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Rumble Build Guide by zilla13

Lets get ready to RUMBLE!

Lets get ready to RUMBLE!

Updated on June 24, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zilla13 Build Guide By zilla13 2,165 Views 0 Comments
2,165 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zilla13 Rumble Build Guide By zilla13 Updated on June 24, 2011
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This is really just for me to look at when I'm playing but if you disagree with something let me know and we can discuss or whatever. It's sort of a hybrid rumble assuming that you are going to use his passive effectively. Basically what happens is you keep him in the danger zone while abilities are effective and I like to overheat him using the scrap shield or flamespitter to catch up or wear down effectively. Now I have items that give me attack speed and ap as well so that the magic damage can strike as many times as possible when I'm overheated. I chose the runes i did for the same reason. the bonus damage is magic so magic pen is helpful. Ap us useful. and i don't have any armor items so basically the armor comes from need. Whenever i read a build i really just glance at the items and stuff anyway so i'll just leave off here.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zilla13
zilla13 Rumble Guide
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