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Recommended Items
Runes: If you take Dorans Blade
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Way of the Wanderer (PASSIVE)
Yasuo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Will make it extremely hard for you to fight early game and delays your lead.
If you know anything about anything you will know why this is good.
If you are handy capped his R provides great set up.
If you know anything about anything you will know why this is good. If you are handy capped his R provides great set up.
Champion Build Guide
Steel Tempest known as Yasuo's Q. His only kinda "ranged" ability. After stacking two Steel Tempests, gain a Tornado with a big range to knock enemies up and preparing your Last Breath.
Wind Wall known as Yasuo's W. Has a really long cooldown. Can block every projectile except for lasers.
Sweeping Blade known as Yasuo's E. His mobility, ability dashing with agility and trinity. Okay I am sry for that. His dash has cooldowns on targets after one use. Great chasing potential through minions.
Last Breath known as Yasuo's R. Gives you 50% armor penetration after ulting one (or more) enemies. Resets your Way of the Wanderer passive. Kinda low cooldown, good Ult.
having brainless teammates (like my friends <3) who dont know to comp with you are really frustrating. but sometimes, its your fault. yasuo has a pretty good engage but mostly you arent tanky enough. sometimes you have to wait for your jungler engaging there in your teams tempo (or they will flame you that they are too slow for followupping you). try stacking your Steel Tempest, try getting knockups by mates (like Zac or Malphite for example). and the most important thing: dont give up, and do not flame your mates at all. Yasuos biggest counter, is actually you.
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