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Lee Sin Build Guide by D4rude

Jungle Lee Singah Jungle *Very Detailed* PreSeason5

Jungle Lee Singah Jungle *Very Detailed* PreSeason5

Updated on February 27, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author D4rude Build Guide By D4rude 10 2 313,636 Views 18 Comments
10 2 313,636 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author D4rude Lee Sin Build Guide By D4rude Updated on February 27, 2015
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~A Little Bit About Me~
*Important* Key Words in this introduction will be in light blue text as such.

Not sure what to put here...I'm pretty boring...I play Lee sin(obviously) and Udyr as well. Anyways, I rate myself a pretty good Lee sin Player and I feel that Lee sin has and will be one of the most popular and strongest(if i do say so myself :P) junglers whether or not you are solo queueing or playing competitively in a team. He is an extremely mobile champion which enables him to gank easily and roam around the map much quicker. His early game is where he dominates champions simply due to the fact that he does so much damage and has extreme mobility. He then scales into an AD Utility/Tank champion during mid game and can establish ward control, vision control, and objective control with his mobility and high damaging kit. A lot of players tend to think Lee sin falls off really hard late game but while I believe he does fall of a bit, he also becomes a great team fighter that can pop in and out very quickly all the while, peeling his carries with his slows, high damage, and Dragon's Rage(R) which can devastate a teamfight if used correctly. While he does not fall off as hard as pantheon and some other champions, he cannot easily assasinate an Attack Damage Carry(ADC) or an Ability Power Carry(APC) because of the CC from other enemies.
Welp, I didn't really describe myself that much either! Oh well!
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Pros / Cons


+Great Mobility
+High Damage Output
+Resonating Strike scales on % missing Health
+Good Ganks
+Great Early Game
+Great Burst
+Can Combo
+He's a Monk!


-Falls off a bit Late Game
-Doesn't do much if you are behind considerably
-Very Hard to Master
-Unique and Varied Itemization makes it hard to know what to build
-He's Blind!
-You look like a dunce if you fail kick!
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Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest
Phase Rush
I run 9 of these marks because they give Lee Sindamage, which is what his Sonic Wave, Tempest, and Dragon's Rage] scale off. These marks help him to do the early game damage required for ganks and jungling.
I run 9 of these seals because they are basic seals for jungling. They give you armor which reduces the amount of damage most jungle camps deal to you. These also help when ganking AD based champions because you will be less likely to die and feed your enemy lane which in turn will get your laner mad at you :)
I run 6 of these Glyphs because they give you a decent amount of magic resist to survive ganking lanes that have ap based champions. For example, if you were to gank a level 3 LeBlanc at level 3, she would try and burst you since you would be around 3/5 - 4/5 hp when coming out of the jungle at level 3. If you don't run these glyphs, the mid laner would be able to burst you and steal your double buff which would be adding fuel to the fire and make your mid laner "salty".
I run 3 of these Cooldown(CD) Glyphs because I feel they give Lee Sin an edge in most duels as they would reduce the amount of time it takes for Sonic Wave to come back up. These could be replaced with more Magic Resist or if you would prefer Scaling Magic Resist, feel free to use those as well. I just use flat Magic Resist glyphs because I feel that since Lee Sin does better early game, you need those flat Glyphs to survive whatever type of fight you may get yourself into.
I run these Quints because they give Lee Sin more damage which is what he needs in the jungle and for ganks to be successful.

~Other Runes~
Greater Mark of Armor Penetration |

~Greater Mark of Armor Penetration~

These runes work very well if you are going top Lee or even mid against champions like Malphite, Renekton, Shen, Etc. These runes allow you to ignore their armor and deal much more than you would taking Flat AD. *Important* This only works in ranked because you can see the enemy champions and select your runes accordingly. I suppose you could take a chance and hope to go against a champion who stacks armor but most of the time, Flat AD would work better.

~Greater Mark of Attack Speed~

I wouldn't normally take these runes as they don't benefit his AD Ratio's however, if you ever feel the need to attack faster, this is your go to rune!

~Greater Seal of Scaling Armor~

I would run these seals if the enemy composition did not have high ad damage dealers. Champions like Gnar, Nasus, etc. Champions that take a while to scale into monsters if they are fed and well farmed. These seals would work better than flat because in the early game, since armor is not much needed when ganking these champions, it would be better to have higher amounts of armor late game in case they do end up getting fed.

~Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist~

I would run these if I were in the same situation if I were to take Scaling armor seals. Basically if the enemy team consisted of ap based champions that end up scaling into monsters but have a weak early game like Vladimir, Akali, Ryze, Etc. These champions would require farm and kills in order to snowball so having less magic resist in the early game would mean more magic resist in the late game which would be work better against these champions.

~Greater Quintessence of Scaling Attack Damage~

To be honest, I wouldn't recommend these runes because personally, I see no reason why these would be better than flat seeing as Lee Sin falls off late game, it would be more benifical if Lee Sin had more AD game because that is where he shines.
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- Double-Edged Sword becuase I can deal more damage which is benifical to my early game ganks.
- Sorcery so that my spells are on a shooter cooldown.
- Butcher so that I deal a little bit more damage to jungle monsters.
- Brute Force gives me more attack damage which helps Lee Sin greatly.
- Martial Mastery gives me even more damage.
- Executioner helps my Resonating Strike deal even more damage and helps me secure kills.
- warlock gives me even more damage.
- Dangerous Game restores health back after kills.
- Devastating Strikes makes my spells and autoattacks deal more damage.
- Havoc even more increased damage.
- Block helps reduce damage a bit.
- Tough Skin reduces the amount of damage done to you by jungle monsters
- Bladed Armor helps Lee Sin's slow clear.
- Fleet of Foot helps you move around the map quicker and allows you to set counter ganks.
- Scout increases ward hop range and makes it easier to "insec" kick someone.

~Counter Gank Scenario~
This is a scenario of a countergank. Nautilus is waiting in the bush because he predicts that the enemy jungler will gank top after clearing his jungle but because Nautilus is already in the brush, when the enemy jungler ganks, Nautilus and Garen can get the jump on Pantheon and the enemy jungler with the element of surprise.

The reasoning for taking the extra Stealth Ward range is because I love to do combos with Lee Sinand it's probably the most important reason why I pick Lee Sin. I will discuss these combos later on.
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Skill Sequence

With Lee Sin I usually start Safeguard because of the small shield it gives you as well as the extra lifesteal and spellvamp for 4 seconds. I feel that this is better than starting Sonic Wave because it gives you more sustain and the animation isn't as long as q which means you can fit in more auto attacks with Flurry in a shorter amount of time. If you were to take Sonic Wave first, the animation for Sonic Wave is a split second longer than Safeguard. Starting safegaurd however, has barely any casting animation whatsoever and allows him to fit more auto attacks in and the spellvamp is also very helpful when using Smite

There is a lot of debate whether to max out Tempest or Safeguard second. I prefer Safeguard when I'm going for a more tanky teamfight composed Lee but when I do go Damage Per Second(DPS) Lee, I max out Tempest second because of how hard it can scale with my AD build.

Always upgrade Dragon's Rage whenever possible because that will be your main playmaking tool as well as an insane suprise nuke. Gets em everytime :)

This is a scenario where Lee Sin utilizes the positioning of the enemy team to get a 5 man knock up which does substantial amounts of damage to every target hit. His team then flanks from behind and the enemy is locked on a 2 front battle which they will most likely lose.
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After using an ability Lee Sin gains a small attack speed boost for 2 attacks that return 15 energy each.
Tips and Tricks: This means you must space out your spells as much as possible so that you can deal more damage and return energy at the same time.

~Sonic Wave~

Lee Sin shoots a small nuke projectile that does damage to the first hit, reveals them, and marks them for Resonating Strike.
Tips and Tricks: This projectile is line based and can be shot over walls. Keep in mind that it does not go through minions and only hits the first enemy unit. The key to this skill is being patient and knowing when to use it correctly as most enemies in higher elos will attempt to dodge this spell as it can be followed up by a high damage executing kick.

~Resonating Strke ~

Lee Sin dash kicks towards the enemy target marked with Sonic Wave and does more damage the lower the target is.
Tips and Tricks:Be aware of using Resonating Strike onto champions like Kassadin as he may void walk back into his team, which would end up getting you killed by 5 enemy champions. Try and apply as much damage as you can before using Resonating Strike as it does more damage the lower the hp of the enemy target is.


