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Recommended Items
Runes: DEFAULT [AP Match-up]
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order - Abilities -
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Spell-shield ruins the Champion. Don't play on getting any resets! Irelia unplayable into Nocturne.
Jarvan IV
J4 (R) sooooo good with Irelia (R). If J4 lands his (E)+(Q) combo, you can land free (E) while they are CC'd.
Jarvan IV
J4 (R) sooooo good with Irelia (R). If J4 lands his (E)+(Q) combo, you can land free (E) while they are CC'd.
Champion Build Guide
Hello Summoner,
"welcome to my little Irelia page! I hope it helps you in one way or another. If you are looking to watch/learn Irelia directly from me, check-Out the links below"
- Contact Infomation: Twitch: Twitter: Discord: EXAMPLE CLIPS -
Example #1:
Example #2:
Example #3:
- [LEVEL 1] -
|(Q) - Start|
- Last hit each minion with (*Q*) WITHOUT pushing the wave. Achieve (5-Passive Stacks) from the first minion wave, and rush to kill the *First MELEE Minion* in the second wave... granting XP for [lvl 2].
- [LEVEL 2] -
- [lvl 2] while maintaining (5-Passive Stacks) you can force an all-in.
- The faster you can all-in after hitting [lvl 2] the better. Set your wave up so you can (*Q*) to a minion while using (E) to catch your laner off-gaurd.
(*Q*) and upgrading your (E) ability upon landing from (Q)-dash. Then immediately casting (E) on your target in "One-Fluid-Motion".
Example: Fast Movement/killing laner pre [lvl 2] -
[LVL 2] ALL-IN COMBO: = (*Q*) + level-up ability + (E) + (*Q*) + (AA) + (Q)
______________________________________________________- Immediately (Q) to target, and proceed to (AA) until target exits (AA)-range and/or you can execute...
*Summoner Execute*
= (Q) + |[1x]-(AA)|
- "ONLY" use your Second-(Q) ...|(Q)-[2nd]|... when execute conditions apply. Don't be impatient with |(Q)-[2nd]|, holding out for 1 more (AA) always does more Total Dmg. But use
[AKA]: Use your Second-(Q) when the targets health is low enough to satisfy...
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