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Leona Build Guide by Duskyy

Leona jungle/pure tank

Leona jungle/pure tank

Updated on December 4, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Duskyy Build Guide By Duskyy 9,240 Views 2 Comments
9,240 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Duskyy Leona Build Guide By Duskyy Updated on December 4, 2011
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Hey guys this is my 1st guide I have ever made so feel free to comment on it and tell me if i can improve it. Now with that out of the way I would like to introduce you to the newest op jungler, LEONA. She is not really seen alot but with these jungle changes almost every single champ can jungle. So I was sitting in my chair thinking to myself what champion has sick cc and i thought leona. And from that moment i was in love. Her cc and gap closers make her an amazing ganker and she scales decently into late game.
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Now i really try out every kind of runes but it seems to me that these would be the best at level 1 and make the jungle that much easier and faster. Theyr definitly not very good late game but its ok because your main focus isnt doing damage, its being the biggest muther****ing tank around town and shoving cc up the enemys *******s till they bleed. You could probably switch the quints with health per level or magic resist or something like that.
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I think going down the utility tree to get the bonus exp is needed now just so you dont get crazy out leveled. When you go down the defend tree make sure to get reduced minion damage so when you buy your second cloth armor then you take virtually no damage from minions. You might need a health pot for buffs sub level 6.
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Items are pretty straight forward it seems. Your leona so you want to focus on being the tankiest muther****er around. You can rush FON instead of frozen heart if the enemy is more heave ap and maybe sub out randuins for GA if you feel like it. If the enemy has heavy cc switch out ionian boots with merc treds.
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Creeping / Jungling

The jungling path is Blue(use pot),wolves,wraiths(use pot),Red(use pot) and double golems(use pot). When you get level 3 make sure to get E so you can gank. look around to see if anyone is overextending and if no one is then go b pick up your tier one boots and 2 or 3 pots. Then try to gank. From here play smart and dont let the enemy jungler take your buffs.
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Team Work

Leona is super team reliant. Since she doesnt have her own damage you need your team to have damage. If your team cant emphasize on your damage then your guna have a problem. For example if you gank top and you hit your stun and and your ult and the lane guy just sits there THAT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. If your lane partner cant follow up then dont feel bad about not getting the kill. So basically if your guna play jungle leona make sure your a decent elo or your playing with people you know can handle it because if you get a team that doesnt have damage, you wont be able to do **** all.
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So basically leona is a great jungler and is a great ganker but extremely team reliant. I feel like leona is going to be a sick jungler and will soon become more popular. Make sure to hit your stuns and your ults and aslong as your team can follow up, You will be fine. Remember if you think theres better runes or better items make sure to tell me so i can update this guide. Ily and happy jungling.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Duskyy
Duskyy Leona Guide
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Leona jungle/pure tank

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