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Choose Champion Build:
- On-Hit Ezreal
- AP Ezreal
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Kalista is hard as shit to go against cuz of her passive, the jump thin
Ap Ezreal is AWESOMEEEEEEEE. Ez's 'w' does crazy damage and his ult can half hit people. Its truly amazingly fun.
On-Hit Ezreal
-'q' does a lot of dmg
-Can spam 'q' after getting manamune
-Not as powerful as AP Ezreal
-Mid-Late game build
Ap Ezreal
-Tons of Damage
-Very fun to play
-Can easily burst carries
-Requires good positioning to not get blown up.
-Not as strong early game than mid and late game.
-'q' does a lot of dmg
-Can spam 'q' after getting manamune
-Not as powerful as AP Ezreal
-Mid-Late game build
Ap Ezreal
-Tons of Damage
-Very fun to play
-Can easily burst carries
-Requires good positioning to not get blown up.
-Not as strong early game than mid and late game.
Since you're going to be a caster and use your Q a lot more than your auto attacks, we take Sorcery instead of Frenzy. The rest is all self explanatory.
The AP Ezreal Materies seem odd, and they might be. AP Ezreal is all about burst, I take 3 points in Meditation just for the extra mana regen in lane. I like to go full offensive with his masteries, the reason I take the AD masteries as well is because it helps you to CS better. If you would prefer to take 9 in defence then you can
The AP Ezreal Materies seem odd, and they might be. AP Ezreal is all about burst, I take 3 points in Meditation just for the extra mana regen in lane. I like to go full offensive with his masteries, the reason I take the AD masteries as well is because it helps you to CS better. If you would prefer to take 9 in defence then you can
You might be wondering: Why build Bork?? Well I got an answer right here for you. You might not know it but the lifesteal procs off Ezreal's 'q' which is mainly the point of On-hit. Stattik's electric can crit and is also very powerful on Ez's 'q', which can also crit. The Last Whisper is a very interesting item, thus it's Unique Passive Armor Penetration procs off Ez's 'q' which makes armor not a real threat. Iceborn and Muramana just makes stuff more fun. I also got Blue boots because I like to have my 'q' on a low cooldown.
Get a Mejais cuz stacks. The rest of the items are pretty self explanatory, Just do damage and win.
Get a Mejais cuz stacks. The rest of the items are pretty self explanatory, Just do damage and win.
I usually get a Tear and a Sheen first back so that I can spam 'q' and stack the Tear. Second back if im fed I get a BORK or if I don't have enough gold I get a cutlass. Around this time you should usually finish blue boots and be moving on to the Stattik. After Stattik I would complete my Manamune and Iceborn, then finish off the build with a Last Whisper.
When Winning lane get mejais, when losing lane get mejais then roam. Thats how you play AP Ez.
When Winning lane get mejais, when losing lane get mejais then roam. Thats how you play AP Ez.
When CS'ing, I would usually back at 10:00 to get a sheen and a tear, maybe even boots, but usually I would just CS with my AA's and my 'q' if the creep is out of range. I usually would go all in with AP Ez but with On-Hit, you don't want to go all in. You would like to just use your 'q' and 'w' to poke, but when you clear their wave quicker you can 'e' 'w' 'q' to deal maximum damage.
Same as On-Hit, get tear then spam 'q' to farm. Poke with 'w'.
Same as On-Hit, get tear then spam 'q' to farm. Poke with 'w'.
Usually as ADC I would get Flash and Heal, but sometimes you can switch out flash for something else, like clairvoyance or ignite. Only if you want to because your 'e' is basically an 18 second flash that does damage. I would always keep either flash or heal, which is usually what I go as ADC
Get Clairvoyance because of it low cooldown and you can crossmap snipe people with your ult.
Nuff sed.
Get Clairvoyance because of it low cooldown and you can crossmap snipe people with your ult.
Nuff sed.
When trying to hit your skillshots as Ezreal, You usually want to just anticipate their movement, like playing Thresh and Blitz. Maybe even do some madlife stuff.... :P Your Ult does not do as much damage as AP Ez but you can use it for execution or pulling off some sick cross map kills. I usually 'e' to my left or right, never straight infront, then 'w' 'q' after I 'e'd.
Your 'w' does a lot of Damage, so does your 'q' and 'e' but not as much. Poke with 'w' and not 'q'.
Your 'w' does a lot of Damage, so does your 'q' and 'e' but not as much. Poke with 'w' and not 'q'.
In teamfights, You want to keep your Ult and just poke with your 'q' and 'w' from a range, then if your chasing you can use your 'e' or when your running you can use your 'e'. Remember that your 'q' now does AoE damage from the iceborn, so you can just spam it in the teamfight because it also procs Stattik.
In teamfights, as AP Ezreal you usually wanna just stay back and to the sam as what you do with On-Hit Ez, You just wanna poke with your 'w' and 'q' and finish people with your ult.
In teamfights, as AP Ezreal you usually wanna just stay back and to the sam as what you do with On-Hit Ez, You just wanna poke with your 'w' and 'q' and finish people with your ult.
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