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Draven early game just allows an all in engage and if the Draven knows what he's doing you will be forced under turret early on unable to farm. Heavily recommend if you are playing this lane you take Inspiration 2nd and buy cull on an early base.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is pretty easy to kite around once she uses her Q so wait for her to use your Q ability and engage with your support (HOWEVER AVOID THIS IF THERE IS A BIG MINION WAVE IN FRONT OF U)
Once he's on top of you at the early game there isn't a lot you can do especially if his support is an enchanter or a poke (e.g. Xerath/Brand). I'd recommend farming from a distance and make sure if you are going to fight and try poke him and bait his windwall and make sure you don't waste your E (Dash) going in.
Pretty Simple... Bait out his trap and don't fight on top of a wave or without the knowledge of his cage.
Ezreal revolves around his poke W/Q or W/E, wait for him to use his W or E before fighting him. However once he uses at least his W or two separate abilities engage and make him take damage with your ranged Q through minions. If he wastes his E without maximizing his potential damage make sure to take advantage of his lack of mobility.
Tristana consists of using her E (Bomb placement on head) and in alling. You want to avoid fighting her knowing this ability is up. This is especially true if Tristana has exhaust, it's becoming a more common rune especially with assassins where they are at the point. So I would advise against fighting Tristana if at all unless you know she lacks her main damage sources.
With the new changes to Varus' kit, he's become more dominant to poke from a difference and build lethality. In the case of fighting a Varus you will need to fight him between the level 3-6 phase in order to take advantage of his lack of mobility afterwards it will become a lot harder to take a winning fight with him.
Braum himself isn't too good BUT mix him with a Lucian and it is the perfect mess and tilting solution, this passive enables an instant instant the enemy if you see your Braum engaging onto an enemy.
Again, another hard synergy for Lucian is Leona, her dominance in the early game creates perfect situations for Lucian too all in at Level 3 or even 2 in some cases. She will tank all the damage and the enemy won't have a case to fight back.
Alistar once again same as Leona, he causes perfect situations for you at Level 2/3 so make sure to abuse this extremely early synergy. If you are playing against an immobile ADC (e.g. MF, Jhin, Ashe ETC). The enemy has to play safe or die trying.
Same as Alistar and Leona, Naut can tank all the damage and CC the enemy perfectly for you to finish them of and win the fight. Nautilus is good with almost every ADC so make sure in any case if you have a Nautilus you take advantage of his early levels and his level 6.
Lulu works well with Lucian because of her pixies extra damage especially when the enemy is slowed, usually they try to keep running and this creates big gates to burst them down, with this when Lulu hits level 6 you will have a knock up and extra health available to you.
Blitz crank is the same as the previous ADC's but he is just not as strong currently so he is in a lower Synergy tier.
Karma allows for a heavier or aggressive lane, with her empowered E or Q that slows and bursts down the enemy, Lucian can use this to his advantage, she also come equipped with a shield and root.
Senna isn't quite the Rakan to Xayah, their overall synergy isn't as high as people would like but they do have some mixes, her root and ranged healing allows for a bit more aggressive plays, but do be careful if the enemy is a Tristana or the jungler is near. If you are too far up you will get run down if you use all your abilities.
The same can be said for Brand and Xerath here, a poke Mage works well with Lucian and in the case of Vel'koz , his knockup and constant tilt and damage to the enemy creates perfect scenarios for Lucian to all in the enemy.
Pantheon at the moment is a dominant force with almost any ADC but with Lucian his engage with W and empowered E just allows for zero consequences when fighting.
Braum himself isn't too good BUT mix him with a Lucian and it is the perfect mess and tilting solution, this passive enables an instant instant the enemy if you see your Braum engaging onto an enemy.
Again, another hard synergy for Lucian is Leona, her dominance in the early game creates perfect situations for Lucian too all in at Level 3 or even 2 in some cases. She will tank all the damage and the enemy won't have a case to fight back.
Alistar once again same as Leona, he causes perfect situations for you at Level 2/3 so make sure to abuse this extremely early synergy. If you are playing against an immobile ADC (e.g. MF, Jhin, Ashe ETC). The enemy has to play safe or die trying.
Same as Alistar and Leona, Naut can tank all the damage and CC the enemy perfectly for you to finish them of and win the fight. Nautilus is good with almost every ADC so make sure in any case if you have a Nautilus you take advantage of his early levels and his level 6.
Lulu works well with Lucian because of her pixies extra damage especially when the enemy is slowed, usually they try to keep running and this creates big gates to burst them down, with this when Lulu hits level 6 you will have a knock up and extra health available to you.
Blitz crank is the same as the previous ADC's but he is just not as strong currently so he is in a lower Synergy tier.
Karma allows for a heavier or aggressive lane, with her empowered E or Q that slows and bursts down the enemy, Lucian can use this to his advantage, she also come equipped with a shield and root.
Senna isn't quite the Rakan to Xayah, their overall synergy isn't as high as people would like but they do have some mixes, her root and ranged healing allows for a bit more aggressive plays, but do be careful if the enemy is a Tristana or the jungler is near. If you are too far up you will get run down if you use all your abilities.
The same can be said for Brand and Xerath here, a poke Mage works well with Lucian and in the case of Vel'koz , his knockup and constant tilt and damage to the enemy creates perfect scenarios for Lucian to all in the enemy.
Pantheon at the moment is a dominant force with almost any ADC but with Lucian his engage with W and empowered E just allows for zero consequences when fighting.
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