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Leona Build Guide by DummysGuide

ADC Leona - The heavy Support (Refreshed on 23/09/2012)

ADC Leona - The heavy Support (Refreshed on 23/09/2012)

Updated on September 23, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DummysGuide Build Guide By DummysGuide 1,620 Views 0 Comments
1,620 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DummysGuide Leona Build Guide By DummysGuide Updated on September 23, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


Intro! Feat. JAM

Hello Guys, you are welcome on my seccond guide! :D hohohoh =)
I will present you my way of playing leona and i swear it works ******* well! :D i have a win ratio of 2,6 with here that menas i win 2,6games and than i loose a game i think that is quite well , isnt it? I played here nearly 200 times and 10 ranked (i won 8 of them) That makes here my favorite Champion!

=) PS: pls excuse my bad english im from Europe (Germany) and no im not a nazi!
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Abilities! Feat. KLA

Q Spell : Shield of Daybreak... -> This is a nice stun (with very little dmg) i max this at the last point because you will just use it too stun the enemy.

W Spell : Eclipse... -> This makes u survive nearly evrythhin. MAx this first because it give u not only a really nice resistence buff , it gives u too a bit of dmg.. try to activate it in teamfight and arround 1 seccond before u use ur E -> Q combo like this u do the most dmg... because this shield exploses after a few secconds.

E Spell : Zenith Blade... -> This is like a grab but u go to the enemy this makes u have a nice dmg -> Stun combo in the time the enemy is stunned ur ad carry han burst him down. It is comparable with Lee Sin`s Q or Katharinas E u jump to the enemy than use ur Q and stun him. If u castet in the right momen ur W u will have really much resitences and when it explose u go back.. like this u chase and harass really well as supprot and if u are preemade with the ad carry u can say : ***** atack that little **** shi.t!!!!! :P

R Spell (Ulti) : Solare Flare... -> This is a really nice Stun,Slow use it to stun the ad carry or save your u also can combine it well with the combo: U Do W -> E (jumo to the enemy) -Y q (stun) w R on the enemy to doble stun and in this time W would have explosed u do a nice ammount of dmg and if ur ad carry is there he will burst the enemy down.. this is to 80% the death of the enemy!!! If u have cait u can put ur trap wherent the enemy is stunne dunder him like this u have a kind of trippel stunn that is really the 100% death except he is a tank... try to do this always on the ad or ap carry and not on the tank!
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Gold x 10 Items & Runes! Feat. SAD

You will ask you why?

So actually u need this to buy wards and co.
When u have the heart of gold , the philosphers and the runes u have a nice ammount of gold x 10.. that is the reason i reccomned u too rush this items!
This will be a bit like if u would farm! Like every 3-4 seks a creep... that isnt bad fir a support and that will make u bee a soo good tank /support u will nitce at the end of the game u will not be like normal the one with 3k gold and the rest has 7k.. u will have like 6-6,5k and the res 7-7,5 that sounds better!
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Kills! Not Your Shitttt Feat. GOP

Try to dont take any kill u dont need them as much as the ad carry just take the kill if u want to secure.!

If u dont undetand this dont use her becoause u can ks very well with here with perpose ir nott!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DummysGuide
DummysGuide Leona Guide
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Leona - The heavy Support (Refreshed on 23/09/2012)

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