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Runes: Lich bane rush ideal
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Illumination (PASSIVE)
Lux Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
lich bane only makes sense on lux as 1st item
lich bane is ok when your opponents prefer extended aggressive trades and want to stay on top of you in most of the lane phase and you need more constant damage to keep up with them,
(+Pros)why lich bane makes sense on lux?
lich is good for lux because the only way to win trades for lux is proc passive and electrocute which forces you to go in auto range. also when you use all your dmg spells you can also use you W to proc lich bane and extent your trade.
(-Cons)while all of this sounds nice you will have mana problems so saving mana and making sure to use spells optimally is a must. also, you have to be good at tracking opponents core cooldowns if you want to trade aggressively in the lane
lich bane is ok when your opponents prefer extended aggressive trades and want to stay on top of you in most of the lane phase and you need more constant damage to keep up with them,
(+Pros)why lich bane makes sense on lux?
lich is good for lux because the only way to win trades for lux is proc passive and electrocute which forces you to go in auto range. also when you use all your dmg spells you can also use you W to proc lich bane and extent your trade.
(-Cons)while all of this sounds nice you will have mana problems so saving mana and making sure to use spells optimally is a must. also, you have to be good at tracking opponents core cooldowns if you want to trade aggressively in the lane
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