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Katarina Build Guide by Excamillebur

Let's talk Meta: Katarina

Let's talk Meta: Katarina

Updated on February 18, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Excamillebur Build Guide By Excamillebur 2,713 Views 0 Comments
2,713 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Excamillebur Katarina Build Guide By Excamillebur Updated on February 18, 2017
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Intro: Katarina: rip old beyblades urf w

Feels good to be back again. Hey everyone, EksSkellybur here to give you with what I conisder being one of the more unique ways to playing Kat. Looks Weird at first glance, but Kat an All-Round Assassin who likes to get in, kill stuff, and get back out before she dies, which, let's be real, she tends to do that. With the Item set i'm giving for Kat, Is to assist all 3 of her roles, but with a Twist: 'Get in, Catch them off guard with your build and kill stuff, Get Out'.
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The Build: Standard

Generally speaking and for Argument's Sake, we will assume that the Majority of Mids that You'll be Fighting is against APs.
Just focus on staying alive and get your Hextech Revolver first before you can play a bit more aggressive. Hextech Gunblade first item give you the sustain that you need, along of giving you some really nice stats for your AD and AP. Boots of Lucidity is used for the CDR and the Lower Cooldown of your Summoner Spells.

Now this is were you start to be confused or calling me of what I am doing, because I am focusing on getting 30%CDR. The Idea for this is to have 2 Death Lotus ready, once you've used one gain a Double Kill, You will only need to wait for 1.5 Seconds to have your second one ready.

Depending on the situation, Youmuu's is used to encourage Katarina to be even more Aggresive, while Zhonya's is used to not only protect you, but to have quick thinking to how you're going to escape, and vice versa for your next item build.

Now that you have 30% CDR, You can now go for Edge of Night to be even more protected whilst dealing as much damage as you can, and finally your last item (If it's seriously that long), you can build whatever you want, but I've Chosen, Depending on my Situation, Mortal Reminder,to have an easier time against Armor Tanks to take down Large HP Tanks, Lord Dominik's Regards for HP, and Void Staff for Heavy MR.
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The Build: Vs. AD

Against ADs however, Katarina loves fighting them due to how she can imminently rush for a Zhonya's and not only gain Armor and AP, but also for the Active and the Cooldown. Remember, 30% is more then enough for Katarina, and going more then 30% will start hurting her CDR, since you have too much because of your passive.

After Zhonya's, depending on Katarina's Options, You can stay safe with Hextech Gunblade or Hunt for some kills, and buy Youmuu's and Boots of Lucidity. The other half is pretty much the same. Again, Depending on what's going on, If your have more Struggles with AD or AP you can take either Mortal Reminder, Lord Dominik's Regards, or Void Staff.
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Katarina's OP Skins:

Mercenary Katarina: Katarina's Chorma Skin, before Chromas Exist.

Red Card Katrina: Definitely worth getting if you unlocked this in your Chest. No Exceptions.

Bilgewater Katarina: I don't care what people say. This is my Favorite Skin. ^-^

Kitty Kat Katarina: Definitely worth getting if you unlocked this in your Chest. No Exceptions.

High Command Katarina: Eh. It's alright.

Sandstorm Katarina: Still High on Memes, but Low on Quality. It's a Guility-Pleasure Skins, so who am I to Judge, It's still a cool skin regardless.

Slay Belle Katarina: 10/10 Would Unbox Snowdown Chests again. It's Definitely worth getting for what it costs, especially for what it has.

Warring Kingdoms Katarina: A Mix between PROJECT: Katarina, and just being a really nice Skin in General. It's not as bad for PROJECT: Katarina with ELO Low, but They will still Overestimate themslves, although not as bad.

PROJECT: Katarina: Every Katarina Ever in my opinion. It's a Cool Skin, but Low ELO with their Ego will think that they know better and tend to overestimate themselves. Otherwise Worth getting.
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Overall: Diamond II out of Challenger I (24 out of 27, 88 out of 100)

Katarina has been an Iconic Champion for League of legends ever since the Beta Release, and from where she has been going, She was once a faceroll stomper, to taking some actual skill with her Rework. To me, Kat is the All-round Assassin for any ELO, including e-Sports based, and she although she isn't the greatest assassin, A smart Katarina can outfool you. Ideally not a champion to be messing aganist.
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