit by his W...
He out roams you, out damages you, and can remove all the burst you've done to him using his R. DO NOT STEP IN HIS R HOLOGRAM. IF he doesnt play aggro, thank him for being bad.
Wait she made it out of ban phase?
under tower, be scared. W doesnt work on him, he can Q or E to get out. DO NOT GET HIT BY R. you WILL die. Fizz can dodge everything you send out and auto win. Play safe and farm under tower and hope he doesnt terrorize your side lanes. (He probably will)
Punish him each time he goes for a last hit pre 6, make sure not to get hit by double/triple q and bring phase rush, go e q auto and get out. After 6 you may need to play safer, he can blow you up with damage without you having the time to react. Try placing W over yourself when he R's you if he doesn't have W ready. Otherwise just bring barrier, spam ping when missing in lane and (try to) scale. Zhonyas heavily recommended for his ult. Becomes near unplayable if he's half decent at the champ.
Don't step in his E range, you get out traded and out poked because of this magic null shield. He also out roams you. If you play safe it actually isn't too bad but then your side lanes become ****. Try to poke him as much as you can and try to scale. If you get taunted by him in a fight you're most likely dead.
Play around phase rush and his empowered Q. If the bar is red dont trade with him. Keep in mind he can pool your W and can insta kill you with his flash-R-E-Q. Win trades with q shield and e phase rush and try to get his W out of the way for a gank. Best way to do this is just walk up to him with phase rush and plop it down in front of him, he will W either toward you or away based on his cds.
You two both have decent poke but the difference if he has a jg or not. You dont have any dashes and if you get caged you will have a flash out of it or die from the gank. If he doesnt have a jg you can just sit in the cage and dodge his W and you should win the trade from that, keep in mind that if you get cc'ed late he will nuke you. You also oneshot him late too though.
Although he is a anti-mage you can still do a hefty amount of damage to him, get ur jg to go ad and either freeze the wave or dive him. Each time he goes for a last hit make sure to E and Q him, if you notice the kass using R to farm, predict that and place W over low health minion groups (usually caster). Dont let him get to lvl 16. He WILL kill your entire team if you dont chain cc him.
i dont like this champ.
Dont get hit by her E or else you will get banished to the shadow isles instead of the respawn screen.
Outranges you quite a bit, you have to be good at dodging his attacks if you want to win. Try to poke him with E and get ur jg to gank, you two can also dive him if you have a tanky jg. He is really squishy so if he gets in your range, go erase him.
Play off of phase rush cd. Whenever he E's make sure to have it at the ready because his E gives him movement speed (for some reason) Don't get R'ed by him and try to dodge his knockup ( its actually pretty easy to juke) You auto lose the trade if you get knocked up and he can just poke you down with his E and the true damage after.
Honestly it really depends if the lucian is good or not. If he is good there isn't counterplay, he will E your stun, and just outdamage you. E W Q and you're either dead or barely alive. Then of course he has a R KEK. You do outscale him hard and you will one shot him if he doesn't build any sort of MR late. Really ****ty laning experience, ask for ganks.
You dont really see him mid anymore, but he has constant pressure throughout the game with his ult and point and click stun. His E is a channel so you should be able to cancel it with your R. Dont step into his W range.
surprisingly she actually beats you, you cant ever stun her because of her black shields and if you ever get rooted your health bar is going to suffer quite a bit. Try outscaling her and burst her late. Note that if you get hit by her Q late its a atomic bomb. you will die.
stridebreaker on darius= you're dead.
if he uses ghost too its gone overkill. But I guess just poke him in lane and try and get a all-in with your jg. in teamfights don't get close to him, try kiting with your augment slow, rylais is decent against darius.
Mid or jg, he can just R you anytime and get a kill if you're alone. If you can predict his dash you can drop your W on top of yourself and have your team kill him.
This matchup is all based on movement, do NOT get hit by her E or max range Q. Try and find out if she is behind a wall or such and poke her down with Q and E, try to always position yourself behind minions and watch out for ganks. If she has a high cc jg i recommend taking cleanse. She is immobile so ask for ganks.
Match based on movement, stay behind minions and dodge her orb when she throws it out. If you get hit with the charm you auto lose trade. The reason why his matchup is harder than zoe is because its really hard to actually stun her using your W because she can just ult out of it, she can also ult to dodge your E, R, and maybe even charm you.
Skill Matchup. Try and move forward and then back to bait her q's, poke her alot pre 6. After 6 like zed she can nuke you with damage, but phase rush should save you most of the time. DONT GET HIT BY HER E. If she R's you try to put your W in front of you and run into it, if she hits her e on you with the r second cast, you need to flash her r2. So try to use phase rush to dodge her E when she uses R. Don't get caught out alone.
Skill Matchup. Play around your phase rush cd. When you have it you can usually win the trade against her as you can just outrun her knives. Make sure to ult her when she ults to cancel it. Poke her down and make sure to ward to prevent ganks. AND DONT LET HER ROAM BOT.
This is like a zed that actually scales and is ap. Try to poke her out of lane and keep out of her E range as best you can. And dont get hit by her Q alot. If she hops onto you just phase rush out. If she gets on you place your W infront of you and run into it. You can also just place it on top of yourself if she doesnt have flash.
Ah yes, your former colleague. Havent met in awhile huh? Practice dodging his energy orb since you're going to be doing that out in this lane. Try to poke him down at such a distance that he cant Q onto you, if he does manage to you need to trigger phase rush and get out of there, he is going to follow up with his empowered energy orb and blast you with damage. You do outscale him but he still is an assassin type champion so beware.
