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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Lightslinger (PASSIVE)
Lucian Passive Ability
So, this guide is about

There is something I want to say about his kit. Considering that

Pros:![]() +Double AA because of ![]() +Nice poke with ![]() +Remove all slow effects with ![]() + ![]() +Pretty long range with ![]() |
Cons:![]() -Hard to master -Very manahungry -You can't change the course of ![]() -Need to be good at skillshots |
Most people use
Ignite and
Flash on an ADC. I prefer to take
Barrier and
Flash, since
Barrier counters
Ignite. You can use
Barrier in an other way to: when the enemy champ is at turret, use
Barrier, dive in and
Flash out. This is a good way to get an early kill or even first blood.
So it's up to you to choose wheter you take
Ignite or

So it's up to you to choose wheter you take

I always start with a
Long Sword and 2
Health Potions. Ofcourse, you can also take
Doran's Blade instead. After those items, I immediatly buy
Berserker's Greaves, then
Bilgewater Cutlass for the slow. After that, I buy my
Tear of the Goddess so I can spam my ability's a bit more. Then I complete my
Blade of the Ruined King and then
Manamune, which evolves into
Muramana when fully stacked.
Choose between Offensive and Defensive:
If you're winning the game clearly:
Buy a
Runaan's Hurricane to clear minion waves faster. After that, I go for an
Infinity Edge and a
Bloodthirster for even more attack damage, crit chance and life steal. You can also buy a
Phantom Dancer
If you're not sure wich team is winning:
Take 2 offensive items and 1 defensive item OR take 1 offensive item and 2 defensive items. The choice is up to you.
If you're losing the game:
Buy 1 offensive item and 2 defensive items OR buy 3 defensive items. The choice is up to you again.

Choose between Offensive and Defensive:
If you're winning the game clearly:
Buy a

If you're not sure wich team is winning:
Take 2 offensive items and 1 defensive item OR take 1 offensive item and 2 defensive items. The choice is up to you.
If you're losing the game:
Buy 1 offensive item and 2 defensive items OR buy 3 defensive items. The choice is up to you again.
So, this was my first MobaFire guide. I hope it was usefull to you and that you learned a bit more about how to play
Make sure to leave your feedback so I can make this guide even better and that I have great tips for future guides.
Endou Mamoru 1

Make sure to leave your feedback so I can make this guide even better and that I have great tips for future guides.
Endou Mamoru 1
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