Lee Sin dashes to a target ally or unit. If the target is an ally champion, both receive a small shield that lasts for a couple of seconds and the cooldown is reduced by half.
Tips and Tricks: This can be used on wards as well. It is Lee Sin's bread and butter skill, allowing him to quickly pop in and out of fights. With a sightstone, it is very easy to escape from small skirmishes simply by warding over a wall and safeguarding to it. Also make sure not to spam the w key too much as you could end up wasting 30 energy from accidently using Iron Will.

~Iron Will~

Lee Sin gives himself bonus spellvamp and lifesteal for a couple of seconds. This only applies to Lee Sin and not the ally unit that he used Safeguard on.
Tips and Tricks: This is Lee's only sustain ability in the jungle and therefore you should try and deal as much damage as possible when Iron Will is on. A cool trick to take not of is that using Iron Will + Smite can actually heal you because of the spellvamp bonus you receive from Iron Will. This ability helps Lee Sin trade really well against enemies.


Lee Sin smashes the ground around him applying a small nuke to all nearby enemies and revealing them. Lee Sin can then cast Cripple onto the enemies hit with Tempest to slow them.
Tips and Tricks: Remember that this can reveal invisible enemy champions and grant you true vision of them. It has a somewhat of a large hitbox that you should try and become familiar with and it could be the spell used for securing a kill you would not otherwise get.


Lee Sin slows all nearby enemies that were originally marked with Cripple. Since the nerf on Lee Sin, remember that Cripple no longer reduces attack speed.
Tips and Tricks: This ability is great for kiting enemies especially if you have a red buff. Remember to space your auto attacks between Tempest and Cripple. If you have a hard time landing Sonic Wave on an enemy champion, using Cripple on the enemy then using Sonic Wave usually makes it easier.

~Dragon's Rage~

Lee Sin kicks an enemy champion upwards and backwards 1200 units dealing damage to all other enemy units hit and knocking them up as well.
Tips and Tricks: This is Lee Sin's play making skill and just gives him so much variety and options in a fight, it is almost imposible to list them all. Dragon's Rage can be used for peeling and attempting to get a 5 man knock up during a teamfight or it can be used as a quick execute on an important target.More of this will be discussed in the Combos Section.
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Summoner Spells

Flash is a good summoner spell to take on all champions because they allow you to escape over walls and give you much more survivability. Flash should always be taken on Lee Sin because the amount of combos and mobilility it gives Lee Sin is priceless. Smite is a required summoner spell on all junglers becuase not only does it give you extra effects when you upgrade from Hunter's Machete, it gives you the needed firepower for securing buffs and objectives like dragon and baron. Ignite is a summoner spell that does a set amount of true damage over a short duration. I personally would never take this summoner spell because I value Flash on Lee Sin over any other summoner spell. However, Ignite could work if you plan on ganking a lot and using it to secure kills.
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Jungle/Ganking Routes

*Important* This part of this guide is very crucial becuase if you are just walking around the map clearing whatever camp comes your way, you are going to lose the early game pressure Lee Sin provides for his team. Pay close attention!

This is the jungle/ganking route that You should take when the enemy mid laner is easy to gank and has shoved the lane towards your tower, which is when the minion wave is near or in shooting range of your mid turret and the enemy mid laner has moved more than halfway through the lane. This makes him an easy target to gank which is why you gank at level 2 to get the element of surprise as most players will not ward lv 2.

Steps Explained

Step 1: I usually start ancient krug because it gives me a quick level 2 and I usually want to save my red buff so that it lasts longer for ganks. I will always smite this for the gift of heavy hands which gives you a stunning auto attack on jungle monsters and minions after a set number of hits.

Step 2:I will always take red brambleback after using Smite on krugs because it gives me a slowing auto attack which will be very helpful if I do end up ganking mid lane because the enemy mid laner is over extended.

Step 3:I will now gank mid lane and depending on how far overextended he is, I will choose between going through the river brush or go into the enemy jungle and gank from behind as shown with the second set of arrows above.

