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Recommended Items
Runes: eletrocute because you want DAMAGE
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
since this guide is made for people that already play poppy I will not describe every marchup here, there are lots of guides here that already explain this in a better way
veigar + poppy go BRRRRRRRRRR
veigar + poppy go BRRRRRRRRRR
Champion Build Guide
Ok, so I played a while and discovered some little things: actually Prowler's Claw it's OP if enemy team cant card cc you, it allows you to gap close easier and does tons of damage when used, also works to angle the stun when 1v1ning, it only sucks when you jump into the enemy carry and gets malzahar's R at your face.
Also the first 3 items work rlly well and do MASSIVE damage when together, rlly good if far ahead, but you can lack lethality items passives, like umbral grave and sanguine blade, youmuu's is a must so basically you may have to switch collector to get grevious wounds or shield pen (cuz imortal shieldbow is ****in broken and eclipse is built by every champion at the game)
If you have some ideas about this pls comment, then I will ruin rankeds with better itens
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