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Lucian Build Guide by Samong

ADC Let The Sparks Fly with Lucian

ADC Let The Sparks Fly with Lucian

Updated on August 26, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Samong Build Guide By Samong 1,590 Views 0 Comments
1,590 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Samong Lucian Build Guide By Samong Updated on August 26, 2013
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Why I'm doing this build..a short introduction.

This is my first build as it's clear because I'm not going to make a whole guide on the champion and give stats and all of that awesome stuff because I'm not good enough for that yet! But what I am going to explain is why I made this build. First of all I noticed that while playing with tons of lucians against me every game my build always came on top, the reasons are that the new trinity force works great on Lucian. With the three core items which are BotrK,trinity force and boots of swiftness you can annihilate the early game and have a great transaction to the late game because you will be dominating the opponents in lane! With the new phage you always get a great speed buff which allows you to be very mobile when fighting in lane... but why stop there? If you add boots of swiftness and the effect of the botrK you will be able to chase down and kill the opponents very effectively and also you will have a very good ability to escape sticky situations! These are pretty much the main reasons of the build, with this great mobility-assasin carry you can dominate games and have a lot of fun.

I hope this build will work out for you guys good luck and have fun with it!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Samong
Samong Lucian Guide
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