Precision - This will most often be your main rune tree, meaning you have the most options with these secondary runes.
Absorb Life - Slightly helps with sustain in lane as long as you can farm, giving you an edge in skill matchups.
Triumph - Slightly improves snowballing and teamfighting. Mostly taken when you have runes to fix your mana problems besides Presence of Mind.
Presence of Mind - Greatly alleviates mana problems in lane. Good for both primary and secondary Precision.
Legend: Alacrity - Offers bonus attack speed, allowing you to take two adaptive force instead of one.
Legend: Haste - Offers bonus ability haste. Strong for snowballing, but if ever you're behind, it will do little.
Last Stand - Increases damage when low health, improving your ability to duel enemies. Great option for any game.
Coup de Grace - Increases damage to low health enemies, great for lane bullying with Press the Attack.
Resolve - Resolve runes will be taken as your secondary for an easier lane. They offer increased sustain, improved resistances, and in the case of
Demolish, better split pushing.
Demolish - Great for splitpushing and taking plates, this is your best option with Grasp of the Undying. If you're taking Resolve as your secondary rune tree, this may be best left off the table, as your low wave clear and lack of sustain from other Resolve runes will make it difficult to get many demolish procs off in lane for plates.
Conditioning - Scaling resistances, great for laning against tanks with low damage early game.
Second Wind - Offers great sustain against ranged champions, or champions with DoTs.
Bone Plating - Good for both playing aggressively, or playing defensively against all-in champions like Jax, Bone Plating greatly reduces a lot of their inital burst damage.
Overgrowth - Similarly to conditioning, this is great for scaling against tanks with low early game damage.
Revitalize - A go-to whether running Resolve primary or secondary, as it greatly increases your healing not only from
Duelist's Dance, but also items like Doran's Blade, Ravenous Hydra, and Maw of Malmortius.
Unflinching - Similarly to bone plating, will do the most work in lanes against strong all-in champions.
Domination - Domination runes will most often be taken in favorable matchups, allowing for high pressure, lane bullying, and great snowballing potential.
Taste of Blood - Gives decent sustain when poking. Decent option for giving you and edge in ranged matchups where your trades will be extra short and you will be taking a lot of poke damage.
Sudden Impact - Strong for high burst damage in lane with
Press the Attack. Falls off hard late-game or when behind.
Eyeball Collection - Strong snowballing potential, mainly taken for the simple fact that there aren't many better options when taking Domination as your secondary rune tree.
Ghost Poro - Gives you a decent chunk of AD for vision control. Less snowball potential than eyeball collection, but an okay option when choosing
Domination as your secondary tree.
Relentless Hunter - Decent option when taking Domination as your secondary rune tree. Bonus move speed is never bad, but the out-of-combat restriction makes it useless for reaching vitals.
Sorcery - Sorcery runes will often be taken in slow, low action lanes, as they allow for great scaling in exchange for being low-value in lane.
Manaflow Band - Negates mana issues almost entirely once fully stacked and synergizes incredibly well with
Transcendence - Strong scaling option; Ability haste is incredibly valuable on Fiora, and in 1v2s the cooldown resets can give you a valuable second parry.
Scorch - Offers good poke when combined with
Grasp of the Undying. Useless after lane, and not particularly recommended with any other keystone.
Gathering Storm - Incredible scaling rune. Boosts vital damage very well in the late-game, but quite literally does nothing in lane. Recommended against opponents that are already incredibly weak in lane where you're looking more to outscale them or their team.
Inspiration Inspiration runes will be taken for a multitude of reasons, as some offer scaling, some offer sustain in lane, and some allow for easier snowballing. Whatever the case is, Inspiration is almost always a solid secondary option when you're unsure.
Magical Footwear - When taking inspiration as your secondary rune tree, this is often your second best choice behind
Biscuit Delivery. The slight move speed boost is helpful for reaching vitals, and the free 300 gold allows you to reach your item spikes faster.
Cash Back - Allows you to hit your 2nd+ item spikes faster. Slow rune, but seems perfectly viable.
Biscuit Delivery - Gives great sustain and fixes mana problems in lane, and offers a bit of extra permanent mana. This is the main reason to take inspiration as your secondary rune tree in tough matchups.
Triple Tonic - Offers decent snowball potential between temporary wave clear, temporary AD, and a bonus skill point. Doesn't come online until level 3, and is fairly weak until level 6, however. Try with Conqueror for best results.
Cosmic Insight - Decent rune option that allows you to keep your
Flash up a bit more often. Solid option if you don't like
Magical Footwear or
Cash Back.
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