How to gank:
Step 1: Walk out of the river brush and begin to make your way towards the enemy mid laner. If the enemy mid laner is for example, Cassiopeia this will most likely be a simple kill but if it is someone like Xerath it will be a bit harder but still possible if you play correctly. If it is Xerath I would walk up to him and get ready to dodge his Shocking Orb which will stun you. Try and close the distance as fast as possible because Xerath's stun duration increases the further the orb travels. If you feel you cannot dodge the orb, shoot your Sonic Wave as Shocking Orb has a casting animation which will cause him to stand still for a split second.
Step 2: This step branches off from dodging the Shocking Orb without using Sonic Wave. If this is not the case skip to step 3. Once you have dodged the shocking orb, ward hop to the enemy mid laner or in this case, Xerath and use Tempest and [cripple]]. With your mid lane's cooperation and follow up, the enemy mid laner will usually blow his Flash right about now. (75% enemy mid laner uses Flash)
Step 3: If you have used Sonic Wave on the enemy mid laner, follow up with Resonating Strike. With your mid laner's cooperation and follow up, the enemy mid laner will most likely blow Flash right about now as two enemies are on him. If you still think you can manage a kill, ward hop after him and use Tempest and Cripple. Make sure to space auto attacks in between your spells for more damage. If you have killed the enemy mid laner, flash out as you might survive with the 5% hp back from Dangerous Game
Step 4: Branches from step 2: If the enemy mid laner has now flashed, simply shoot Sonic Wave and finish off the enemy with resonating strke. Make sure to use Flash if you need to survive the tower as you will most likely be in range of it.

Step 4: Now if you pulled off a successful gank and got a kill for your team, then you will be level 3. I usually give this blue to my mid laner so he/she has an advantage over the enemy mid laner and can snowball her lane by herself. However, if you did not get a kill, you will need to take this to get lv 3.

Step 5: I usually take wolves after giving my mid laner blue or taking it for myself simply because it gives a decent amount of exp and farm which you will need in order to apply more pressure and secure objectives.

Step 6: I will usually then gank top if the wave is pushed or if it is somewhere near the middle of the lane. If it is near the middle, I would gank from the tri brush and not from the river brush. Same steps apply for ganking top as you would gank mid, just be wary of counter ganks by the enemy jungler and be sure not to over commit for the kill and end up dying, losing your double buff.

Whew! That was a lot of stuff. It's very important however, so if you scimmed over the wordss, go back and read it again in full detail, especially for beginners who are learning the game!
This is the standard jungle route for most junglers if you cannot pull off a level 2 gank as the enemy mid laner has a good escape like LeBlanc, Fizz, and Katarina.

Steps Explained

Step 1: Same reason as mentioned above.

Step 2: Red buff helps lee sin clear jungle faster than blue buff because of the burn and slow effect gained from auto attacks, which Lee Sin will be doing a lot of with his Flurry.

Step 3: An easy way to get to level 3 after taking red buff which can set you up for ganks.

Step 4: Since Lee Sin doesn't have much sustain and a slower clear speed than other junglers, he should go back to base after taking blue. With the money you have from farming the jungle, I always buy [stalker's blade]] because of the smite slow it gives me which is helpful when ganking a lane which is what I will be doing next.

Step 5: Look for lanes that are over extended and pushed past the mid point of their lane for easy ganks. Ganking bot lane with Lee Sin is a bit harder than other lanes because he does not have very much aeo at early levels. If you were to gank bot, I would suggest going in for a lane gank which would sometimes set up a counter gank scenario if the enemy jungler does end up ganking that lane as well. A lane gank is when you walk from your side of the map into the lane you are ganking and wait in the brush for an opportunity to initiate a fight.
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Above is a picture of certain ward spots that should always be warded and checked for wards as most players will tend to ward them.
1 means High Priority and should always be warded whenever possible.
2 means Medium Priority and should be warded for extra control if your team is ahead.
3 means wards that should be placed when you are attempting to counter jungle, so these should be placed on the opposite side of the map from what team you are on and not in your own jungle.
Circles designate the target spots for scanning and vision wards as most players will tend to ward in these areas. These should always be checked when ganking becuase these areas make it easy so that the laner can see if he/she is being ganked or not.
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Early, Mid, Late Game with Lee sin

Early Game

In the early game with Lee Sin try and gank as much as possible while mainting ward control and setting up for counter ganks. Always keep 1 or 2 wards on you at all times until you have enough money to afford Sightstone. Keep in mind that your Resonating Strike does missing % hp damage and can easily execute low hp targets. This makes it crucial in the jungle to wait as long as possible before using Resonating Strike. I usally go for 2-3 auto attacks and then use Resonating Strike to deal more damage. A good combo to secure buffs with lee is Sonic Wave Smite Resonating Strike as the missing hp will contribute to more damage with Resonating Strike.

