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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Lightslinger (PASSIVE)
Lucian Passive Ability

He himself has no cc or way of locking down champions so he is best on a team that can make up for this lack of cc. Also cc supports like

- Great Poke Range and Damage
- Good in trading in lane
- very mobile with dash and removing slows
- Passive procs on hits making him very strong
- Dash goes through the wall

- Hard to master. High skill Champion
- No type of CC in team fight
- Dash only remove slows not all CC
- Very hard to control the ULT
- Need a good support to assist him
- Q has to have the target to fire


After using one of his abilities, Lucian's next auto attack within 6 seconds will strike twice. The second shot deals 50-75% of Lucian's AD based on level, but fully applies on-hit effects. Minions and monsters take full damage from the second shot. The second shot can critical strike.
**Tips & Tricks**
when you use a skill try not to waste the passive. Because you will miss the tons of damage that he could do.

After a 0.4 second delay, Lucian fires a laser in the direction of the target enemy: dealing 80/120/160/200/240 (+60/75/90/105/120% bonus AD) physical damage to all enemies in a line. Minions take 75% damage.
Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5
Mana Cost: 60/65/75/80
Range: 1100
**Tips & Tricks**
I max out

In lane try to harass the opponent by us

Lucian fires a shot that explodes upon hitting an enymies in a cross pattern for 60/100/140/180/220(+90% AP)(+80% bounus AD) magic damage and marking enemies hit for 6 seconds.
If Lucian damages a marked target with his basic attacks or abilities, he gains 40/45/50/55/60 flat movement speed bonus for 2 seconds. This is does not consume the mark.
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10
Mana Cost: 60
Range: 1100
**Tips & Tricks**

Lucian dashes a short distance and removes all slowing effects. Relentless Pursuit's colldown resets if Lucian scores a kill or assist during

Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10
Mana Cost: 60/45/30/15/0
Range: 425
**Tips & Tricks**
This skill is every OP right now for Lucian. Why? Because you could dashes across the trees, the terrain, and remove all the slows. (ex:

Lucian starts firing 7.5 + (7.5/9/10.5 X Lucians's attack speed at the time of cast) shots in the target direction for 3 seconds, each shot damaging the first enemy it hits for 35/50/65 (+33% AD)(+40% AP). The amount of shots fired scales with his attack speed. The culling is considered a channeled ability and it can be interrupted, but Lucian can move freely (including movement abilities


Cooldown: 100/75/70
Mana Cost: 100
Range: 1400
**Tips & Tricks**
Everyone said that "Lucian doesn't need to have attack speed because of

PHYSICAL DAMAGE PER SHOT: 40 / 50 / 60 (+25% bonus AD) (+10% AP)
SHOTS FIRED: 7.5 + (7.5 / 9 / 10.5 × attack speed at the time of cast)
MAXIMUM SHOTS: 26 / 30 / 34
MAXIMUM TOTAL DAMAGE: 1040 / 1500 / 2040 (+650 / 750 / 850% bonus AD) (+260 / 300 / 340% AP)

Item Sequence


Phantom Dancer

Blade of the Ruined King


Guardian Angel

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