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Your guide has a lot of useful information, so I have very little I can suggest that needs improvement.
If you can put some like tips and tricks, like what all the different uses for the abilities are.
The pros and cons page could use a stylistic update.
It could be as simple as putting everything in a list (remove a "*" from each line below)
check my pros and cons for an example
At the end of the runes, there are the stats. Try and make them look similar to the rest of the section, because it looks weird with it seemingly tagged on.
Jarvan the 4th should be
Can't wait for the next update!
This guide is so good already, I know it will 100 times better with the videos
I plan to be adding examples to the "Early Game" along with "Teamfighting". Following how its done on my Swain guide. This should suffice in showing how to use them visually.
I guess I forgot to save before heading to bed that night. All i plan to do is change the colors on the "Pros & Cons". It shouldnt take more than a minute to change this.
The Stat runes at the bottom of the rune page is not how I want to show them either. I haven't found what the code is for them. The Rune Builder on mobafire, also has incorrect runes in it "Crysalis". So maybe they just aren't in the "bank", or whatever you call it.