Mid Game

With Lee Sin in the mid game, you'll want to start establishing ward control and looking for picks in the jungle or ganking lanes. If the enemy mid laner has a weak escape make sure to constantly gank that lane to snowball your laner. Make sure to be ganking everytime your Dragon's Rage is up and with 2 levels into Safeguard and iron will], [[dragon should become a high priority as Lee Sin can solo it easily with Resonating Strike and Smite.

Late Game

"With great power, comes great responsibility." Same goes for Lee Sin. If you build full tank, you won't be dealing enough damage to high priority targets like the enemy marksmen. If you build full damage, you'll probably be able to drop one or two targets but end up dying anyway. So what I do is I take a mix of tankiness and damage in order to be able to do sufficent damage yet still be able to stay alive. In teamfights with Lee Sin DO NOT TUNNEL ONTO ENEMIES!!! I repeat, DO NOT TUNNEL onto enemies. Lee Sin's great mobility is what allows him to jump in and out of fights. If you tunnel onto an enemy marksmen, you'll be hit by 675,000 abilites(anyone get the reference :S) and be deleted in half a second. What you want to be doing is jumping in and out and by that I mean landing a Sonic Wave on a priority target and following up with Resonating Strike, using Safeguard on teamates, and peeling for your carries. In the madness of teamfights, it'll probably take a couple of seconds for the enemy team to react but make sure you are not the one initiating with that Resonating Strike unless you plan to insec kick the enemy back into your team which may be at the cost of your life. Once a fight has started make sure to safeguard to your teamates that are being focused on and try and get a line ult in which you knock up 3-5 enemies on the enemy team. Don't just use Dragon's Rage on one target as that is your main source of damage. Make sure to be peeling for your backline as enemies like Zed, Akali, Wukong, Jarvan IV will thirst for your Lucian's dead body. If your marksmen is carrying, it is definitely worth it to use Dragon's Rage to kick enemies like Zed away when he uses Death Mark and Cyclone from Wukong.
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~12/16/2014~Updated Guide.Better Formatting and use of coding. Improved Visuals and better overall. Small grammer check performed.
~1/4/2015~Happy new years all! Small Grammer Check and Rune fix.
~2/27/2015~ Happy Lunar new years all! Just thought i'd post an update saying that i'll be updating this guide soon ( hopefully ) since I have been extremely busy as of late. Bye and thanks for reviewing me guide guys :)
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Thanks to ~

Hello all, I would like to simply thank some people for writing guides on how to write guides. Some of the guides I read.

-Laggermeister's "Ten Commandments of Writing a Guide". This guide was very helpful and I was able to focus on the most important things when I wrote this. Although I did not not follow his 3rd commandment. I will and am constantly updating this guide and it will be soon completed.
-Teh Grazzh0pper's "How to create a good first guide (for newcomers)" also helped me very much for writing this guide. Gave me more insight on how it should be written and how I should have expected some players to not understand much things about the game so that I would have to explain in more detail.
-jhoijhoi's "Making a Guide" also helped me substantially. Taught me how to format some stuff I didn't know how and how to make my guide appealing and attractive for readers.
>*edit*Thanks to IceCreamy's "How to use Columns Guide" Helped me to improve my formatting.
>*edit*More Thanks to jhoijhoi and her guides. Taught me a lot of stuff so thank you very much! :)

I would like to take a moment to thank all of these people for writing these guides. Thank You!
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~ Anyways, that concludes my lee sin guide. :D. Keep in mind that I am just a high level plat player and that the purpose of the guide is meant for those who want to learn lee sin or those who want to get a more in depth guide on his mechanics and playstyle. If you liked reading this guide or had fun while doing it, please upvote and comment on it. It would mean the world to me :). Once again, thanks everyone for reading this. D4rude out! ~
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