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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Lightslinger (PASSIVE)
Lucian Passive Ability
This is my Lucian guide for u. I testes some different kind of builds and i have to say that Lucian is a special adc. Its not rly easy to handle him and his item build isn't the standard adc build. I tried lot of items on him and now i'll show u what i prefer.
Ok not lets talk about the item build;) A lot if Lucian player are building manamune on him. At my first games i did it too, but now i would say, thats not as effektive as tri force, especially in late game.
manamune gives a decent amount of ad and later a nice dot, but with tri force u get more usefull stats.
Mana+Ap+Ad+Atackspeed+Hp+a decent movement speed buff from zeal and phage. ( Yes phage got buffed last patch).
Last whisper and BT gives u a heavy dmg output so try to get these two items as fast as possible.
IMPORTANT: Zephyr is such a strong item and u will need it, because Lucian is rly rly weak and if he gets cc'd he will die instantly. So integrate this item in the build whenever u need it ( i prefer late game, because if the enemy team fokus u, u only have 1 dash to escape) so the cc duration reduction is a must have.
last standard item is the GA---> make u godlike ;D
manamune gives a decent amount of ad and later a nice dot, but with tri force u get more usefull stats.
Mana+Ap+Ad+Atackspeed+Hp+a decent movement speed buff from zeal and phage. ( Yes phage got buffed last patch).
Last whisper and BT gives u a heavy dmg output so try to get these two items as fast as possible.
IMPORTANT: Zephyr is such a strong item and u will need it, because Lucian is rly rly weak and if he gets cc'd he will die instantly. So integrate this item in the build whenever u need it ( i prefer late game, because if the enemy team fokus u, u only have 1 dash to escape) so the cc duration reduction is a must have.
last standard item is the GA---> make u godlike ;D
U can see that i took 2xlifesteal quints + 1 Ad quint... it gives u a bit dmg + a strong heal effekt, wich is perfekt for early game to stand in ur lane as long as u want.
In Marks i prefer 8x ad + 1 crit mark... the one crit mark is a low risk- high reward rune. If u have luck u can dominate ur lane rly hard ;).
Magic resistans in Glyphs give u a bit more surviveability e.g against ap junglers.
For Seals i took armor--> should be self explained :D
In Marks i prefer 8x ad + 1 crit mark... the one crit mark is a low risk- high reward rune. If u have luck u can dominate ur lane rly hard ;).
Magic resistans in Glyphs give u a bit more surviveability e.g against ap junglers.
For Seals i took armor--> should be self explained :D
very strong early game
strong harass
his passive drive the enemy crazy ;)
Long range ult
if u're a skilled ad player u will be a nightmare for every team
need good movement
ult aim is hard for beginner
if u engage with dash u have no spell to disengage(care!!!)
Thank u for reading my guide. PLeas leave a comment and say waht i can do better.^_^
Its my first guide so dont rage too much ;D
it would make me happy if u have more ideas and things i can make better next time.
(btw: i know my english isnt that good, i will improve this guide and keep it actual =D )
Its my first guide so dont rage too much ;D
it would make me happy if u have more ideas and things i can make better next time.
(btw: i know my english isnt that good, i will improve this guide and keep it actual =D )
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