Sets up ganks way too well. She cant exactly solo kill you unless you get poked to no hp. Play around vision and just dodge if they have a lee sin or xin.
If you have good movement its a easy matchup until level 6. If you get ulted you're probably dead unless you land a W stun or have zhonyas. If you manage to survive continue to kite him to safety.
I usually don't have problems with this matchup, play around phase rush cd and his windwall cd.
Note that he can delete your E with his windwall, making it more difficult to trigger phase rush.
If you know that you're about to get R'ed by yas, drop your W underneath you and yas will be animation locked and stunned allowing you to escape. If the yas is good (Not in gold) you may have problems.
Keep ya distance mate, dont get hit by those chains of his. Keep in mind he can yoink your ult. Also his health bar isn't accurate, if he was his W up be careful. You should be able to poke him down and kite him so he cant W you. If he has flash you might die if he catches you offguard.
Orianna is like you. Whoevers jg is better wins, you both have good gank setup and followup and both have massive aoe damage on the opposing team. You should win as long as you hit your spells early on.
Play around phase rush and dont get hit by both shurikens when he W's. Spam ping when missing in mid and dont overextend. He can nuke you if you let him, flash away from him if he has 3 passive stacks on you and has r and try to place W on top of yourself if he wants to Q. You outscale him hard and if you didnt feed him he will become useless and erasable with a single combo.
This gets alot easier if you have good movement. Sidestep his W with confidence and dodge his stun, anytime he moves up to E/W you make sure to E and Q in return. Any rune page works but if you're having trouble i recommend phase rush to help you dodge his stun. (Which is very important)
This matchup is actually quite fun, if he wants to trade just e-q-auto and phase rush out, you both have shields but if you don't let him get close to you, you win. His R is good at setting up ganks so watch out for that. Otherwise just poke him down.
Never let his passive recharge, just keep poking him down and try to timing your lasers so it also kills the critters he summons as well as damaging him. He can cc you and get you killed in teamfights so be wary of that, otherwise in laning just run his mana dry by not letting his E infect any new minions. Get jg help if you must because he is good at setting up ganks.
Takes a while to scale (like you) and also does a lot of AOE damage. You outtrade him in early game as you get a shield but late game he actually gets quite tanky and you might not be able to erase him in a single combo. He can also blow your team up lategame :/. But you can do that too.
Ziggs is more annoying than a threat. He gets side lane and jg pressure after 6 because of his ult. He shouldn't be able to kill you but he can poke you down easily, make sure to sidestep his spells. Watch out for jg ganks.
You can bring cleanse against her to make life way easier. Poke her down and try to W her while she casts her spells on you so you both get stunned. Watch out for ganks because she has a extremely easy setup for the jg. You can burst her down at lvl6. (She can somewhat do the same)
You outrange his turrets i think but his voice is annoying af. Also he has a stun that will ruin your day lategame.
(especially when empowered)
You don't really see her mid but movement speed counters all her attacks. THey're all easily dodgeable if you just move out the way. She isn't a tiny threat because of her ability to beef her team up and if you do get hit, you'll probably die in teamfights.
Your Q should tank most of his Q's damage. Easy laning until 6. You must flash his ult. You will die if he's going ap. If he's going tank you wont die unless their jg is with him. (He probably is)
If you have good movement, he should be a breeze. He doesn't win unless he hits his spells. Easy laning. But in teamfights where everyone hits everything he will do more, and especially if he flops dead in the middle of your team.
He cant kill you while laning but if you get caught off guard with his fear/ult you will die. Ward in their/your jg so you will be able to spot out his ambushes.
Minions are your friend, if you stand behind minions he is unable to E you. Viktors Q can tank the majority of gragas Q and he wont be able to get into your range, just watch out for his R as it can knock you into their team.
If he decides to go all on, he loses. When you get lich bane you actually one shot him. Azir is really squishy and although he can poke you, you can somewhat match that with your E. Easy matchup, just don't get azir shuffled into a jg gank.
Late game you actually one shot him. One E and Q then hes gone. Freeze the wave and make sure to ping when he is missing. Build a slowpush. If he goes to roam crash the wave into his tower. He actually beats you early if you dont be careful, stay behind minions and dont get q'ed. He is good at setting up ganks if you're overextending.
Twisted Fate
He cant actually kill you, your shield blocks his entire Q or at least most of it. Just poke him down and all in when he is low. Keep in mind he is actually quite slippery with his yellow card if you're 1v1ing him. he WILL ult to side lanes, you can either preemptively walk to a upcoming fight or tp. (Or you can eat up those yummy turret plates mid) <-- your team will be pissed)
Aurelion Sol
Wait people play this champ? Make sure to ping when missing and shove if he roams, he doesnt win trades, and you one shot him late. Only thing i can say this try not to get stunned late, or anytime...
Im pretty sure you still win even if she q's you, just run phase rush and get out of there until the poison wears off. The shield should block one E from her and you can just run. Dodge her Q's and just bully her to death. Try to oneshot her before she stuns you late.
Zap the sunlight out of her, you shouldn't be getting rooted in lane and she cant win trades with just her E. Be careful later on since her ult is extremely spamable and does a good chunk of damage, just oneshot her late.
Dont let him roam, you outtrade him with phase rush if you run away from his E. He cant catch up with you using W. *Unless he has package* Ping your side lanes when he picks up package and make sure to try not to fight in teamfights while he has it.
if you dont get hit by his q you wont die. Just kite using phase rush and drop your W him if you arent silenced to win. He cant get to you.
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