So the matter with Lee's is that you should be quick in and out, no one will have time to touch you. Another thing about Lee is that he is also very good at ganks, you can sneak into the woods and out of nowhere to jump forward with sonic wave through the bushes. I think Lee is one of the best assassins in this game. for example if there is a team fight then you can jump in and out in a sec, and damage the entire team with your e attack tempest and come out untouched. I almost always use sonic wave as an initial attack, if I hit them i use tempest and after that cripple, so it makes them slower so they have no chance to escape after I use Ignite. You can also jump to almost everything that your team put out on the map such as ward, mushrooms and other stuff. You can also jump to your friends. I usually take the red buff to enhance your life. Your warmog is a need to increase your armor and healt and it matches very well with atmas Impaler. all of Lee's attack is double your first is the sonic wave / resonating Strike, Sonic Wave is a ball that you shoot off if it hits so use your resonating strike to jump to them. Lee's second attack is SafeGuard / iron Will SafeGuard I mentioned before you can move to wards and stuff like that. and Iron Will is life steal. Lee's third attack is tempest / Cripple, Tempest is a and e attack it damages everything around a certain area, Cripple makes everyone around a particular area slow, and Lee's last attack is R dragon rage and it kicks your enemys away. Lee´s passive is Flurry, if Lee uses an ability attack his next two common types receive a 50% attack speed and he gets 15 energy. Lee is not the easiest champion, but if you learn him he will be unbeatable. with this build, I have received such 29/0/11 27/0/4 21/1/8. So that's what you can get out of this build
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